Home and Sewing Projects Updates & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up On the Edge #661
It is Friday and we are heading to Pennsylvania for a long family weekend in a few hours so I am going to share a lot of pictures with a lot less words for this post. I have been creating and updating and renovating and making over all sorts of things in my home and closet. My creative energies seem to be abundant and overflowing at this stage so I have just been embracing that spirit and riding the tide. So here are a few projects I have been working on around the house. I had finished my gypsy living room in April, but I needed to wait for warmer…
My Bohemian Bedroom Makeover: In Progress & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up On the Edge #657
My giant home makeover is well underway with the master bedroom finally getting some attention after completing my cloffice, the hallway, the dining room, the living room, the game room, and the boys’ bedroom. I began this huge project in January 2021 once I started to come out of the Covid lockdown blues and actually gained some motivation and momentum. It all started with my closet-office (cloffice) which is much more closet than an office these days since I prefer couch sitting over desk chair sitting. I have slowly made my way through all the main rooms, except my closet room, that required purely cosmetic makeovers before we begin the…
The Power of Paint: My Gypsy Living Room & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up On the Edge #646
I finally (almost) finished my living room makeover! Although I did want to wait until it was totally complete to share photos, it may not ever be totally complete so now is the time. This first stage of the makeover really was just about the power of paint and how a fresh coat of a new color can dramatically change the whole vibe of a room. My living room went from boring old neutrals (like my dining room) to beautifully tranquil shades of teal. The colors I used are Gypsy Teal (close to Bay Teal) for the fireplace, the accent wall, and the built-in bookcases, Sea Breath for the other…
6 Ways to Maintain a Pesticide-Free Home
Do you remember the uninvited squirrel guest we had squatting in our eaves back in May? She was not our first unwelcome occupant. Over the years, we have unwillingly provided lodging for mice, yellow jackets, wasps, ants, boxelder bugs, ladybugs, and the occasional bat. We have been able to evict the ants, boxelder bugs, ladybugs, and the occasional bats without outside intervention. However, those sneaky little rodents and any insect wielding a poison-filled stinger required professional assistance for removing them from the premises. Being the old hippie that I am, I look for organic, safe, and humane ways to rid our house of these annoying creatures so I can have…
At Home for the Holidays & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #304
We are right smack in the middle of the holiday season and a long overdue shift in perspective has finally happened. After years of dreading the holidays and harboring an overall disdain for this time of year, I finally felt the holiday spirit seep into my soul and I am thoroughly enjoying all the preparations and the family time. I have never liked the over commercialization of the holidays and I have always felt the pressure of the expectations of others. Those two things alone are enough to damper the holidays. Then add in the uncertainty of planning things when you are a military family and the holidays take very…
New Additions to My Spooky Halloween House & Link Up On the Edge #316
I was never really into Halloween until I had kids. And even then, it wasn’t a holiday that appealed to me. I would indulge all of the children’s costume whims and take them begging for candy even though my preference was always to stay at home and just buy bags of candy for us to enjoy without the door to door beggary. But as the children got older, they became so enthusiastic about Halloween that I could no longer get by with my measly generic attempts at holiday spirit. And when you can’t beat them, I find that joining them is much more rewarding anyway. So join them I did…
Photowall for an Out of This World Room Makeover & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #293
I am so excited to share the progress of my recent room makeover with you all! This room makeover has been in the works since May when Photowall reached out to me with a collaboration opportunity. But in May, I knew that we had a busy summer schedule that included lots of events and mini vacations almost every other weekend so I couldn’t commit to such a labor intensive project at the time. I decided there was no harm in asking the kind folks at Photowall if this was an initiative that could wait until September when I was already planning to turn Ralph’s bedroom into a game room and…
My Dining Room Makeover: Commonplace Creams to Gracious Greens & Link Up On the Edge #311
I might be the slowest person on earth with my home improvements, taking nearly 2 years just to complete 3 small areas in my house. But slow progress is still progress. Although I would like to pick up my progress pace. I began with my cloffice makeover in January 2021, tackling the smallest space in my home first. It took me an entire year to move on to the next smallest and easiest space, my happy hippie hallway, in January 2022. Eight months later, I decided on a whim to tackle my dining room because it had the least amount of furniture to be moved around. I had one week…
Happy Birthday, Cheese God & Link Up On the Edge #295
We celebrated Archie’s 11th birthday this past weekend, a week late due to some scheduling conflicts. My children’s birthday cakes have become a thing of jokes and humor ever since Ralph’s coronavirus cake back in March of 2020. I have never been one to throw big elaborate birthday parties for my children. I have kept it simple with pizza and cake at my house since the beginning. But I have always indulged their silly cake whims and therefore I splurge on the cake from our favorite local baker who shall remain unnamed and untagged in this post upon her request. We both recognize that Archie’s “Cheese God” cake may be…
My Favorite Loungewear with the Apron That Keeps It Clean & Link Up On the Edge #294
I have been wanting to share my favorite tie dye loungewear and this vibrant linen apron for a few months but I have just been so busy recently that these photos sort of ended up being forgotten. But then I remembered them! And since I am still lounging in these same tie dye leggings, tee shirt hoodie, and cardigan and I am still cooking in my vibrant linen teal apron, I might as well get sharing now. First let me tell you about my new linen apron. Do you remember my hemp and cotton sheet set from Atlinia that I shared back in December? Well, those sheets are still as…