Inspired by Passion Fruit, Paws and Peonies & Link Up On the Edge #137
I know. I know. You are all probably so tired of seeing my snowy photos. Unfortunately, I still have a lot of them to use up before it is even warm enough for me to begin sharing Spring fashions. So please bear with me. I have no control over the weather and I live in a place where it is Winter 11 months out if the year! But today, I have taken some inspiration from my dear blogging friend Maria of Passion Fruit, Paws and Peonies and have styled a lightweight dress for a wintry day. Granted, Maria shared her post, How to Use a Summer Dress in Winter, a…
Six Years Ago Today…
Six years ago today…this little critter entered the world. He has challenged us every step of the way right from the start. But we have made it 6 years without killing each other! So I figured a little celebratory blog post was in order. Be prepared for some cuteness overload as we wish Ralphie a very happy birthday! 5 Facts about Ralphie… He was named after my father. He loves Hatchimals. He is addicted to his kindle and loves playing Roblox. His favorite color is blue. He has a special way with his bunny named George. Happy Birthday, sweet child of mine. We love you to the moon and back.…
More Than Your Sexuality & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #114
I know this woman in my town. Her name is Luci. And she is gay. I never ever would introduce someone like this…leading with a reference to their sexuality. Because it really matters not to me what your sexual preference is. Really, the way I should be introducing her is more like this… Luci is a woman in my town whom I know through mutual friends. She is a brilliant hair stylist, a master of makeup techniques, an inspiration in the commitment required to embark on a major weight loss journey. She is beautiful, friendly, kind, dedicated, edgy, unique, and a prime example of how much light can shine from…
When Life Locks in You in a Bathroom, Laugh
I would be depriving you all of a great good laugh today if I didn’t share this story with you. Saturday evening as I was getting dressed to go work my closing shift at Torrid, I had no idea what was in store for me. I had been informed via text message that the store was absolutely crazy all day long, so I should be prepared for chaos. Little did I know that I would be a tremendous addition to the already existing chaos. But in the end, I was told that it was a much needed bit of comic relief to end a really stressful day for the Torrid…
The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book:Long Cardigans & Link Up On the Edge #136
Welcome to The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book! Welcome! This is The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book. Over a year ago, Nancy and I started The Bad Buy Book, a monthly series about our worst purchases. It was a lot of fun to do and we both learned something from it, too! Nancy learned that off-white against her face is not the most flattering color. And I learned that I have a serious problem resisting a good thrift shop find when it comes to pieces that fit “good enough” but “not quite right.” However, after running that series for a year, we decided to change it a bit. For this series, you can choose whether you want to…
Dress Better for the Office with these Stylish Ideas
Dressing for work in an office can be a bit of a minefield. Even if your company’s dress code states that smart-casual is completely acceptable work wear, it can still be fairly difficult to figure out exactly what that means. Are jeans appropriate? Would wearing a tailored suit be too formal? If you are struggling to create work outfits each day, below are some stylish ideas that should help you create a great office look with ease. Cover Your Tattoos Depending on your employer and the nature of your business, it may be important to conceal any visible tattoos. Even though the world of work is a much more progressive…
St. Patrick’s Day Style & Your Own Twist Link Up #6
It is time again for my monthly link up with my fabulous blogging friends, Monica of Jersey Girl, Texan Heart. This month we are putting our own twist on St. Patrick’s Day looks and styling something green. I never argue when the challenge is green since it has been my favorite color for as long as I can remember. Any shade of green will do. I love it all. If you have some green outfits already styled, won’t you share them in the link up below. Otherwise, feel free to share any fashion post that you’d like! And be sure to hop on over and check out what Monica is…
The Sunshine Blogger Award & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #113
The Sunshine Blogger Award. I am sure many of you have seen this floating around in blogland. This peer recognition award has been around for quite some time. I can’t find any information regarding the origins of The Sunshine Blogger Award, but I do recall receiving a notification a few years back when I just began my blog and I think I didn’t do anything with it because I wasn’t entirely sure what it was all about. Now I have better grasp of it. So whomever that was over 3 years ago who nominated me for this, I apologize that it went completely unacknowledged on my part. My bad, my…
Life’s Great Paradox: The Ambiguity of Time with Jord Watches & Link Up On the Edge #135
I find myself pondering the anomaly of time lately. At nearly 45 years old, right in the middle of my life (based, of course, on the current life expectancy of 78 years for an American woman), I often experience this strange sensation of inconsistency as I hear myself saying, “Life is short, live it well,” followed quickly by, “You have all the time in the world to get things done. Take your time and do it right.” And it makes me question, which is it? Do we have all the time in the world? I guess, sometimes we do. And then we see lives ended abruptly due to tragic events,…
5 Wonderful Ways to Dress for a Fancy Event
Have you ever received an invitation to a special event but you dread that moment knowing you have to find the perfect thing to wear? You start feeling the pressure of looking great and dressing appropriate for the event combined with that nasty old feeling of self-consciousness. Although events like these are supposed to be fun (and usually end being just that), we all go through this process of stress and dread when we are trying to find the perfect outfit. You all know what I’m talking about, right? Well this post will provide you with some helpful tips for occasions such as these. When you are shopping for a…