Neutral November & Your Own Twist Link Up #50
I have transitioned out of Halloween mode from last month’s Your Own Twist into a neutral take on fall fashion. As much as I adore all of the beautiful tones of rich earthy fall colors as they make their way into our mid-autumn wardrobe rotations, there is something really special about a combination of gorgeous neutrals to stand out against a muted fall background. As the stunning colors of the changing foliage become more drab while the leaves lie too long upon the ground, it is the perfect time to brighten things up with winter white while matching my background with a mix of leopard print and ditsy floral. Now…
The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book: Workout Wear & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #301
This month’s exercise is next month’s health. Welcome to The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book! The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book is a series that I co-host with Nancy where you can choose whether you want to share a Good Buy (which is an item you are really exited about) or a Good-Bye (which is an item you are going to say good-bye to, previously known as a Bad Buy). Every month you can choose which item you want to submit, a Good Buy or a Good-Bye. We will provide the theme for each month. Photos should be submitted to us by the 10th of the month with a few sentences explaining why it is a Good Buy or Good-Bye. The theme…
Style Imitating Art: Portrait of Abigail Rose by an Unknown Artist
About Style Imitating Art Style Imitating Art is hosted by Salazar of 14 Shades of Grey, Terri of MeadowTree Style, and Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge. Style Imitating Art challenges us to draw style inspiration from pieces of art. Every other Monday, one of the hosts, acting as curator, selects an inspiration image that they will each post on their blogs. The following Monday, each host shares her art inspired outfit. Participants are invited to submit their art inspired outfits to the curator by 10:00 p.m. EST on the Tuesday following the hosts’ art inspired outfit posts. The following day, Wednesday, the curator will share all of the submissions on her blog. You…
10 Romantic Gift Ideas for Your Beloved
When it comes to expressing your love, there is nothing quite like giving a romantic gift. Whether it is for a special occasion or for no occasion at all, a romantic gift can show your partner just how much you care for them. However, with so many different gift giving options available, choosing that one special gift can be overwhelming. So I have put together a list of 10 romantic gift ideas to consider for your beloved. 1. Flowers There is nothing quite as romantic as receiving a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Whether you go for red roses, pink tulips, or a more unique arrangement, flowers brighten up everyone’s day…
10 on the 10th: November 2022-10 Memories of the Holiday Season & Link Up On the Edge #321
I know that I have been saying the same thing each month, but seriously, how quickly the time is passing by! How has another month already gone and we are a third of the way through November? I cannot answer those questions for myself, but I can answer Marsha’s 10 on the 10th questions! 10 on the 10th is a monthly series with Marsha of Marsha in the Middle, Leslie of Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After, and Gail of Is This Mutton? Each month, we are presented with 10 questions about a common theme and asked to share our answers in blog post form. This series is such a wonderful way to share…
Reiki-ing Leaves & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #300
I tried to be all punny and cute with my title but I think I might have failed. Although Archie is sitting next to me on the couch while I am writing this post and he laughed out loud when I typed it. So maybe my pun was a success after all. I guess it really all depends on your perspective. Perspective is such an interesting thing, isn’t it? Sometimes we get locked into tunnel vision and simply cannot see or even imagine a different perspective, but there are literally an unlimited number of perspectives in the world. Like our fingerprints, our perspectives are also completely unique to us. Our…
“Portrait of Abigail Rose” by Anonymous | Style Imitating Art
It is time for another Style Imitating Art challenge and I have to admit that I am so grateful for these prompts. If not for style challenges, I might not ever get out of my leggings or sweatpants these days! About Style Imitating Art Style Imitating Art is hosted by Salazar of 14 Shades of Grey, Terri of Meadow Tree Style, and Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge. Style Imitating Art challenges us to draw style inspiration from pieces of art. Every other Monday, one of the hosts, acting as presenter, selects an inspiration image that they will each post on their blogs. The following Monday, each host shares her art inspired outfit. Participants…
A Wabi-Sabi Worldview & Link Up On the Edge #320
Decades ago, I was introduced to the Japanese art of kintsugi, which is the practice of repairing broken pottery with a lacquer made of powdered gold, silver, or platinum. It is similar to the maki-e technique, which is a Japanese lacquer decoration used in all sorts of mediums from paintings to vases to decorative boxes and other trinkets. Kintsugi (“golden joinery”) or kintsukuroi (“golden repair”) is not just a practical art form for repairing damaged pottery, it is also a philosophy which views breakage and repair as an important part of the history of an object. The philosophy of kintsugi highlights rather than disguises where damage has occurred. By filling…
Style Imitating Art: The Guitar by Juan Gris & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #299
About Style Imitating Art Style Imitating Art is hosted by Salazar of 14 Shades of Grey, Terri of MeadowTree Style, and Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge. Style Imitating Art challenges us to draw style inspiration from pieces of art. Every other Monday, one of the hosts, acting as curator, selects an inspiration image that they will each post on their blogs. The following Monday, each host shares her art inspired outfit. Participants are invited to submit their art inspired outfits to the curator by 10:00 p.m. EST on the Tuesday following the hosts’ art inspired outfit posts. The following day, Wednesday, the curator will share all of the submissions on her blog. You…
Songful Style Link Party 9 | “Look What You Made Me Do” by Taylor Swift
Marsha, Suzy, and I are back with our ninth Songful Style Link Party where we combine our love for music and fashion into one songfully sartorial post. This month’s song, “Look What You Made Me Do” by Taylor Swift was chosen by Suzy to inspire our outfits. You can read more here about the history of this memorable comeback song, some details about this empowering female artist, and how she has become one of the best selling music artists of all time at only 32 years old. About Songful Style Songful Style is a new ageless style challenge series hosted by Suzy of The Grey Brunette, Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge and Marsha of Marsha in the…