What to Wear on a Cold Spring Day & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #215
Spring has officially arrived this weekend and with it came some beautiful sunshine filled days and warm enough temperatures to spend extra time outdoors. I hadn’t realized just how much my body and mind were craving the rejuvenating properties of the sunshine. I added a daily Vitamin D supplement a few months ago and it really has helped my mental health and mood stabilization in wonderful ways. But despite taking the supplement, I still was finding myself completely wiped out by the early evening hours…when the sun would begin to set. Then Daylight Savings came upon us last week granting us an extra hour in the evening to enjoy the…
The Thrifty Six: The Trail “Blazers” of Preloved Fashion
“Don’t follow in my footsteps. Be original, and create your own path. Be a trailblazer! Do you! Be better than me. Do you! Be happy and have joy in your life.” Tracy Morgan The Thrifty Six is back for Women’s History Month and I want to celebrate and honor all the women who blazed the trail for us to wear what we like, how we like, when we like. As a female member of society, I appreciate those women who came before me and dared to be different, had the courage to push the boundaries and break the rules, and possessed the confidence to forge ahead into a world that…
Neon Delight & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #213
In Friday’s post, I talked about how every day is casual Friday these days…and that includes Tuesdays! I had mentioned in that post how I spend most days cozied up in leggings and a warm sweater and thought perhaps these stay at home outfits were unworthy of photographs. Until Darlene mentioned in the comments that I should try wearing some of my brightest colored sweaters just to cheer me during these final lazy days of winter in lockdown. So I took her suggestion to heart and started piling on the layers in mostly black and white so I could add this fun neon turtleneck sweater from Old Navy. Old Navy…
Pops of Color | March Stylish Monday Link Up
March has finally arrived and with it comes the promise that Spring is not far behind. The frigid temperatures and mountains of snow and ice on the ground would indicate otherwise, but I am still hopeful that warmer days are coming. In general, I feel confident relying on past weather patterns and seasonal changes to predict future seasonal weather patterns. However, this past year has been so very strange that it makes me question if Spring like weather will actually arrive. Given the events of this past year, I suppose it wouldn’t be all that shocking if we skipped Spring and Summer altogether and just remained in perpetual Winter for…
Let’s Get Romantic & Your Own Twist Link Up #29
I am moving ahead into the second half of February, the month of romance and love, trying to stay sartorially inspired in the bitter cold with mountains of snow piled up outside. It is such a struggle these days to style actual real outfits that I would wear during regular life. But regular life seems to be a thing of the past. I am growing more and more trepidatious that regular life may never return and I will be condemned to wearing leggings and oversized tops for the rest of my days. But I am stubborn and don’t give up easily, so every few days I manage to get my…
Adventures in Thrifting Part 7: Brown Pinstriped Pant Suit & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #210
I have been feeling frazzled lately due to my lack of motivation. It seems to come in short spurts when I can be super productive and accomplish all sorts of things with efficiency and ease. Then suddenly after just a few short hours of productivity, I feel like I have been pummeled by a tractor trailer and may never come back to life! I have implemented all sorts of activities into my daily living to help me through the tired and the defeat. Things like tweaking my diet, doing yoga, and sticking to a regular sleep schedule have certainly helped me feel more balanced overall. But I need more energy…
The Thrifty Six in Whatever “Suits” Us
The Thrifty Six is back in Whatever “Suits” Us. This month’s theme was chosen by Nancy and I have to be honest, suits are a huge challenge for me. But I will get into that in a moment. But first let me tell you a bit more about this lovely group of thrifty fashionistas. The Thrifty Six is a group of six international fashion and lifestyle bloggers and influencers coming to you from all around the world. We span at least three different decades of life and we each have our own unique and individual style with a shared passion for preloved clothing and second hand shopping. Our goal is to share…
The Importance of Being Vulnerable & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #209
This post is going to be humorous and a little bit sad. But I really want you to focus on the humor more than the sad ridiculousness of the way my mind works. I shared a post this past weekend, 4 Steps to Feeling Good in Your Own Skin & Living Your Best Life, which touched a little bit on the negative self talk that many of us fall prey to. I wanted to elaborate more on that specific topic in an effort to illustrate just how silly we can be in the way we speak to and about ourselves. Do not be afraid to laugh right out loud as…
4 Steps to Feeling Good in Your Own Skin & Living Your Best Life
Do you ever stand in front of the mirror, examining yourself with microscopic intensity, criticizing every wrinkle, every bulge, every little bit of extra that society has deemed unattractive? I would guess that many of you will answer yes. Probably most of us have done this at least once in our lives. For me, it’s more like a monthly occurrence. Our relationships with ourselves can be one of the most complicated relationships we will ever have. We are our own worst critics while also having to be our own best advocates and cheerleaders. How we come to reconcile these two things is a very personal endeavor for each of us.…
Adventures in Thrifting Part 6: Purple Argyle Sweater & Link Up On the Edge #231
I am going to try to keep this short and sweet today since I am scrambling at the last minute to get a post written for my Friday Link Up On the Edge Party. I decided to take Tuesday off from doing any blogging stuff after my early morning rounds. It was snowing like crazy out, all gray and gloomy, and so I cozied up and enjoyed a relaxing day in front of the television. Speaking of that, I do need to share the things I have been watching with you all soon. Anyway, I took Tuesday off with every intention of getting tons of things done on Wednesday. And…