How to Find and Save More Space
Do you ever feel like you just don’t have enough space? Space to breathe, space to move, space to be free from all the things that clutter your days. We all crave more space and when we found ourselves locked in our homes in the early days of the pandemic, some of us may have craved even more space. While social distancing is about maintaining space between yourself and other people, we also have a need for distance from all of the objects around us. And we can only have that kind of space by decluttering and removing the unnecessary objects to create more space. One strategic approach to gaining…
My Happie Hippie Hallway & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #258
My Happie Hippie Hallway makes me smile so bright every time I walk through the second story of my home. Ever since I finished painting the hallway in the fall, I have been on the lookout for bohemian style decor to bring more character to the space. I knew I wanted dreamcatchers to be part of the decor. The hallway space extends from our bedroom to the boys’ bedrooms, making it the perfect spot for catching all the dreams from all the bedrooms. I was not in a hurry to decorate this space though. Two weeks ago, I was still in the brainstorming phase when I was in TJ Maxx…
Environmentally Friendly Laundry Products for Baby
Of all the things that we are responsible for looking after in life, our children are our main priority. We want all the best things for our babies from the moment they come into our lives. But giving all the best to our children does not mean that we should disregard other responsibilities like protecting our environment and our planet for the future generations. There are so many things to consider when trying to live a more environmentally sustainable lifestyle. It is important to choose products that don’t contribute more damage to the environment. But it is equally important to choose products that are gentle on your baby’s skin as…
Home Decor Ideas for the Bedroom: Ways to Build and Customize a DIY Headboard and Luxury Duvet Sets
Bedroom makeovers can come in the form of a full renovation, rearranging the furniture, replacing the furniture, or simply updating your bedding to something more comfortable. This article offers ideas for customized DIY headboards to personalize the aesthetics of your bedroom, ways to make your bed appear more luxurious, and other things that can be added to your room to improve your sleep quality. The top priority for any bedroom should be comfort, specifically the comfort of your bed. This is where luxury duvet sets come into play. Search for fabrics and colors that create a relaxing, calming environment in your bedroom to better enhance your sleep because a good…
6 Ideas for a Feminine Bedroom Makeover
Yesterday, I shared my new hemp bedsheets, so today I am continuing with some ideas for a feminine bedroom makeover. Many people enjoy remodeling the rooms in their homes for a variety of different reasons. You may want to update old furniture and decor to be more modern or you may just have grown bored of your current decor and find a change refreshing. Many women with a great sense of fashion also translate that style into their home decor. We not only express ourselves through how we dress, but the way we maintain and decorate our homes also speaks volumes about our personalities. If you have been considering a…
ATLINIA: Breath of Nature While You Sleep & Link Up On the Edge #275
You might already know how I have been struggling with sleep during these premenopausal years. I am either too hot, too cold, too uncomfortable, too anxious, or in some other way too hormonally imbalanced for proper sleep. So I am always looking for ways to update my sleep environment to be more conducive to a good long healthy night’s sleep. This past summer, I upgraded my comforter to a bamboo one which has really helped to improve my body temperature issues at night. Natural fiber bedding really does have some wonderful sleep and health benefits especially for those of us who struggle with menopause symptoms that effect our sleep. I…
Bring Joy to Your Walls with Poster Store
I am back with my second collaboration with Poster Store, my new go-to place for ethically sourced and produced sustainable prints that are bringing joy to my walls this holiday season. We have been making slow progress on the full home makeover that I committed to last winter, but progress is progress regardless of how slow I move. However, it is fortunate that I have been approaching this simple decor update with a sloth-like vigor because it is giving me plenty of time and opportunities to hand pick posters that will inject the most joy possible into my home decor. When I chose my first gallery wall from Poster Store,…
My Road to Cozy Earth & Link Up On the Edge #258
Have you heard of Cozy Earth yet? I have been seeing commercials and ads everywhere touting the benefits of these premium bamboo products that assist with creating a healthy and comfortable sleep environment with their temperature regulating bed linens and their super soft loungewear. My road to discovering the wonderful benefits of this brand is a rather serendipitous one and I would like to share it with you. Back in the late winter and early spring months, I started seeing lots of blogger friends sharing posts about Cozy Earth loungewear. We were all still in stay at home mode and cute, comfortable, quality loungewear was the best thing to hit…
My Cloffice Makeover & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #205
I took Friday off from writing content in the interest of taking a mental health day and then I launched myself whole heartedly into a makeover project for my cloffice (closet/office). I began the renovation on Friday evening by moving everything out of the room and finished all but the hallway trim by Sunday evening. I want to explain this strange little place in our house that has become known as my cloffice. It was originally the entranceway from the front door which would have faced the side driveway instead of the actual front of the house. At some point during the history of our home, this tiny foyer area…