Hair Extensions: The Difference Between Hot Fusion and Cold Fusion
Have you ever been to the hair salon to have hair extensions attached to your hair and you were asked if you wanted a hot fusion or a cold fusion? Did it make you wonder what in the world does physics have to do with hair extensions? Have you researched hair extension terminology and you were completely unsure of the meaning behind hot fusion and cold fusion? Maybe it is the first time you are hearing these terms and the difference between the two baffles you. This post should help clarify these types of hair extensions as well as share some additional information about hair extensions in general. Hot fusion…
Reminder: The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book-Lace & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #138
On September 15, Nancy and I will be posting the next edition of The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book and we would love for you all to join us! It is that time again to share some of your favorite and least favorite items for September’s Good Buy/Good-Bye Book. This month we are featuring all things Lace. Whether it be dresses, kimonos, wraps or scarves. Maybe skirts, pants, or jackets are your thing. Even socks or lace tights will do! It could simply be trims or other lacy details on your favorite (or least favorite) pieces. We want to see them! What is The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book? It is a monthly series that Nancy and I will…
The Sunday Afternoon Quarterback #1: Polyamorous at Penn State (and Beyond)
Football season is back and with that comes my husband’s enthusiasm for all things Penn State and football related. We started this blog series last year as Shelbee’s Sunday Morning Quarterback, a weekly post where my husband shared college football highlights and I wore something blue and white to represent Penn State. I am rebranding it as the Sunday Afternoon Quarterback because we never could quite get it together and posted before noon on Sundays. While I have no concept about football terms, game rules and regulations, or anything of the sort, I know that there are many women who do understand, follow, and love football. I have joined a…
Tips for Planning a Prenuptial Photoshoot
A prenuptial photoshoot is a modern wedding photoshoot that takes place before the actual wedding to celebrate the couple’s engagement. While it is not a necessary part of traditional wedding planning, it is becoming a contemporary tradition for capturing those tender moments before the marriage. In order to achieve the best results to memorialize those pre-wedding moments, the couple should prepare ahead of time for their prenuptial photoshoot. Once the couple has decided on their wedding photographer and set a date for the photoshoot, it is time to start planning the theme or concept that they want to represent their relationship in the photos. After the theme has been chosen,…
Embracing the Tights Trend for Fall & Link Up On the Edge #160
After four years of blogging in the style niche, you would think that I would pay more attention to fashion trends as they come and go. But honestly, I have always just worn what I like regardless of trends. Granted, when a certain style is on trend, it is much easier to find in stores. But I hold onto most things in my closet even when they drift out of fashion because they will always cycle back around. Fashion is fickle that way. Certain styles go through mild metamorphoses over the course of a few years before they fade into the What Not To Wear abyss. They rest out of…
Inspired by Vintage Style Files: Parasol Trend
I can often be complicated. But I am easy to please. My brain can go traveling on complex railways without a driver. Sometimes, I enjoy letting go of the wheel and allowing it to wander at its own whim. Other times, I can turn into a raging control freak. I wax and wane between two opposite poles and very seldom settle somewhere in the middle. I am a dichotomy of contradictory thoughts and emotions. Shifting and changing with every tide, my mood depending on the haphazard collection of trinkets that may wash up on the shore. The paradox of life, of humanness, reigns strong inside of me. I ponder and…
5 Steps to Move on with Your Life
Are you a person who holds tight to past ideals, always striving to reach impossible expectations? If so, there is a great chance that you are also engaging in self-sabotaging habits. You may be wondering how you can stop these harmful practices and live a more fulfilled life. One of the major milestones for moving forward with your life is by making peace with your past and accepting the things that you cannot change for what they are. This can be a difficult process, but these five tips can guide you to making some healthier decisions along the way to creating your best life. 1.Disregard the opinions of others. Everyone…
Where Would I Be Without GPS & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #137
I am always fascinated by the migratory habits of animals in the wild and how they navigate their way back and forth to the same locations thousands of miles apart every year without missing their mark. Especially marine animals. Whales that travel thousands of miles under water to the same place at the exact same time every year for just a few days to mate only to return the thousands of miles back to their primary habitat. How do they do this? I know animals have internal navigation systems and ways to communicate with one another to stay together within their packs as they travel. Scientists believe that many of…
The Fab 40’s are Sprucing Up Shirt Dresses
Living on the edge. Dreaming in colors. Hiding between the lines. We get muffled up and flipped around and turned upside down so many times, it’s hard to find right. Like a spinning machine that leaves us in a state of disorientation, life tumbles us ass over head in a repetitive wash and rinse cycle. We come out frazzled and crumpled as we stumble around trying to regain our balance and perspective. My hair is dirty but my face is clean. I like to stay in jammies for entire days at a time but I always brush my teeth. Leave me in my solitude so I can manifest the courage…
Yee Haw! I Missed My Own Blog Birthday!
Yesterday was my 4th blog birthday and I totally missed it! I was busy fixing some glitches and security issues on my website. So frustrating! And now I am realizing that there are still all sorts of wonky things going on when you view my site on different browsers. I personally prefer Safari and I always forget to check how my site appears in Firefox and Chrome and on mobile devices. I don’t even have Firefox installed so I have no idea what all you Firefox users see. I am noticing on some really old posts, the images are all flipped upside down and sideways on mobile view and Chrome.…