Just a Saturday in Watertown & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #110
At the end of my last post, I briefly mentioned a tragedy that occurred in my town on Valentine’s Day that has left us all overwhelmed, sad, and numb over the past few days. I haven’t felt like doing much of anything all weekend and am struggling to get back into the swing of things. I don’t really want to rehash the details, but if you are interested, you can read the story here. In an effort to get back to some sense of normal, I am going to instead share with you the events of the weekend prior to Valentine’s Day which I had been saving for today’s post…
The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book: Graphic Tees & Link Up On the Edge #132
Welcome to The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book! Welcome! This is The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book. Over a year ago, Nancy and I started The Bad Buy Book, a monthly series about our worst purchases. It was a lot of fun to do and we both learned something from it, too! Nancy learned that off-white against her face is not the most flattering color. And I learned that I have a serious problem resisting a good thrift shop find when it comes to pieces that fit “good enough” but “not quite right.” However, after running that series for a year, we decided to change it a bit. For this series, you can choose whether you want to…
The Mean Reds & Your Own Twist Link Up #5
“’You know those days when you get the means reds?’ ‘Same as the blues?’‘No,’ she said slowly. ‘No, the blues are because you’re getting fat or maybe it’s been raining too long. You’re sad that’s all. The mean reds are horrible. You’re afraid, and you sweat like hell, but you don’t know what you’re afraid of. Except something bad is going to happen, only you don’t know what it is. You’ve had that feeling?’‘Quite often. Some people call it angst.’‘All right. Angst. But what do you do about it?’‘Well, a drink helps.’ ‘I’ve tried that. I’ve tried aspirin, too. Rusty thinks I should smoke marijuana, I did for a while, but it…
My Bipolar Life & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #109
Oh dear. Here I am again sitting in an ugly cycle of Bipolar. I hate to share that information in this space where my goal is to keep things light and happy. But another mission of my blog is to be transparent and raw and real as well. Bipolar Disorder sucks. Plain and simple. There is nothing glamorous about it. Even when it is controlled, episodes still occur. And. It. Just. Sucks. I can’t even be eloquent about it. I can share a very helpful resource, however, if you find yourself stuck in a bad place…visit BetterHelp.com. Afte decades of dealing with this disorder and years and years of introspective…
Inspired by Doused in Pink: Olive Jeans & Link Up On the Edge #131
As this winter and the crummy weather continue on, it gets more and more difficult to get creative with my wardrobe. I am one who truly believes that every day is a special occasion for which we should get up, dress up, and show up with a smile. I mean, we have to get dressed every time we walk out into the world anyway, so why not feel great in your clothes? But as the snow continues to pummel us here in the North Country, followed by rain, followed by an ice storm, followed by a weather forecast that includes more snow for 6 of the next 9 days, I…
Reminder: The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book-Graphic Tees & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #108
It is that time again to share some of your favorite and least favorite items for February’s Good Buy/Good-Bye Book. This month we are featuring graphic tees. I love a good graphic tee, but it really has to speak to me in order for me to add it to my collection. For example, I love my Wonder Woman tees (I have three), but you’ll never catch me wearing any other type of superhero on my top. Just not my thing. I also am a fan of vintage (or vintage inspired) band tees, but it has to be a band that I actually enjoy, otherwise I feel too much like a…
The Super Bowl & Food Comas
Every year when the Super Bowl rolls around, I get coerced into cooking enough food to feed the Army. And every year, I dread the task. Until my kitchen is suddenly abuzz with the sound of knives chopping and food processors whirring and my favorite Pandora station blaring in the background. Once I am elbow deep in raw eggs, breading, and flour, the aroma of simmering oil permeating my entire home, I can finally embrace the task at hand and I remember how much I really do enjoy the process of cooking. Yesterday, I cooked alone while the children played in the living room and my husband spent time catching…
Inspired by I Do deClaire: Leggings Outfit & Link Up On the Edge #130
I wanted to share my inspired look yesterday on the blog, but life just seemed to get away from me. We are snowed in. Again. And while my intention was to take advantage of the unexpected free time at home and catch up on some writing, I decided instead to take a nap, drink some wine, and make homemade pirogies with my neighbor. As it turns out, that was much better for my soul than writing at that moment. A mere 24 hours later, I find myself snowed in. Again. As the second wave of blizzardy conditions is pummeling us into oblivion. Since I have nothing else to write about,…
The Magnificent 8 Work Out in Winter
The Magnificent 8 is a collaboration among 8 stylish women from every decade of life showcasing our style one generation at a time. The mission of this collaboration is to show you just how ageless style is, how we can each dress however we’d like and in ways that make us feel fabulous. There are no age restrictions on style. So wear what you want, when you want, add a smile, and strut your style with confidence. And be sure to check out all 7 of these amazing gals! Every quarter, we choose a theme and each create an outfit that suits our own personal tastes and fashion choices and…
My Happiness Chocolate & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #107
Recently, I shared with you my experience with hemp oil extract for treatment of headache pain, menstrual cramp pain, and aiding better sleep patterns. An added bonus that I noticed with daily use of White Cedar Naturals Organic Full Spectrum Hemp Extract Oil was that I was able to maintain a much clearer focus on my daily tasks all day long. I had stopped taking the oil for a few days and tried to take it on an as-needed basis, but I don’t find that it works as effectively for me. I basically need to take one dropper full twice a day to maintain my level of clarity as well…