Adventures in Thrifting Part 7: Brown Pinstriped Pant Suit & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #210
I have been feeling frazzled lately due to my lack of motivation. It seems to come in short spurts when I can be super productive and accomplish all sorts of things with efficiency and ease. Then suddenly after just a few short hours of productivity, I feel like I have been pummeled by a tractor trailer and may never come back to life! I have implemented all sorts of activities into my daily living to help me through the tired and the defeat. Things like tweaking my diet, doing yoga, and sticking to a regular sleep schedule have certainly helped me feel more balanced overall. But I need more energy…
The Thrifty Six in Whatever “Suits” Us
The Thrifty Six is back in Whatever “Suits” Us. This month’s theme was chosen by Nancy and I have to be honest, suits are a huge challenge for me. But I will get into that in a moment. But first let me tell you a bit more about this lovely group of thrifty fashionistas. The Thrifty Six is a group of six international fashion and lifestyle bloggers and influencers coming to you from all around the world. We span at least three different decades of life and we each have our own unique and individual style with a shared passion for preloved clothing and second hand shopping. Our goal is to share…
The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book: Red/Pink for Valentine’s Day
Welcome to The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book! This is The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book. A series that I co-host with Nancy where you can choose whether you want to share a Good Buy (which is an item you are really exited about) or a Good-Bye (which is an item you are going to say good-bye to, previously known as a Bad Buy). Every month you can choose which item you want to submit. A Good Buy or a Good-Bye. We will provide the theme for each month. Photos should be submitted to us by the 10th of the month with a few sentences explaining why it is a Good Buy or Good-Bye. This month’s theme is Red or Pink for Valentine’s…
Please Put on Your Oxygen Mask before Assisting Others: An Important Guide to Self Care
I have long lived by the mantra self care is never selfish. If we are not taking proper care of ourselves and every aspect of our own health and well-being, how can we possibly be in a position to care for the people in our lives who need us most? I have met many folks in my life who consistently put others before themselves. Many of my friends are this way. I was this way for a very long time as well. Doing for others, being a caretaker, being a kind and caring person are all wonderful qualities to have, but sometimes giving too much can exhaust you to the…
Nordgreen: A Timeless Gift with a Story & Link Up On the Edge #232
In 2017, Danish partners Pascar Sivam and Vasilij Brandt launched Nordgreen with the mission of building a brand that is committed to sustainable practices while also creating a beautiful and functional line of designer timepieces. The name itself represents their dedication to designing classic and minimalist watches that stay true to a Nordic aesthetic while utilizing green methods in support of the environment. Peoples from the Nordic region feel a very strong connection to nature and an appreciation for its ability to thrive through the challenges of time and humanity’s systematic destruction of our natural world. Based on this idea, Nordgreen’s partners feel an inherent responsibility to social and environmental…
Style Imitating Art: The Counting Lesson by Albert Huie
It is time for another Style Imitating Art outfit. These prompts have become my favorite inspiration for getting creative with my wardrobe. Especially right now, in the midst of a global pandemic in the middle of a brutal winter in the North Country. I have been spending most days in my coziest layers of leggings, sweater socks, and heavy jumpers. In fact, I rarely even put on a bra anymore unless I am leaving the house or photographing an outfit. I even stopped wearing bras for Zoom calls once I realized that I am only visible from the shoulders and above. But enough about all that, let’s get down to…
The Importance of Being Vulnerable & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #209
This post is going to be humorous and a little bit sad. But I really want you to focus on the humor more than the sad ridiculousness of the way my mind works. I shared a post this past weekend, 4 Steps to Feeling Good in Your Own Skin & Living Your Best Life, which touched a little bit on the negative self talk that many of us fall prey to. I wanted to elaborate more on that specific topic in an effort to illustrate just how silly we can be in the way we speak to and about ourselves. Do not be afraid to laugh right out loud as…
Date Night at Home | February Stylish Monday Link Up
I am not entirely sure how an entire month has passed since our last Stylish Monday post, but we are…another month into the new year and hopefully another month wiser. However, whether we have gained wisdom or not during the first month of this year is fairly irrelevant to styling an outfit for a date night at home. Stylish Monday is a monthly series published in collaboration with a group of 14 international fashion and lifestyle bloggers. It is another opportunity to be creative with our personal style as we join together each month with a style prompt or theme. We also host a link party where anyone is welcome…
4 Steps to Feeling Good in Your Own Skin & Living Your Best Life
Do you ever stand in front of the mirror, examining yourself with microscopic intensity, criticizing every wrinkle, every bulge, every little bit of extra that society has deemed unattractive? I would guess that many of you will answer yes. Probably most of us have done this at least once in our lives. For me, it’s more like a monthly occurrence. Our relationships with ourselves can be one of the most complicated relationships we will ever have. We are our own worst critics while also having to be our own best advocates and cheerleaders. How we come to reconcile these two things is a very personal endeavor for each of us.…
Adventures in Thrifting Part 6: Purple Argyle Sweater & Link Up On the Edge #231
I am going to try to keep this short and sweet today since I am scrambling at the last minute to get a post written for my Friday Link Up On the Edge Party. I decided to take Tuesday off from doing any blogging stuff after my early morning rounds. It was snowing like crazy out, all gray and gloomy, and so I cozied up and enjoyed a relaxing day in front of the television. Speaking of that, I do need to share the things I have been watching with you all soon. Anyway, I took Tuesday off with every intention of getting tons of things done on Wednesday. And…