Happy Birthday to This Guy
Today is my husband’s birthday and I would be a sucky wife if I didn’t pay tribute to this amazing man. My life partner, my best friend, my rock, my lobster, my everything. I wouldn’t want to travel this insane journey without him. He makes me smile. He makes me laugh. He makes me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. Every single day. I am so blessed to have him. I don’t need to say much more because the photos tell you everything. Enjoy! Happy, happy birthday, Jeff! I love you to the moon and back and around the world a million times! Keeping it on the…
Inspired by Pumps and Push Ups: Coral Gingham Top & Link Up On the Edge #146
Happy Thursday everyone! The Memorial Day weekend is almost here and it is a big one for celebrating at our house. First of all, as a military family we do like to recognize the holiday that honors our fallen heroes. And secondly, both my husband’s and my birthdays fall right around the Memorial Day weekend. His birthday is on Sunday and mine is a week from today. Because we have so many May birthdays in our family, we have always had a huge celebration on this weekend every year since we met nearly 11 years ago. But this post is not about the upcoming weekend. It is about the inspiration…
Some of My Favorite Things & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #123
As I said in yesterday’s post, I have so much to say (always…I talk a lot) but nothing to share, so I am going to use today’s post to share some of my favorite things recently. Dresses with tights and boots. This look is kind of working for me lately. Mostly because it is still cool enough to wear tights and not overheat. And even more so because my left shin has come down with a bad case of eczema that is rather unsightly. (Ew). These new floral cowboy boots from Country Outfitter. I have them in gold as well and I get a million compliments every time I wear…
The Goonies Never Say Die & Life Lately
Another weekend has past. Another Monday has arrived. Another blog post to write. I have to so much to say yet nothing at all to share. Because sometimes life just gets in the way. There are a million things to do but not a million hours in a day. It seems as if the list is never ending so I just take it one day at a time, hour by hour, minute by minute, hoping that progress will be evident. I have been managing to get outfit photos done, trying to stock pile them before my husband goes to Louisiana for a month and I am sans photographer. I hate…
Energy Healing & Link Up On the Edge #145
Have you ever been caught in a negative energy vortex? This just happened to me over the past few days. From maybe Friday until Tuesday. At first, you think it is just a bad day, but then the bad day turns into multiple consecutive bad days. Just a whole bunch of negative stuff piling on top of more negative stuff. Nothing tragic really. Things that are more just of the irritating nature which become super frustrating after more and more piles on. Suddenly you realize that you are the one attracting the negativity. Because this is the way the Law of Attraction works. One negative thing you can easily rise…
Memorial Day Outfit & Your Own Twist Link Up #8
It’s time again for Your Own Twist with Monica of Jersey Girl, Texan Heart. Monica and I decided to host a fun link up once a month (since we are both super crazy busy so why not add more projects to our calendars)! On the third Thursday of every month, we will host the Your Own Twist Link Up with the goal of inspiring some of our fashionista friends out there. The idea behind this collaboration is to take one common piece or theme and style it our own way with our own twist. Monica and I have both taken a lot of fashion inspiration from one another over the past few years even…
The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book: Polka Dots
Welcome to The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book! Welcome! This is The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book. A while back, Nancy and I started The Bad Buy Book, a monthly series about our worst purchases. It was a lot of fun to do and we both learned something from it, too! Nancy learned that off-white against her face is not the most flattering color. And I learned that I have a serious problem resisting a good thrift shop find when it comes to pieces that fit “good enough” but “not quite right.” However, after running that series for a year, we decided to change it a bit. For this series, you can choose whether you want to share…
Salty But Sweet & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #122
I know, I know. I am still wearing sweaters, boots, and gloves. It is still really cold here. We have had a few intermittent days of Spring weather, but the reality is that you are not going to see my bare legs for at least another week or two. Temperatures are mostly hovering in the 40’s and 50’s with the occasional drop into the 30’s at night. This is Spring in the North Country. Or as we North Country folk more aptly call it, Mud Season. As the ground starts to thaw and the rain persists, there is literally mud everywhere! I think I have officially ruined my pink velvet…
Kaftan Style with EvaTrends & Link Up On the Edge #144
Have you ever tried a style that was a bit out of your comfort zone? Or maybe something looked really cool on the racks or on someone else and you decided to give it a try. I have found that since I began blogging, I have become much more willing to try new things with my wardrobe. I figure if I am being gifted an item at no monetary cost to me, why not experiment with pieces that I wouldn’t spend my own money on. By experimenting this way, I have discovered so many different styles of clothing that I actually would purchase with my own funds. I have always…
Wednesday’s Quote of the Week: About Endings
Lately, I have been pondering the way we, as humans, handle death, how we grieve, and why we all do it differently. In light of the recent situation of helping my 8 year old deal with his grief at the loss of a friend, I have found myself in frequent contemplation about our coping mechanisms when it comes to death. Death is a part of life. No matter how you choose to look at it, all life comes to an end. We have learned to expect it when people are older and have lived 80, 90, 100 years. But we cannot seem to grasp it when it ends too soon.…