Inspired by Nancy’s Fashion Style: What to Wear to Winter Parties
This post was inspired by my very dear friend, Dutch fashion blogger Nancy Baten of Nancy’s Fashion Style. If you are regular reader here, then surely you are familiar with Nancy as well. Nancy and I both began our blogs around the same time in 2015 and we became fast friends from across the world. Three years ago, we decided to join together and created a series, The Bad Buy Book, where readers were invited to join us in sharing bad buy items in their wardrobes. After one year of that series, we expanded it to also include good buys and that is when The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book was born.…
Sick Day & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #162
Y’all, I am so sick. Isn’t it funny how much we appreciate our health when we don’t have it for a few days? This thing started gradually on Saturday night, progressed to fairly bad on Sunday, and now my throat hurts so bad that it feels like I was beheaded and then sewn back together. I have a fever and chills and body aches that are sending shooting pains through my joints. Even my skin and veins ache. And my hair, too. How can a virus make your hair hurt? To add insult to flu symptoms, I just started my period. I know that may be too much information, but…
Women Inspiring Women with Dresslily
Widespread celebrations of women as a gender began in New York City in February of 1909 and became the focal point for the women’s rights movement. Soviet Russia declared March 8 as the official women’s day in support of the newly found women’s suffrage in 1917. Fifty years later, the worldwide feminist movement adopted the idea in 1967. By 1975, the United Nations declared March 8 as International Women’s Day, a day for commemorating the role of women in the workforce or working women in general. Some people acknowledge this day in protest while others simply celebrate womanhood. (Source) Each year, the United Nations chooses a theme to coincide with…
Reminder: The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book-Handbags
It’s that time again when Nancy and I will be sharing the next edition of The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book and we would love for you all to join us! In March, we are featuring Handbags and Purses. These could also include clutches, totes, backpacks, overnight bags. Really anything that holds your stuff! Whether it be your favorite purse or a bag that bombed, we want to see it! What is The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book? It is a monthly series that Nancy and I both publish on our blogs on the 15th of each month. Anyone who would like to participate and be featured can send us their photos with a short description explaining…
Festival Season is Coming & Link Up On the Edge #184
Y’all know that last summer was My Bluegrass Summer and I had the best time ever being introduced into the Bluegrass community. I made so many great friends and discovered so much amazing music that I cannot wait for this year’s festival season to kick off. While I will only to be able to attend a few due to budget and time constraints, there are so many great music festivals coming this summer that are within driving distance for this road tripping girl. As I was scoping around the internet to develop a basic plan for my festival travels this season, I figured why not share some of it with…
Inspired by Kathrine Eldridge Wardrobe Stylist: All Black with Burgundy Boots
When I think of a woman with incredible style and amazing sartorial taste with a very proficient talent for creating easy outfit combinations that any woman can wear, I immediately think of Kathrine Eldridge. I suppose when you have over 20 years of experience as a personal stylist as well as an inherent passion for all things relating to personal appearance, you do become a style force who ranks at the top of this fashion game. Kathrine has a wonderful way of mixing high end designer pieces with more budget friendly wardrobe essentials to create an eclectic and very appealing fusion of classic style with bits of bohemian whimsy and…
Road Tripping & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #161
I am back from the best road trip ever. I was hoping to be refreshed and rejuvenated upon returning to the realities of my life as a mom and wife in the North Country, but honestly, I am exhausted and a tiny bit overwhelmed as I try to catch up on all the things that I had pushed aside so I could just enjoy life and living. While I may be a bit road weary, I am definitely inspired and have approximately 19,357 things racing around in my brain that I want to write about, describe, analyze, and philosophize. But all in due time. First I must get myself organized…
The Fab 40’s Showcase the Color of Love
February is that cold and dreary winter month in the northern hemisphere that we most closely connect with love because of the very commercialized holiday of Valentine’s Day. But it is certainly a great month to celebrate love because it is so cold and dreary. When it feels like winter may never end, we could all use a great big warm and comforting hug that wraps us in love to help us make it to the end of winter and welcome the arrival of spring. When Daenel chose the color of love as The Fab 40’s theme for February, it came as no surprise that all of my Fab 40’s…
Oscar-Worthy Outfits & Your Own Twist Link Up #17
Your Own Twist is a monthly series hosted by Monica of Jersey Girl, Texan Heart and myself where we showcase our own interpretations of a chosen style theme. We share the theme with you ahead of time in case you are interested in joining us. You can see the upcoming themes below if you would like to create your own post around the theme and share it with us in the link party at the end of the post. With the 92nd Oscar Awards just happening a few weeks ago, Monica and I thought it might be fun to style outfits that would be worthy of the Oscars. Granted I will probably never…
3 Things You Should Know Before Getting Your Nose Pierced
Whether you were inspired by the fun and punky look of this sweet David Bowie t-shirt or you have been long contemplating taking your edgy style to the next level with a nose piercing, there is a good chance that you have been hesitant about it because you are unsure what a facial piercing will look like on you. Plenty of women think that they cannot get facial piercings after a certain age. Others may be restricted by their professions. Unfortunately, there is still a stigma surrounding certain types of body piercings especially facial piercings like nose rings or studs because they are so dominantly visible. I got my first…