Welcome 2024: The Year of Badassery

Happy New Year, y’all! As we flip our calendar pages from December 2023 to January 2024, it often signals us to reflect on the blessings and frustrations of the past year while planning our approach to the new year to make it even better. That is one of the primary goals of human life, isn’t it? To always seek ways for self improvement. Because improving ourselves really is the best way to improve the world around us.
I have never been one to set so-called New Year’s resolutions. They don’t work. They have never worked. For me, at least. Maybe they work for you. And if they do, then you should just keep on making those resolutions. Life is one of the most personal experiences we have and therefore we should do everything we can to make it the best possible experience for ourselves. By doing so, we find happiness. And happiness has the ability to spread like wildfire given the right environment. Wouldn’t it be the loveliest sort of wildfire…one that is simply made of kindness, love, and happiness…burning down all the negative brush that seems to cloud and darken human horizons?
Without any resolutions to carry me into the new year, I have been choosing focus words to guide me instead. I first began this “Word of the Year” game back in 2017 when I Chose Joy as my guidance through the new year. In 2018, I did not choose a specific focus word, but instead I aimed to be like the great Jennifer Hudson and committed myself to being a good person to work with. When 2019 rolled around, I encouraged myself to Jump into the New Year while Letting Go of all the bad stuff from previous years. In 2020, my focus was on Reinvention followed by Perspective and Gratitude for both 2021 and 2022. The year 2023 had me focused primarily on Healing and what a successful word of the year it has been. And now that I have done all that work of choosing joy and a strong work ethic, letting go and jumping in, reinventing myself, remaining in a place of perspective and gratitude, and healing, (so much healing), I am beginning this year in a state of Badassery.
The year 2024 is the year I become a quinquagenarian, celebrating my golden jubilee in May. Years ago, I promised myself that I would finally be ready to take on the world when I turn 50. Well, I turn 50 in less than 5 months, and I am very proud to say that I have reached that goal. I am quite ready for the world now and have finally amassed enough self confidence to walk out into the crazy with my head held high and my empty bag of fucks. I have no more fucks to give, y’all. I have emptied out that overburdening bag of bullshit and let me tell you how much lighter life is when you shed that baggage! An empty bag of fucks leave so much more room for personal badassery. And I am choosing to be the badassiest of all badass midlife women starting right now. (Although I think I have been pretty badass for most of my life, I just didn’t know how to give myself proper credit.)

This is me…the only person I know how to be. And I have to admit that I am pretty damn great at it! All the breaks, cracks, and scars that life has left on me, have been beautifully repaired through the philosophy of kintsugi and Wabi-Sabi living. And now I feel complete and whole, centered and grounded, happy and enlightened, always with a perspective of gratitude and love, and ready for anything. Bring it on, world. Because there isn’t a damn thing you have thrown at me yet that I haven’t handled with grace and a whole lot of badassery already!
How badass are you feeling as we start the new year?
By the way, we do not actually have any snow on the ground right now. These photos are from last January when we featured Magenta with The Magnificent 8. I created two different outfits for that post but used the other one instead leaving these outfit photos abandoned. But sitting on the cold snowy ground wearing a tulle skirt is pretty badass so I figured why not share them now. It’s my blog and I’ll do what I want to anyway.
Celebrating personal badassery on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Skirt-Thrifted / Sweater-Target / Turtleneck and Belt-Torrid / Boots-Shoe Dazzle / Necklace-Traveling Chic Boutique / Earrings-Cato / Hat-Kohls / Tights-Old

Happy new year my friend!
I don’t do resolutions either, never done that. And I don’t choose a word either. But badassery is a perfect word for you!
Happy New Year, Nancy! You are super badass, too, my friend!
Marsha Banks
Shelbee, we won’t talk about how much older I am than you, but I sure as hell don’t have your sense of badassery! I certainly wish I did. I’m working on it, though. You have certainly put in the work to achieve this state, so I congratulate you!
I think these photos and your outfit are just so amazing! I love snow and often wish I lived in upstate New York. But, it appears you aren’t getting much snow this time, either!
Have a fabulous week and a badass new year!
Aw, Marsha, thanks so much! I think you might be more badass than you give yourself credit for! I have definitely put in the work, that is for sure. I am always putting in the work for constant self improvement. I wonder what the world would look like if more people focused on improving themselves. So many just stay stuck in that same old place of discontent. I don’t want to be discontented. Therefore, I am not! Wishing you a beautiful, wonderful, joyful, and totally badass new year as well!
This outfit is fabulous! Happy New Year!
Curated by Jennifer
Aw, thank you so much, my friend! Happy 2024 to you!
Ha! Love it! I’ll admit to having moments of badassery depending on how much of an asshole my health issues are being. Speaking of which, my focus word last year was “acceptance”. This year, it’s “truce” (with my body). I’m not sure exactly what that looks like, but I’ll figure it out.
Such a cute outfit! I’m glad you shared it. That shade of magenta is an amazing color on you.
And I have no doubt that it will be a baddass year for you!
Hehehe, thanks so much, my friend! Oh, I hate when my body is being rebellious. It really can knock you right out of feeling like a badass. Those are great focus words…acceptance and truce. I have been trying to make a truce with my feminine biology as perimenopause continues to kick my ass. It’s not working. But I will prevail! I’m not sure what that looks like for me either, but I will certainly be able to figure out, I’m sure. We have lived enough years now to know that most things work themselves out eventually! Looking forward to seeing you in February!
I love it! One of the most unique and fitting words I’ve heard yet for sure. I’m am sure you will rock this word of the year!
Thanks so much, Joanne! Badassery is going to kick the butt of all of the anxieties and fears that I have held onto for nearly five decades! Wishing you a very happy and super badass new year, my friend!
Lisa notes
This is great, Shelbee! What a fun word and concept for your year ahead. I’m sure you will have many amazing moments in part because of this mindset. I’m glad you are you! 🙂
Aw, Lisa, thank you so much for such a wonderfully empowering comment! I hope you have an amazing year ahead as well! May it be filled with much light, love, and laughter!
Erin @ Cracker Crumb Life
I love that this is your word, it is perfect. And yes, sitting in the snow in a tulle skirt does make you a badass! I’m shivering thinking about it!
Happy New Year!
LOL Thanks so much, Erin! I will do a lot of crazy things to capture a ridiculous photo! Wishing you all the best in the New Year. May it be filled with much love, light, and laughter!
Patrick Weseman
Looking very nice there and I love your word. I will adpot it also. I know that I am copying you. I am turning double nickles in a couple of weeks and I am already making some changes to keep my stress down (Basically, I am transfering to another school at the end of this school year-way too much stress in my current position) and to do things that make me happy.
Don’t know if that is being a bad ass or not but that with some other changes is going to help me.
Thanks so much, Patrick! I think it always a badass move when we make decisions that are in the best interest of our own health and well being. Good for you taking action to change the circumstances which are stressing you out. Lowering stress levels makes a huge impact on improving one’s quality of life. I wish you all the best in your new position and I hope you are able to finish out this year on a positive note before moving on.