’Tis the Season for Gratitude & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #250
“I am happy because I’m grateful. I choose to be grateful. That gratitude allows me to be happy.” Will Arnett I began the year 2021 with a focus on perspective and gratitude so it seems fitting to head into the end of year holiday season with the same focus. The past two years have certainly changed all of us in one way or another. We have experienced good things in the midst of all the bad just the same as we experience bad things that can creep into our lives when everything seems good. The one thing that I have learned through all of it though is that none of…
Book Review-The Paper Garden: An Artist Begins Her Life’s Work at 72 by Molly Peacock & Link Up On the Edge #271
Last month, one of the Style Imitating Art prompts not only inspired my outfit but also prompted me to purchase further reading material about the featured artist. Salazar of 14 Shades of Grey had chosen the flower mosaiks created by Mrs. Mary Delany in the late 18th century. Mrs. Delany began her delicate work of mixed media collage (a brand new art form created by her) at the age of 72 after mourning the loss of her second husband. With declining eyesight and arthritic hands, she hand dyed her papers and then painstakingly cut and pasted tiny bits of colored paper onto pitch black backgrounds in the form of flowers.…
Fall Hiking Outfits & Your Own Twist Link Up #38
It is that time again when Monica of Jersey Girl, Texan Heart and I bring you our own twists on a specified style prompt. Not wanting to overload y’all with holiday outfit ideas since that is what seems to dominate the land of fashion blogging this time of year, we went for an easy everyday style prompt of fall hiking outfits. To be completely honest, I didn’t even style this outfit for the prompt. I just threw on this jeans and sweater outfit one random chilly day a few weeks ago and took some photos in the back yard. This neon sweater quickly became a cold weather wardrobe favorite since…
Style Imitating Art: Solar System Quilt by Ellen Harding Baker
About Style Imitating Art Style Imitating Art is hosted by Daenel of Living Outside the Stacks, Salazar of 14 Shades of Grey, and Terri of MeadowTree Style. Style Imitating Art challenges us to draw style inspiration from pieces of art. Every other Monday, one of the hosts, acting as curator, selects an inspiration image that they will each post on their blogs. The following Monday, each host shares her art inspired outfit. Participants are invited to submit their art inspired outfits to the curator by 10:00 p.m. EST on the Tuesday following the hosts’ art inspired outfit posts. The following day, Wednesday, the curator will share all of the submissions on her blog. You…
The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book: Maxi Skirts or Dresses & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #249
Welcome to The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book! This is The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book. A series that I co-host with Nancy where you can choose whether you want to share a Good Buy (which is an item you are really exited about) or a Good-Bye (which is an item you are going to say good-bye to, previously known as a Bad Buy). Every month you can choose which item you want to submit. A Good Buy or a Good-Bye. We will provide the theme for each month. Photos should be submitted to us by the 10th of the month with a few sentences explaining why it is a Good Buy or Good-Bye. The theme for November is Maxi Skirts and…
The Thrifty Six are All Wrapped Up for Winter
Here we are in coat season again and I don’t think I am quite ready for the cold. With only five weeks of autumn remaining on this year’s calendar, Jane has appropriately chosen jackets and coats as our thrifty theme this month. Coats are one of my very favorite things to shop for in secondhand stores. You really do get the most value for your money when purchasing preloved coats. I have found many beautiful coats in my thrifting adventures and like my wardrobe as a whole, I would guess that about 30% of my coat wardrobe has been acquired secondhand in one way or another. This is the time…
Adventures in Thrifting Part 13: Vintage Top for a Fall Date Night Outfit & Link Up On the Edge #270
A few weeks ago, we had a date night planned on a random Wednesday evening. It was to be the husband, the boyfriend, and me with dinner, drinks, and conversation on the date night menu. Thanks to our faithful and beloved BFF who generously agreed to sit and play video games with the boys all night, we were able to get this date night scheduled. But as life often does, it interfered with our date night plans when boyfriend couldn’t make it. So Jeff and I headed out alone, taking full advantage of a BFF who agrees to babysit! We had a fabulous dinner at a new-ish restaurant in town,…
Little Red Riding Hoodless & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #248
I have always loved the drama of a red cape. There is something special, powerful, nostalgic, mysterious, innocent yet devious, sexy, and magical about a garment of this sort. A red cape can conjure up visions of magicians, vampires, superheroes, royals, or a young girl being stalked by a wolf in the woods. You know who I mean, of course, Little Red Riding Hood from the 17th century fairy tale. Have you ever read the original versions of some of our most beloved fairy tales? Many of them are very dark and incredibly creepy and super morbid, originally drafted in order to educate children through a perspective of fear. But…
Faux Real Looks in Leather and Suede | November Stylish Monday Link Up
We live in a world that always reminds us to be genuine and authentic, but there is a price to pay for true authenticity. It’s hard work to maintain cohesion between our true selves and the selves that we present outwardly to the world. Most of us hide huge portions of ourselves from the judging eyes of society, always afraid that if our true selves were found out we might be criticized or even disliked. While there is no required financial investment for living a true and authentic existence, the price is paid in a heightened state of introspection and self work to ensure that what you see is really…
Fetishes + What to Wear on a Role Play Date & Link Up On the Edge #269
Since I have been sharing my sexy adventures lately and receiving some wonderfully positive and entertaining feedback, I figured I would just keep on going with this topic for today. But before we get to the business of what is a role play date and what to wear to one, I want to briefly discuss fetishes. I have long been fascinated by sexual fetishes. So fascinated, in fact, that I wrote my Honors Philosophy thesis on the topic of voyeurism back in 1995. I wanted to know why people have fetishes, what makes certain things become a sexual fetish, is it a natural human response to some trigger to have…