Reminder: The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book-Hoodies & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up On the Edge #677
November’s Good Buy/Good-Bye theme is one of my favorite snuggly styles…Hoodies! But don’t feel the need to limit yourself to just sweatshirts. Any garment with a hood will do! Share it with us.
If you have any ideas of themes you would like to see covered in this monthly collaboration, please let us know in the comments. We have been hosting this series for a long time and it’s getting more and more difficult to choose unique and interesting styles as our focus. You can see all the different themes we have covered since 2018 here.
What is The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book?
The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book is a monthly series hosted by Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style and myself. Every month, we invite you to share a photo or two of your Good (or Bad) Buy items that fit the stated theme. We ask that you also provide a short description explaining if the item you are sharing was a Good Buy or one that you will be saying Good-Bye to (formerly known as Bad Buys). Nancy and I will both publish a round up post featuring all of the submissions on the 15th of each month.
Anyone who would like to participate and be featured can send us their photos with a short description via email. You do not have to be a blogger to join. Anyone is welcome! We will give you the theme for the next month at the conclusion of each post. Photos for Hoodies will be due to us by the 7th of the month. It’s a few days early this month to accommodate some upcoming vacation plans for Nancy.
In my regular monthly format, let’s get to the big round up of my outfits over the years that have included hoodies and other things with hoods…dresses, coats, sweaters, ponchos, etc.


































I hope all of my hooded clothing inspires you to share some of your favorites (or least favorites) with us this month!
Featured Favorites
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked): Patrick of Adventures in Weseland
Fashion Favorite: Di of Di-alog
Other Favorite: Ratnamurti of You Are Unique

You are invited to join us in November to share your favorite (or least favorite) Hoodies or Things with Hoods. You are welcome to send two photos if you’d like to be featured on both blogs. Remember to include a brief description about your submissions. Please submit your photos and descriptions by the 7th of November to shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com or info@nancysfashionstyle.com so we can put you in the spotlight.
*By joining The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book, you agree to receive a monthly reminder email for this series.
Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.

Thank you for hosting the Spread the Kindness link-up! Have a wonderful weekend.
Thanks so much, Stephanie! I hope you are enjoying the weekend!
jodie filogomo
Wow, you have a ton to choose from, Shelbee.
I just wanted to make sure you got my email with my photo this time, Let me know,
I do have a lot, Jodie! And yes, I did receive your email this time! Super cute submission for this one, my friend.
Shelbee, that is an impressive collection of hoodies and a delightful trip back in time! The granny square coat is fantastic, and I’m in love with the reindeer sweater dress, too.Sadly, I think the only hoodie I have, is on my winter coat. Thanks so much for the favorite mention, and enjoy your weekend!
Thanks so much, Di! I love my granny square cardigan and reindeer dress so much, too! Those are two items that I am certain will remain in my closet for many years. Your winter coat totally counts as a hooded garment so if you want to show it off, please send us a photo!
Marsha Banks
I will try to grab a photo of my favorite hoodie, but we are going on a short trip so I may not be able to. I loved seeing all your hooded items! And, thanks, my friend, for the link up!
Ooh, I hope you can get it to us in time, Marsha! We would love for you to join us. Either way, I hope you have a most wonderful trip! Safe travels, my friend.
My goodness you can start a shop in hoodies! Unbelievable! Lol. Have a great weekend.
Hahahahaha, I could start a shop for most sartorial categories, I think! I hope you are enjoying your weekend, my friend!
Patrick Weseman
Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week. I know I have some pics of me in a hoodie. Hopefully I can remember to send them to you tomorrow.
Thanks, Patrick! I would love for you to join us with some of your fave hoodies! Have a fabulous week ahead, my friend.
Emma Peach
I didn’t own a hoodie until fairly recently but I’m a convert! I love how cosy and snuggly they are.
Emma xxx
They really are super snuggly and cozy, Emma! I wear hoodies all winter long when I am lounging around at home (which is almost all the time)! Haha. I would love to see your new hoodie if you are compelled to join us this month. Have a wonderful week ahead, my friend!