The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book: Band Tees
I am so excited for this month’s theme of Band Tees and sharing the very cool looks that were submitted featuring a variety of musical inspiration as well as a super creative take on the theme by Daenel! Welcome to The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book! The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book is a series that I co-host with Nancy where you can choose whether you want to share a Good Buy (which is an item you are really exited about) or a Good-Bye (which is an item you are going to say good-bye to, previously known as a Bad Buy). Every month you can choose which item you want to submit, a Good Buy or a Good-Bye. We will provide…
New Additions to My Spooky Halloween House & Link Up On the Edge #316
I was never really into Halloween until I had kids. And even then, it wasn’t a holiday that appealed to me. I would indulge all of the children’s costume whims and take them begging for candy even though my preference was always to stay at home and just buy bags of candy for us to enjoy without the door to door beggary. But as the children got older, they became so enthusiastic about Halloween that I could no longer get by with my measly generic attempts at holiday spirit. And when you can’t beat them, I find that joining them is much more rewarding anyway. So join them I did…
You Deserve to Be Seen and Heard & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #296
Last week I was doing a yin yoga class with affirmations for healing and one of the affirmations really struck me as something that needed further investigation. The exercise of using affirmations during meditative yoga practices is not meant to convince ourselves of the truth of any one affirmation. Instead, the practice is focused on finding which affirmations make you feel uncomfortable and then exploring the reasons for that discomfort. The affirmations are simply meant to prompt further self-examination and introspection. The affirmation that really struck me during this particular yoga session was I deserve to be seen and heard. When working with affirmations in yin yoga, it is important…
10 on the 10th: October 2022-All About Birthdays
Oh boy, how quickly the time is passing by! Another month has come and gone and we are already a third of the way through October which means it’s time for the next 10 on the 10th with Marsha of Marsha in the Middle, Leslie of Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After, and Gail of Is This Mutton? Each month, we are presented with 10 questions about a common theme and asked to share our answers in blog post form. This series is such a wonderful way to share more information about ourselves and to learn interesting new things about others. Anyone is invited to join and answer the questions. It is a great…
Untitled Film Stills by Cindy Sherman | Style Imitating Art
It is my turn once again to choose the inspiration artwork for the next Style Imitating Art challenge, which gives us the opportunity to combine our love of art and fashion into one place. Fashion, after all, is our own personal expression of our artistic creativity, a way to showcase who we are without ever having to speak words. But I like words probably more than I like fashion and art so I will always have words to share along with my creative expression through personal style! About Style Imitating Art Style Imitating Art is hosted by Salazar of 14 Shades of Grey, Terri of Meadow Tree Style, and Shelbee of Shelbee on…
Historic Church Tour in Clayton, New York & Link Up On the Edge #315
A few weeks ago, I mentioned in my travel inspired Thrifty Six post that we went on a historic church walking tour in Clayton, New York, to celebrate the town’s sesquicentennial. I had intended to share this post a few weeks ago, but you know how life can intervene and quickly change our plans and intentions. In the three and a half weeks since sharing my thrifty travel outfit that I wore for this walking tour, I had three Style Imitating Art posts, two Songful Style posts, one Good Buy/Good-Bye Book post, a room makeover post, a paid post about toys to boost kids’ imaginations, my Reiki certification announcement, and…
5 Essential Toys to Promote Children’s Imagination
Play and creativity are hugely important in the development of children especially during their younger years. The early years of childhood are the prime time when the human brain can most efficiently gather and process large quantities of data which is instrumental in childhood learning and growth. Children who are raised with a focus on the freedom to express themselves, discover their own ideas, and foster personal creativity generally find more fulfillment in their adult lives regardless of which path they choose in life. Although every child’s physiology will impact their inclination towards specific interests and their individual temperament, children can still be guided to enjoy creative pursuits with the…
Reminder: The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book-Band Tees & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #295
Nancy and I are both lovers of music, fans of lots of different bands, and big proponents of representing our favorite music and musical acts on our tee shirts so the theme for October is Band Tees! Whether you have seen them live or just love listening to certain music, why not take this opportunity to share your favorite tee shirts that represent your favorite music. Or maybe you have a band tee that you are ready to say good-bye to, you can share that, too! What is The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book? It is a monthly series that Nancy and I both publish on our blogs on the 15th of each month.…
Style Imitating Art: Still Life with Nuts, Candy and Flowers by Clara Peeters
About Style Imitating Art Style Imitating Art is hosted by Salazar of 14 Shades of Grey, Terri of MeadowTree Style, and Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge. Style Imitating Art challenges us to draw style inspiration from pieces of art. Every other Monday, one of the hosts, acting as curator, selects an inspiration image that they will each post on their blogs. The following Monday, each host shares her art inspired outfit. Participants are invited to submit their art inspired outfits to the curator by 10:00 p.m. EST on the Tuesday following the hosts’ art inspired outfit posts. The following day, Wednesday, the curator will share all of the submissions on her blog. You…
It’s Official! I Am a Certified Reiki Level II Practitioner & Link Up On the Edge #314
I had the most extraordinary weekend two weeks ago and I have been so excited to share it with you all. But then I caught the Back-to-School Crud and skipped my post last Friday altogether, pushing this one out another week. I did allude to it earlier this week though. You may have caught the Reiki reference in my crud poem… “...I used yoga and Reiki And resorted to prayer. No matter what I did The crud still made its way here..." It was a very intentional reference and I did use this cruddy sickness as an opportunity to practice my newly learned Reiki healing techniques on myself. While my…