4 Tips for Discovering Your Own Authentic Style
You only need to spend a few moments checking out Instagram or Pinterest or just walking around a busy city center to see that all kinds of people out there are rocking all sorts of really cool, unique, and interesting styles. Some people seem to be natural fashion pioneers, always showcasing a fabulous sense of what to wear. By exhibiting just the perfect amount of of self confidence, coordination, and pride in their sartorial choices, these fashion forward individuals are able to pull off some of the most fascinating runway worthy styles. But there are also those who have not yet really discovered their own authentic style. Perhaps issues with…
The Realest Post I Ever Wrote & Link Up On the Edge #139
I am drunk. Right now. At this moment. As I sit down to write this post for tomorrow morning. It was not my intention. My intention was to share a new dress that I just received c/o DressLily. But life took a different turn for me. Very abruptly, in fact. Here’s the story: My really amazing friend, Danielle, picks up my kids from school every day and keeps them for an hour until I am finished at work. I went to gather the boys just after 4:00 p.m. as usual. Danielle and I sat and chatted for about 45 minutes before I headed home. I was tired and hangry. Like…
Inspired by Style Splash: Cattitude & Random Quotes
I had pretty much forgotten about these cat stockings that were given to me as a gift from my friend Emily a few years ago. I tried them on when I first received them, but they just didn’t fit. For whatever reason, I held onto them anyway. And I am glad that I did! I was reminded of them when Emma of Style Splash shared her post, Cattitude Subscription Box Review: The Purrfect Treat for You and Your Kitty, which featured all sorts of adorable kitten inspired accessories. I figured since I have lost 25 pounds since receiving these tights, I should give them another try. And they fit! This…
Spring Style Guide
The weather is getting warmer and we’re all excited about the sunshine and happiness it brings. If you need a wardrobe refresher, here are some great style tips to get you ready for the change in seasons. Wardrobe Staples It’s easy to put spring outfits together when you have wardrobe staples in your closet like sundresses, cardigans, colorful accessories, sleeveless tops, and spring prints like stripes, polka dots, and florals. Once you have these basics, you can mix and match separates all you want to incorporate seasonal elements into your outfit while still dressing for the weather outside. Layering helps your outfits remain versatile so you can stay comfortable all…
Sunshine Blogger Award Part 2 & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #116
You may have already seen my post a few weeks ago when Rama nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award. Well, I have been nominated again by my dear friend Jess of Elegantly Dressed and Stylish! Thanks so much, Jess! I am honored. Since Jess has posed a different series of questions, I figured it was a great way to keep things interesting here on the edge by answering what she is interested in knowing as well. However, I am going to do it a little differently and I am not going to nominate anyone new in this post. Please check out my last Sunshine Blogger post to see who…
My Writing Life & Link Up On the Edge #138
For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by words. The way we can create the most vivid images by stringing together the perfect combination of adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and verbs. I always found peaceful escape in reading books when I was younger. I remember hiding away from the world with my face in a book, living in fantasies that were far removed from the reality in which I existed. It was a beautiful thing. When I was in grade school and the teachers asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”, my answers always involved something literary from writer and poet to editor…
Inspired by Claire Justine: Friends
I remember when Friends first aired. I was a junior in college, living with 5 other young women in off campus housing in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. And I think there was a little part of all of us that wanted to be much like this group of 6 friends making it on their own in the city. But out of the group of us, I was probably the one who the big city called to the loudest. I didn’t make my way to New York City until I started a new job at 26 years old that took me there for frequent business meetings and eventually transitioned to an office near…
Wednesday’s Quote of the Week: The Power of Music
I am a woman with absolutely no musical talents whatsoever. I cannot play an instrument, I absolutely cannot sing, and if you told me I had to dance for my supper, I would probably starve. However, that doesn’t take away the power and impact that music has had on my life. I love music. And while I cannot have a meaningful discussion about any of the technicalities of music and I know very little about music theory or history, I can still feel its power. And when its power moves me, makes the hair on the back of my neck stand on end, sends shivers down my spine, and brings…
Love Junkie & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #115
I admit it. I am a bit of a love junkie. A joy addict. A die hard enthusiast for all the good feels. The world’s greatest fan of people and what makes them tick. Every day brings me new opportunities to make connections with new people who fuel my fire and feed my soul. New chances to fall in love with the amazing energy that others put out into the world. With approximately seven and a half billion people in the world and the extensive reach provided by technology and social media, the chances of making a kindred connection with a stranger whom I may not otherwise have ever met…
The Fab 40’s in Plaid and Floral
I am always up for doing something a little unexpected. So when Mary of Curlybyrdie Chirps suggested mixing plaid and floral for this month’s Fab 40’s theme, I was enthusiastic to get to work creating my look. Not to mention that plaid and florals are two of my favorite prints and I have an overabundance of both in my closet. No trips to the thrift shop would be necessary for this theme like last month’s wild challenge required. The Fab 40’s is a group of six fashion bloggers from around the globe. Each month we choose a different theme and invite a guest blogger who is also in their 40’s to…