Thoughts of the Day
My life has qualified me as "experienced" on such topics as Army life, parenting, mental health, loss and grief, multi-tasking, and adapting to all things new (good, bad, or indifferent). I will share my thoughts on these topics and hopefully you will find some calm in the chaos knowing that others have been where you are.
Nothing but a Whole Lot of Something & Link Up On the Edge #181
Lately, I have been really wracking my brain to find my writing angle. I know there is something big inside of me that needs to get. Something powerful that will help others in their own struggles. I know that I have the nerve to address the uncomfortable topics in life. I know that I have the capacity to articulate the things that people may need to hear. I know that some of the darkest places inside of me are the places that resonate with even the most distant strangers. And I know in my heart that it is important for me to share. My problem is finding exactly what it…
How Did You Love? & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #158
I made a new friend last week. We have connected on a level that I never really thought was a possibility. There is a space in my mind that has seemed completely unrelatable for basically the entirety of my life. I try to describe what happens in that space. I write about it frequently. Many of you have probably read some of it when I share glimpses of what goes on inside my bipolar brain. For a long time, I assumed that anyone with Bipolar Disorder could relate completely, but what I did not account for was that no bipolar brain is exactly the same. There is so much personality…
A Kindness Conundrum & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #156
We all know what kindness is, what it means, and can usually recognize it when it happens. At its most basic definition, kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous, or considerate. But I have recently stumbled upon quite the conundrum of kindness. Certain things that people do or say with the appearance of kindness, but the result is irritating the hell out of me. In this world of social media, I suppose that messages can absolutely be lost in translation. We have only words typed on a screen without seeing a person’s face, hearing the tone of their voice or the inflections they use when delivering the message. One…
Friday Favorites 1 & Link Up On the Edge #178
I have never written a Friday Favorites post before. But since I am kind of exhausted from all the self reflection that I have been engaged in recently, I figured taking a break from such intensity and sharing some fun stuff instead was in order. Frankly, I am also just kind of tired from feeling all dredged down in the icky side of life and you may be sick of hearing about it. So let’s keep it light to kick off the weekend! I am sure you are all tired of reading about everyone’s new year’s resolutions, intentions, and goals or lack thereof. I shared some of my intentions last…
Spam: Stop the Madness
Spam. We are all familiar with it. I am not talking about the processed canned meat. Although I think we are all probably familiar with that as well. I guess I am familiar with it to the extent that I know what it is. I don’t think I have ever purchased it or allowed it to cross my lips. Gag. This post is about the other kind of spam. I am very familiar with the other type of spam. The unsolicited messages that come unwanted to us in our email inboxes, our website comment sections, our social media direct messaging platforms. This type of spam also makes me gag a…
Is it Possible to Run Out of Kindness? & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #155
When I began this #SpreadTheKindness Link Up way back in November of 2016, I was full of fire and passion about a mission that was near to my heart. I wanted to take a stand against negativity and toxicity that exists in the world around us. I wanted to be kind to everyone for the sole purpose of just being kind. I wanted to lead by example and teach my children the importance of kindness. I wanted to show that everyone deserves to be on the receiving end of kindness just because we are all humans struggling through the irony that is being human. In an effort to make the…
A New Decade: Regrets, Resolutions, and Reinvention
Welcome to a new decade. The year is 2020. And I am not really sure how to proceed from here. Do I leap blindly into the future paying no heed to the dangers that may lie ahead? Do I tiptoe cautiously forward hoping for the best? Do I stay the same as I have always been and consistently fly by the seat of my pants? Or should I be more diligent in carefully laying out detailed plans with specific goals in mind? One would think that with 45 years of life experience, I would have a better clue. But I suppose with the wisdom of the years, the only thing…
The Canadian Tuxedo: Twinning with Radical Ralphie
Did you know that the term Canadian Tuxedo originated in 1951 when Bing Crosby was refused entry into a Canadian hotel because he was wearing a denim top with denim bottoms? Apparently, this denim on denim look did not satisfy the dress code. Upon learning of the incident, Levi Strauss designed a denim tuxedo as a publicity stunt and the Canadian tuxedo was born. Read more about The History of the Canadian Tuxedo. Those fashion forward folks reading this may already know that denim on denim done right is perfectly on trend while a double denim concoction with too closely related denim pieces can be a fashion disaster. Generally, when…
Why Your Family Needs a Trip “Down Under”
While Australia is one of the seven continents in the world, it is also one of the largest countries, located between the Pacific and the Indian Oceans in the Southern hemisphere. Because it is located at the most southern point in the world, it is the perfect destination for a relaxing, sunny vacation. If you have been considering a warm weather getaway to escape the cold winters of the Northern hemisphere, below are the top reasons why you should consider planning a trip to this wonderful country. Technological Advancement Australia is filled with appealing sights and innumerable natural views ranging from the beautiful beaches to the fascinating wildlife that inhabits…
The Perks of Military Life & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #152
I mentioned in yesterday’s post that we delivered Jeff to Syracuse Hancock International Airport on Friday where he departed for Fort Benning, Georgia, where he will remain for the next two weeks…leading straight up to just a few days before Christmas. In the grand scheme of military living, a two week separation, even in the midst of the holiday season, is not all that bad, but still it packs a bit of a punch when the holiday blues take hold. This past Veteran’s Day, I shared a little peek into our military lifestyle, the ups and the downs and all of the in-betweens. While we have become quite adept at…