Running on Empty & Link Up On the Edge #118
I had big goals today. Again. And my energy level did not meet my ambition level. Again. And I have tons of work that needs to get done. Again. And there are not enough hours in the day. Again. And I know that my little sob story here is not unique or strange or different. It is the world we all live in and the cycles we all pass through. So you can relate, I’m sure. So bear with me whilst I continue on my whiny way… I have much to write that needs writing. Topics of great importance to me that are becoming clearer in my head and prime…
Just an Outfit Post & Link Up On the Edge #117
I have had a lot of deep wonderings going through my head of late and I am struggling with ways to articulate them. I want to share these thoughts because it helps me to process some of it. Sharing it also helps me to gain new perspective and a better understanding when I am feeling somewhat confused by my own silly brain. I think it also makes fun topics for discussion. But the problem is my inability to adequately express what I want to say. So for now, there apparently seems to be just meaningless chaos floating around in my mind until I can properly sort it all out into…
Too Much BRAma and the Truth About Women’s Breasts & Link Up On the Edge #116
I am sure you are all well aware by now that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, or more accurately, National Breast Health Awareness Month. One of my favorite companies, Ruby Ribbon, which specializes in developing comfortable and supportive alternatives to uncomfortable bras, has recently conducted a nationwide survey to discover women’s personal views, loves, and disappointments about their breasts and their options in bras. These survey findings are perfectly timed in conjunction with promoting breast health awareness this month. Ruby Ribbon’s first annual “What’s Your BRAma?” survey reached 3,000 respondents who let us know how they really feel about their breasts and bras. Here is the thing about bras…
Fall Outfit with Halftee: At the Pumpkin Patch & Link Up On the Edge #115
I mentioned in Tuesday’s mushroom picking post that we went to a Fall Festival at Wheeler Creek Pumpkin Patch in Clayton, New York, on Monday. Because the life of a blogger always consists of finding fun places for photo shoots, I wanted to create an outfit that was all fall vibes. And what screams fall more than layers and tall boots? It was the perfect opportunity to share with you a new product that has recently come to my attention…Halftee. Halftee is a product that was created by Wyoming native, Amanda Barker, in an effort to reduce the bulk of layered clothing while maintaining a put together look with all…
Where Did My Mojo Go? & Link Up On the Edge #114
It seems I have lost my mojo. First, I have to say that I absolutely despise the word mojo. I am not sure why. It just sort of offends my ears and contaminates my deep rooted obsession with and appreciation for the English language. Mojo is defined as the art or practice of casting magic spells and it is often used contemporarily to mean one’s confidence, influence, or personal charisma. But if you search for a synonym (which I did because I don’t like the word), you are met with a barrage of drug related terms like crack, cocaine, and dope. To be clear, I have not lost my stash…
Simply Be Boots & Link Up On the Edge #113
Who here is a shoe addict? All fingers seem to be pointing at me. There might be some fingers pointing back at some of you, too. If that is the case, then you will understand exactly where I am coming from when I say there is no such thing as too many pairs of shoes. Or is there? If anyone has too many shoes, it is probably me. Half of my problem is that I can’t ever get rid of anything. The other half of my problem is that I simply can’t resist a cute pair of shoes. But we all know that those cute shoes often come with a…
My Top 6 Must-Have Fall Trends & Link Up On the Edge #111
If you wear clothes, then you are probably acutely aware that fashion is fickle and trends that make their appearance on the sartorial stage tend to change frequently. However, there are certain styles that remain steadfastly classic year in and year out. Fortunately, we live in an environment where pretty much anything goes as far as personal style is concerned. With fashion bloggers of every age and generation supporting the empowerment of all women to wear whatever they like, the fashion climate has experienced a shift where you can find basically any style your fashionista heart desires. If it makes you feel good and you smile with confidence while wearing…
Making Transitions & Link Up On the Edge #110
Yesterday, I talked about transitions in the seasons, in our wardrobes, and in life in general. But I spoke rather generically on the topic. The idea of a discussion about transitions came to me because right now, I am going through a major transition. And I have to be honest, it is freaking exhausting. And energizing. All at the same time. Weird how life is filled with these strange exhilarating paradoxes, isn’t it? Now this transition may not seem like a big deal to some. And in the grand scheme of things, it really isn’t that big of a deal. But after 8 long years of being a stay-at-home mom,…
One Dress from Work to Play & Link Up On the Edge #109
I rarely write strictly style posts these days because I feel like I have so much heavy stuff running through my brain all the time that I must purge it into written words to get some silence. But sometimes the heavy can get too heavy and I need to relax a bit and just talk about the clothes. Because the clothes are fun. I love the clothes. I have always loved the clothes. For as long as I can remember. I used to get embarrassed by this fact about myself thinking that it made me shallow and vain. But the older I get, the less care about what others may…
14 Life Lessons I Have Learned Through Blogging & Link Up On the Edge #108
Time really does fly when you are having fun, doesn’t it? I cannot believe that I have been at this blogging game for three years already! THREE years. That is kind of a long time to commit to something that you have to be 100% self-motivated to stay on track. Granted over the past three years, my commitment may have waxed and waned a bit, but for the most part I have remained fairly consistent. It is truly a labor of love…work of this sort. And so many things have evolved and changed since the beginning of Shelbee on the Edge. I have been brainstorming for weeks about what I…