6 Habits to Avoid to Maintain Good Mental Health
Where our bodies are concerned, there are certain habits that we know can be harmful to us. For example, we understand the negative effects of consuming too much junk food. We know that overeating and lack of exercise can cause obesity which then leads to all other sorts of physical health issues. We know that smoking cigarettes can cause cancer. We know that not getting an appropriate amount of sleep can lead to exhaustion and a break down of our immunities. However, in matters of the mind and mental health, we seem to be lacking some of the same knowledge. But just as we all have a state of physical…
5 Steps to Move on with Your Life
Are you a person who holds tight to past ideals, always striving to reach impossible expectations? If so, there is a great chance that you are also engaging in self-sabotaging habits. You may be wondering how you can stop these harmful practices and live a more fulfilled life. One of the major milestones for moving forward with your life is by making peace with your past and accepting the things that you cannot change for what they are. This can be a difficult process, but these five tips can guide you to making some healthier decisions along the way to creating your best life. 1.Disregard the opinions of others. Everyone…
Use Your Power to Empower & Link Up On the Edge #157
I have said this 100 times, maybe 1,000 times, maybe more. Experience is knowledge. Knowledge is power. And when we have those things, we have an obligation to share what we know in a helpful way. What good is having experience and knowledge and power and hoarding it away in secrecy? What good is hiding our talents and our expertise from the world and from those who could benefit from it? What good is living on this earth if we are not going help each other through the whole messy ride? What good is being a human if we aren’t being, well, human? Humankind. That is an interesting term, isn’t…
I Have No Idea What I’m Doing & Link Up On the Edge #155
I have no idea what I’m doing. For real. This has become the natural state of things for me lately. But on the flip side, I do know exactly what I should be doing. And so, with the loving support of my husband, I have made a decision that is scary and intimidating but I think (fingers crossed) it will be much to my benefit in the long term. Let me give you some background…when I was in Asheville a few weeks ago, I felt more creatively inspired than I have in a really, really long time. When I came home, I cycled into a pretty severe depression for that…
The Benefits of Altruism & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #127
Did you know that practicing altruism benefits the giver as much as it does the receiver? Maybe even more. Caring about other people and acting in the interest of others with no expectation of reciprocity fulfills and energizes us in a unique way that no other behavior really can accomplish. While it is proven that exercise releases dopamine which helps to improve our moods and make us feel happier, the act of giving and helping others unconditionally also releases endorphins that activate the part of the brain associated with trust, happiness, and social connection. When you perform a good deed for someone else, it really does make you happier. This…
The Importance of Making Changes
Have you ever felt like you are stuck in a loop of the mundane? Like nothing is really improving or moving forward? Feeling kind of…stagnant? This is a normal wave in the ocean of life, the waxing and waning of the tide. And it is times like these when we are forced to reevaluate the way things are, the way we do things, and where we want to be going. These are the times when changes are important. Life Changes to Improve Your Mood If you simply have not been feeling great lately, maybe it is time to make some changes. Getting trapped in the same routine or feeling burdened…
5 Self-Care Practices Everyone Should Try
When it comes to looking after your mental health, self-care is one of the hardest things to do. Whether you feel like you don’t have the time or you don’t know where to start, self-care is definitely something that shouldn’t be ignored. Not only will it allow you to spend quality time focusing your yourself, but it also gives you a chance to pause and reflect, which is definitely something we all need every now and again. While self-care means something a little different to everybody, here are 5 self-care practices everyone should try. 1. Enjoy a Long Hot Bath and a Pamper Session Although it may seem as though it’s…
My Bipolar Life & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #109
Oh dear. Here I am again sitting in an ugly cycle of Bipolar. I hate to share that information in this space where my goal is to keep things light and happy. But another mission of my blog is to be transparent and raw and real as well. Bipolar Disorder sucks. Plain and simple. There is nothing glamorous about it. Even when it is controlled, episodes still occur. And. It. Just. Sucks. I can’t even be eloquent about it. I can share a very helpful resource, however, if you find yourself stuck in a bad place…visit BetterHelp.com. Afte decades of dealing with this disorder and years and years of introspective…
My Happiness Chocolate & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #107
Recently, I shared with you my experience with hemp oil extract for treatment of headache pain, menstrual cramp pain, and aiding better sleep patterns. An added bonus that I noticed with daily use of White Cedar Naturals Organic Full Spectrum Hemp Extract Oil was that I was able to maintain a much clearer focus on my daily tasks all day long. I had stopped taking the oil for a few days and tried to take it on an as-needed basis, but I don’t find that it works as effectively for me. I basically need to take one dropper full twice a day to maintain my level of clarity as well…
Explaining a Soldier’s Suicide
If you read yesterday’s Sunday Morning Quarterback, you know that my husband recently lost a good friend and co-worker to suicide. My husband is a man of a few words…especially when it comes to things that are very emotionally heavy. The Army and multiple deployments spent on the front lines taught him that. So I am so very proud of him for touching on the subject in his weekly post. But I believe it warrants a deeper conversation, a conversation that is obviously important to me as I frequently discuss issues of mental health in my blog space. If you are struggling with mental health issues of your own or…