Radical Ralphie and Big Brother Archie: The Karate Kids
Radical Ralphie and his big brother Archie earned their next level karate belts this weekend. They have been enrolled at Premier Martial Arts in Watertown, New York, for almost a year and it is the one sport/activity that finally captured the interest of both boys. This mom was very happy that they both enjoy the same sport as it saves me a whole lot of running around. However, I do sit at the dojo for 2 1/2 hours every Monday and Wednesday night as they have different practice times for their different age groups. But it is a welcoming place that feels sort of like visiting family. I generally take…
Reminder: The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book-Inspired or Copy Cat Looks
On February 15, Nancy and I will be celebrating three years of our collaborative effort to share Good and Bad Buys. We first began with The Bad Buy Book on February 15, 2017, and ran that series for one year. On February 15, 2018, we introduced The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book so you could choose whether you wanted to share a good or a bad buy for the accompanying monthly theme. To celebrate our three years of coming together once a month with this fun series, Nancy and I have created copy cat looks of one another which will be shared in our post on February 15, 2020. We invite you to share with us…
Nothing but a Whole Lot of Something & Link Up On the Edge #181
Lately, I have been really wracking my brain to find my writing angle. I know there is something big inside of me that needs to get. Something powerful that will help others in their own struggles. I know that I have the nerve to address the uncomfortable topics in life. I know that I have the capacity to articulate the things that people may need to hear. I know that some of the darkest places inside of me are the places that resonate with even the most distant strangers. And I know in my heart that it is important for me to share. My problem is finding exactly what it…
Inspired by A Pocketful of Polka Dots: Here, Kitty, Kitty
I honestly cannot remember when I first discovered Jennie’s blog, A Pocketful of Polka Dots, but I have been inspired by her style and her ability to shift genres in a similar way to my own chameleon like sartorial choices for at least the past 4 years. Jennie has this talent for transforming from modern business wear to vintage 50’s to edgy pop culture to easy bohemian styles in a snap. And she always looks so perfectly comfortable, so perfectly in her own fashion lane, with the perfect twist of Jennie on every single outfit that she wears. Aside from her brilliant vestiary talents, Jennie is also a very accomplished…
The Magnificent 8 Style Heirlooms
It seems that with the dawning of new decade, nostalgia for times gone by is on the rise. Just this week, I joined my Fab 40’s friends in showcasing styles inspired by a century ago…the Roaring 1920’s. While I obviously am not old enough to have witnessed the Jazz Age in person, I am old enough to recollect the stories my grandparents shared of growing up during that era. When I was a young child and even a teenager listening to their stories of this simpler time from the past, it seemed liked a foreign and very remote place in time, one that I couldn’t really relate to nor could…
How Did You Love? & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #158
I made a new friend last week. We have connected on a level that I never really thought was a possibility. There is a space in my mind that has seemed completely unrelatable for basically the entirety of my life. I try to describe what happens in that space. I write about it frequently. Many of you have probably read some of it when I share glimpses of what goes on inside my bipolar brain. For a long time, I assumed that anyone with Bipolar Disorder could relate completely, but what I did not account for was that no bipolar brain is exactly the same. There is so much personality…
The Fab 40’s Meet the Roaring 20’s
To honor the first month of the new decade, 2020, the Fab 40’s are drawing inspiration from last century’s Roaring 20’s. Women’s fashion in the 1920’s was characterized by the free spirited nature of a modernist era in the immediate wake of World War I which had just ended right before the new decade began. The post war world had been fundamentally and irreversibly effected on a societal and a cultural level, which dramatically impacted the entire fashion industry. Due to a war time world, the role of women shifted drastically as they were left behind to handle all of the so-called “men’s work” while their husbands were off fighting.…
Friday Favorites 3 & Link Up On the Edge #180
I wasn’t sure if I would have enough things to share for another Friday Favorites post for a third consecutive week. But since I was trapped in a sick house for the better part of the week, I did quite a bit of Netflix binging among some other things that a person does when they are just sitting around feeling kind of gross. Watched/Watching Netflix Original Series Virgin River. It is a classic story of a big city professional (a nurse practitioner) who relocates to a small town to escape the pain in her past and start anew. Of course, she discovers that she brought her pain with her and…
Inspired by Pumps and Pushups & Hello Katie Girl: DIY Raw Hem Skirt and Shades of Lilac
I have recently been experiencing a giant void when it comes to inspiration for writing. The girl who can never seem to stop talking has seemingly run out of things to say. So I have been watching more movies and television shows, reading more books and articles and blog posts, hoping with every fiber of my being that something somewhere will strike me and my fingertips will once again dance effortlessly across my keyboard, pouring out an endless stream of meaningful and provocative word sequences. But it isn’t happening. I’m not sure why. I know that inspiration is everywhere. I can see it and I appreciate it but it still…
Winter Boho Style & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #157
This is going to be a super short post today because this stomach bug that’s been going around has completely knocked me on my ass. It started on Wednesday morning with Ralphie (so no Radical Ralphie post this week), then it got Archie. By Saturday we were all feeling pretty good. Then we got hit by the snowstorm that swept over about one third of the country which kept us inside for the weekend. I breathed a sigh of relief thinking I had escaped the plague. But alas, I was not so lucky. I woke up Monday morning with severe nausea, aches and pains, fever and chills, and I literally…