Reminder: The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book-Sneakers & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up On the Edge #634

Nancy and I are kicking off the New Year by inviting you all to share your favorite (or least favorite) Sneakers with us for the first Good Buy/Good-Bye Book installment of 2023.

What is The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book?

The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book is a monthly series hosted by Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style and myself. Every month, we invite you to share a photo or two of your Good (or Bad) Buy items that fit the stated theme. We ask that you also provide a short description explaining if the item you are sharing was a Good Buy or one that you will be saying Good-Bye to (formerly known as Bad Buys). Nancy and I will both publish a round up post featuring all of the submissions on the 15th of each month.

Anyone who would like to participate and be featured can send us their photos with a short description via email. You do not have to be a blogger to join. Anyone is welcome! We will give you the theme for the next month at the conclusion of each post. Photos will be due to us by the 10th of the month.

So won’t you please join us for January by sending some photos and descriptions of your favorite (or least favorite) Sneakers to or to by January 10, 2023. You are welcome to submit more than one photo if you would like features on both of our blogs.  

Sneakers is kind of a broad term used to refer to athletic style footwear which may also be called trainers, athletic shoes, tennis shoes, gym shoes, kicks, sport shoes, flats, running shoes, or runners. Initially, sneakers were footwear designed specifically for sports or other athletic activities or physical exercise. In today’s vast world of fashion trends, sneakers also come in the form of fashion footwear that appears similar to athletic footwear but you might not do anything more than just walk in them. So however you define sneakers, you are welcome to share yours with us. They might be your favorite old worn out running shoes or customized Converse you wore for your wedding. Whichever you choose, put your best sneaker clad foot forward and step into the new year in style!

Let’s see some of my past sneaker stylings…

The Fab 40’s are Clad in Plaid
(September 24, 2018)
All American Ensembles
(June 26, 2016)
Cheese Curd Day
(August 29, 2015)
Lunch and Errands
(August 26, 2015)

That is literally every time I have worn sneakers on my blog and I had a grand ole time scrolling back through seven years of photos even though it took me half a day to browse through almost 1,700 blog posts! In fact, this post is the 1,699th post at Shelbee on the Edge. That’s a lot of outfits shared and even more words written. But tell me…how do you style your sneakers?

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Keeping it on the edge,


Joining these Fabulous Link Ups.

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


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Shelbee on the Edge