Thoughts of the Day
My life has qualified me as "experienced" on such topics as Army life, parenting, mental health, loss and grief, multi-tasking, and adapting to all things new (good, bad, or indifferent). I will share my thoughts on these topics and hopefully you will find some calm in the chaos knowing that others have been where you are.
How Bold Are You?
How Bold Are You? There is a revolution on the horizon…it is moving in fast like a storm, a beautiful, astonishing, powerful, wonderful storm. Chico’s current initiative is challenging women everywhere to stand proud and bold in their years of acquired wisdom. Age is nothing but a compilation of your many fantastic, painful, marvelous, awesome experiences on this earth. And it is time for us stand firmly in the dignity of our years. For it is those years that have taught us everything that we know. And the more years we have in our arsenal of experience, the more fulfilled and appreciative we become of all the years yet to…
My Week in Review & Link Up On the Edge #86
I just got back from a whirlwind trip to the tri-state area of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. I have to be honest…I am so beat! I left Saturday morning and drove to visit my dear friend, Hallie, in northern New Jersey. I have not seen in her in probably 14 years and it was so great to catch up. She is a fellow fashionista and we just had a blast talking about everything from the business of style to parenting, marriage, relationships, moving, life goals, midlife, and everything in between! We covered a lot of ground in 6 hours. I am so excited that she has moved back…
DNA Discoveries & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #63
As I am preparing to head into New York City tomorrow for The Forever Fierce Meet Up, I am writing this post on Monday afternoon sitting at my best friend, Jane’s, dining room table. She lives in my home state of Pennsylvania and has very generously allowed me stay in her spare room while I have been cruising around the tri-state area for the past 3 days reconnecting with some old friends. Today, I decided to just hang at her house and catch up on some blogging work. She is in the other room on her computer working on genealogy projects. *This is not a sponsored post. As always, all…
My Life in Songs
Lately, I have been listening to a lot of music. More than I had in the past 10 years or so. I used to listen to music all the time, then kids came along and my favorite songs were set aside to make room for lullabies and kinder music. I didn’t realize how much I missed the power of music in my life and how many songs have touched me and moved me in so many different ways throughout my life. Recently, I have been allowing some of my favorite songs to speak for me when getting to know new friends, so I thought it would be fun to share…
Celebrating International Women’s Day with a Link Up
Happy International Women’s Day! Today, I am joining Miri of Currently Wearing and Sherry of The Life of the Party to celebrate and honor women around the world. Miri reached out to me a while back asking if I would join her today for this very special and important post and I was more than happy to accept her invitation. Be sure to stop by and visit both Miri and Sherry today and read how they are celebrating International Women’s Day and what it means to them. For me, I am celebrating by wearing purple, the official color worn to celebrate and honor women worldwide. And it is the perfect…
My Humble Writings on New York Fashion Week
Recently, I added a freelance writing gig to my already very busy blogging schedule, but I do love to write and I really love to get paid for my words! I mean, who doesn’t like a paycheck in exchange for doing something that you already love doing? So I began doing some writing for a website called Gorgeous Girl. I have been contributing articles on fashion, beauty, and skin care and dabbling a tiny bit in the realm of celebrity news (that is not really my thing, but I gave it a try anyway). *This is a sponsored post. This kimono was provided to me for purposes of this blog.…
Strong Like Me & Link Up On the Edge #83
If you missed my post last night, The Evolution of Love, you may want to hop back and read that now. Because that post triggered a pretty intense philosophical discussion with a very dear friend on the topic of strength and vulnerability which in turn inspired this post. And then this meme randomly appeared in my Instagram feed today… And of course, inspiration has this way of hitting me in the most unexpected ways. Actually this week, it has kind of been pelting me like a hail storm. I’m getting emotionally tired, in all honesty. Feeling a bit bruised and battered. But when the inspiration hits, no matter how exhausted…
The Evolution of Love
*This post is inspired by everyone I have ever known in my lifetime and everything I have ever loved. The concept of love is a tricky one, isn’t it? It changes throughout time with each and every relationship, with every new encounter and experience in our lives. As we grow and evolve and change, our entire understanding of the meaning of this word changes. It changes as the context changes, it changes as the object changes, it changes as the subject changes. It is both subjective and objective while at the same time being neither. It just keeps changing until we either begin to take it completely for granted and…
Women’s Heart Health Month & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #60
Although National Wear Red Day has passed (it was February 2), the entire month of February has been designated National Heart Health Month as a reminder for everyone to focus on their hearts and get their friends and families involved in this awareness initiative towards prevention. While National Heart Health Month is an American designated month of awareness, it is important to recognize that cardiovascular disease, including heart disease and stroke, is the leading cause of death worldwide. Heart disease knows no boundaries and can strike anyone anywhere in the world. In an effort to do our part in raising awareness, Ada of Elegance and Mommyhood, with her kind heart…
Forever Fierce 2018: Midlife Women on Being Fierce
Have you heard…there has been a revolution afoot amongst an empowering group of midlife women. This revolution was spearheaded by the very inspiring Catherine Grace O’Connell, who one year ago implemented an organic grassroots campaign called The Fierce 50. The response was so overwhelming and women from ages 35 and beyond wanted to be a part of the evolution of this most powerful movement. As a result, this Midlife Revolution has changed its name and identity to Forever Fierce and it is nearly 5,000 women strong just one year after its beginning. For the past year, the group has been empowering women in midlife and beyond to use their voices…