Thoughts of the Day
My life has qualified me as "experienced" on such topics as Army life, parenting, mental health, loss and grief, multi-tasking, and adapting to all things new (good, bad, or indifferent). I will share my thoughts on these topics and hopefully you will find some calm in the chaos knowing that others have been where you are.
The Zyrtec Itchies & A Zaful Dress
I have a little story to share. And a cute little dress from Zaful. Hopefully, it is helpful to some. The story. Not the dress. Although I do hope you like the dress, too. It was gifted to me by Zaful to share with you all. *This is a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Back to my story. The information I am about to share would have been quite helpful to me had I known. But I found out the hard way. It seems that the popular over the counter allergy medication, Zyrtec, is quite physically addicting and you can experience some horrendous withdrawal symptoms when…
20 Things You Probably Didn’t Know & Link Up On the Edge #54
Once again, I have been procrastinating on my blog post because I have been at a loss for topics to discuss. Which is quite a strange phenomenon for a woman who could literally talk the face off of a marble statue. Fortunately for me, however, I have lots and lots of super creative blogger friends who inspire me daily. And thanks to Linda of A Labour of Life and her post today You Probably Don’t Know Part II (you can find the link to Part I in her post), I have been inspired to share some little known things about myself. If you know me really well, then some of…
The Dirty Little J Word
The story behind this post goes back a few weeks. It took me that long to process my feeling enough to be able to write about it. And it is taking a lot for me to write about it even now. Because it is about a feeling that I have not experienced often in my life. And one that I certainly haven’t experienced at all in the past decade or so. But the main reason it is so difficult to discuss is because I am just embarrassed. Really quite embarrassed for feeling the way I felt I few weeks back. Despite my embarrassment, I am going to share it with…
A Little Post About Gratitude & Link Up On the Edge #50
Today started out to be quite dreadful. It began with a feverish and vomiting child, miserable PMS getting the best of me in every possible way, a broken toilet, and gray rainy weather. I succumbed to the misery for a brief moment (well maybe for a good 6-8 hours), but as I am writing this I have decided to change my perspective. The child is starting to feel better, nothing serious but a mild stomach bug. The toilet has been fixed by my incredible husband. The PMS and the rain are still persisting, but these things shall pass. So enough of all that nonsense, instead I want to talk about…
It’s Time For You To Love Your Legs with Zaful
Our legs. Many of us seem to have issues with our legs. They are too fat. They are too skinny. They are wrinkly. They are pale. They are splotchy. They jiggle. They touch. They have visible veins. They are ashy. And this is a big one… I have heard this from a multitude of women… “I hate my knees and I need to cover them.” I hate my knees. When asked what they hate about their knees, none have been able to provide an answer other than “I don’t know. I just don’t like they way they look.” *This is a sponsored post by Zaful. As always, all thoughts and…
The Right to Change Your Mind & Link Up On the Edge #49
Way back in the infancy of this blog, I wrote a post 39 Lessons I Have Learned on My Journey Out of the Darkness into My Happiness. It is still one of my favorite posts. It took a lot of energy to draft and it’s long. But it’s heartfelt and intense at points. Just last night the topic of women always changing their minds came up. Often, among couples this is a common joke…how the man in the relationship is steadfast and consistent in his wants, needs, ideas, and beliefs and how the female is fickle and flighty and inconsistent in making decisions. In light of this age old (mis)conception,…
Good Versus Evil & Link Up On the Edge #47
Good versus evil. It is a universal dichotomy that is as old as time. And it is a metaphysical idea that creeps into my brain in the wee hours of the night. (Or in the shower…I often do my best philosophical thinking in the shower). It is a topic that repeats itself over and over again in movies, in television, in songs, in religion, in law, in psychology. At times, it seems as if we are almost obsessed with the idea, but more so, we are obsessed with trying to make sense of it. *This is a sponsored post. I received this scarf c/o DressLily. As always , all thoughts…
Drop the Judgments and #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #20
As I was deciding the angle I wanted to take for this week’s #SpreadTheKindness post, I stumbled upon a Facebook status of a friend which said this: The shit that I’m passionate about is not dumb. And then it hit me what I needed to write about today in an effort to continue spreading kindness in this crazy world. We all have things that we are passionate about. Each and every one of us is unique in the combination of our different passions. Some are passionate about music. Some sports and exercise and healthy eating. Some clothing and fashion. Others are passionate about art, books, and crafting. There are people…
The Reality of Fantasy
Fantasies. We all have them. At some point in our lives everyone engages in fantasy. I am going to be bold and even say that at some point on a daily basis most people have thoughts that would classify as fantasy. Even if for the briefest of moments. We fantasize about all sorts of things…from the benign and harmless to the crazy and potentially dangerous. We have dark fantasies, light fantasies, unrealistic ones, and ones that could very easily become reality. The subject of fantasy has been surfacing in discussions all around me recently. Usually when this happens, when a subject presents itself to me over and over again in…
How Pornography Saved My Sex Life
Low sex drive. Decreased libido. Zero interest in intercourse. Gah. Much to my husband’s disappointment, I have been dealing with these issues for quite some time. But what causes it and how do you fix it? At least fix it to the point where both parties in the relationship can reach a satisfactory compromise? Seriously, I can go months without sex. And that’s not good. It really isn’t. It’s not good for my mental state. It’s not good for my husband’s mental state either. Resulting in a little bit of tension within our marriage around the issue of sex. I don’t want you to be mistaken, though. My marriage is very…