Thoughts of the Day
My life has qualified me as "experienced" on such topics as Army life, parenting, mental health, loss and grief, multi-tasking, and adapting to all things new (good, bad, or indifferent). I will share my thoughts on these topics and hopefully you will find some calm in the chaos knowing that others have been where you are.
A Ray of Sunshine in a Hate-Filled World
If you are friends with me or follow me on Facebook, then you already know that I have been receiving some pretty nasty messages and comments in response to my post about the Presidential election. Toward the end of that post, I stated, “Also know that I guarantee that I will NOT respond to harsh and unkind words. So if you are looking for a debate or an argument, you will not be satisfied here.” Being a person who reserves my right to change my mind, I have done just that. I have changed my mind. And at the end of this post, you will find my response to the…
My Religion: The Greatest Of These Is Love
I began a recent post My Response to the Presidential Election with the words “I am not a political person. Nor am I a religious person. But I am a passionate person.” The post then went on to discuss my political (or lack thereof) views. And the part about not being religious was just left hanging out there undiscussed. Not wanting to just leave it hanging there undiscussed, I figured now was as a good a time as any to share my religious views with you. They are quite similar to my political views. My feelings are this: if what you believe gets you through the day and the night…
My Response to the Presidential Election
I am not a political person. Nor am I a religious person. But I am a passionate person. And I am an intelligent person. I am an optimist. I have opinions. And I sometimes pass judgments. For the most part, I will keep my judgments to myself. And I generally will only share my opinions when asked. I mind my own business and I stay out of the business of others. I do not like confrontation. But if pushed too far, I will engage. I am soft when the situation calls for it. I am hard when I need to be. I am compassionate, empathetic, kind, and understanding. I am…
5 More Life Lessons & Link Up On the Edge #20
In my last post When a Talker Runs Out of Things to Say, I mentioned that I currently am suffering from writer’s block. Unfortunately, it is quite the persistent bout with the block. So here are 5 more life lessons that I have learned along the way (numbers 6 through 10 from my original post), another fall outfit, and a link up. 1. I have learned that all romantic relationships will be the wrong ones until you find the right one. So know that with each failed relationship, you are that much closer to the right one. 2. I have learned that each person will handle and react to identical…
My New York City Trip and Big Announcement
If you read my last post Something Big on the Horizon then you already know that my friend Amy and I traveled into New York City this past weekend on a secret adventure! Now I am going to tell you all about it. We headed out of Watertown on Thursday afternoon around 4:30 and headed directly to Amy’s mother’s house in New Jersey where we stayed for the weekend. And a great big thank you to her mom and step dad for accommodating us on our last minutes plans. And for sharing in our excitement! We arrived at their house around 10:00 p.m. haggard and tired and feeling kind of…
Something Big on the Horizon & Link Up On the Edge #17
*I am posting my link up a bit early this week because I am heading off to New York City this afternoon for the weekend. I am super excited about this trip and I will share all about it later! I wasn’t sure about writing a teaser post, but it’s kind of the only thing on my mind lately. So here goes. Prepare to be teased! I am cooking up something big. Really big. Well, really big to me in my little universe. I have shared my scheme with a few close friends and family members, but I am not prepared yet to disclose it to the entire blogging universe.…
Out of My Comfort Zone: Camo and Floral
Oftentimes, we get stuck in our comfort zones. It’s a natural occurrence and it’s completely understandable to want to stay within the confines of what makes you comfortable. Because, well, it’s comfortable. And who wants to feel uncomfortable? But I have learned that nothing great comes out of comfort…except, of course, comfort. But if we manage to push ourselves outside of our comfort zones that is where great things can happen. And this carries through just about every aspect of life that I can think of from the everyday mundane things like our clothing to the bigger and scarier things like huge life goals. When I was a competitive swimmer…
Don’t Let the Feelings Choke You
If you are a regular reader of my blog, you know that I have a long, disturbing history with Bipolar Disorder. Through countless hours of therapy, endless cocktails of psychotropic medications, measureless pools of tears, and unfathomable depths of darkness for more than a decade of my life, I somehow found my way to the other side, to a brighter life, to the life I had always wished for. And through this process not only have I discovered myself, but I also learned some very effective coping skills. Being proud of myself for how far I have come in the healing process, I like to share what I have learned…
The Power of No (and a Little Bit of Boho)
I spent the first 30 to 35 years of my life being a “yes” girl. Craving to be popular, to be liked, to being the friend my friends could always rely on. Always. To the point that I exhausted myself. Overwhelmed myself. Literally made myself crazy. I had only myself to blame. You can’t really blame others for taking advantage of the “yes” girl. Probably they didn’t even realize that I was saying “yes” to everyone who asked me for something. And I believe it is just human nature to keep asking the person who always says “yes.” It is like a safety zone from rejection. For the sake of…
100th Post: 100 of My Favorite Things
I have been so excited to publish my 100th blog post! I have had a lot of ups and downs through the last 99 posts between struggling with writer’s block, motivation issues, and the constant readjustments due to Army life. I am pleasantly surprised that I have stuck with blogging long enough to publish 100 posts. And I have my one year blogiversary coming up in about a week. So please stay tuned for a very special post in celebration of that blogging milestone as well! After much brainstorming and lots of input from friends, I decided for my 100th post that I would share with you 100 of my…