No One is Listening & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #177
I feel like no one is listening. I feel like everyone just wants their own voice to be heard. I feel like we are all just screaming at each other. And the result is completely ineffective communication. How can we possibly view an issue from all angles and make appropriate considerations that will result in successful changes if we are so unwilling to even hear what anyone else has to say? Changes happen on a million different levels. From within ourselves which is then filtered down to our children and extended out to our personal networks. Change will grow from there. Outward, upward, downward, and inward. When we patiently and…
The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book: Formal Wear
Welcome to The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book! Welcome! This is The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book. A series co-hosted with Nancy where you can choose whether you want to share a Good Buy (which is an item you are really exited about) or a Good-Bye (which is an item you are going to say good-bye to, previously known as a Bad Buy). Every month you can choose which item you want to submit. A Good Buy or a Good-Bye. We will provide the theme for each month. Photos should be submitted to us by the 10th of the month with a few sentences explaining why it is a Good Buy or Good-Bye. This month’s theme is Formal Wear or fancy dresses…
A Good Ole Fashioned Ass-Kicking & Link Up On the Edge #199
This week has really kind of kicked my ass in the grandest fashion. It began with PMS sending an earth shattering surge of hormones through my body which left me feeling tired, irritable, and frustrated. I also tend to feel anger that verges on rage during these hormonal episodes. And that is a very unpleasant feeling for me. Then Jeff left for a three day trip to West Point (he is home now). About an hour after he left, I heard some awful news about the unexpected death of a friend. All of these things on top of a world that has been breaking my heart daily and I have…
Are You Doing Enough to Strengthen Your Local Community?
A lot of people misunderstand what it means to engage in their local communities. For many people, their local communities are all they have when it comes to safety, peace of mind, and sometimes even entertainment. Smaller communities tend to be closer-knit compared to city communities despite people living further away from each other. Places like parks and stores become communal meeting spots and you can often rely on neighbors to help you with different tasks from watching your dog to offering their expertise on a DIY project. But strengthening communities is something that lies in the hands of the people. It’s something that needs to be initiated by the…
The Meaning and Purpose of Life & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #176
Sunday, January 23, 2005. 11:11 p.m. I was reading The Heart of Philosophy by Jacob Needleman and I wrote a journal entry in response to it. But first, I need to set the stage… I was revisiting this journal from 15 years ago and what I found was an abundance of quotes jotted down from whatever books I was reading at the time. I followed a very strict and unwavering pattern in these entries. First, I would write the title and author of the book. Then when something would strike me from within the pages of that book, I would also write that down. Every time I wrote a quote…
Maybe It’s Time We Listen
I feel like someone stole my rose colored glasses. Ripped them right off my face, threw to them ground, and stomped on them until they were nothing but a pile of shattered plastic. But I think I probably deserved it. I have been hiding behind those things for my entire life. Refusing to acknowledge what my fancy lenses were concealing. I suppose it is time to stop hiding and start educating myself on the injustices in our world today. My friend Debbie recently wrote in a post on a similar topic, “In my bubble, I love people because of who they are…what type of human being they are. For me, things…
Birthday Recap & Link Up On the Edge #198
My birthday was on Saturday and I wanted to share a recap of my special day. Actually I am going to start with a brief recap of the week leading up to my birthday. On the Saturday during Memorial Day weekend, we celebrated a triple birthday (Jeff’s, my neighbor Anna’s, and mine) with a few friends and neighbors, lots of great food, and a fabulous birthday cake. Two days later, on Tuesday, I forgot Jeff’s birthday, and spent the day cooking way more food than necessary to make up for my blunder. Since we could not possibly eat everything that I prepared, we invited the neighbors over for dinner to…
Inspired by Granola & Grace: Bermuda Shorts & Button Ups
I have long been baffled by the styling of Bermuda shorts on me. I have fairly long legs yet Bermuda shorts have this tendency to make them look short and stumpy and wide and just not quite as good as shorter shorts. I suppose it is all in the proportions and how they suit the shape of my body. But time and again, I keep spotting some of my favorite blogger friends wearing Bermuda style shorts and looking freaking adorable in them. Although I have tried and failed multiple times in the past to make longer length shorts look decent enough on me, I was still not defeated in my…
Reminder: The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book-Formal Wear & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #175
Last month’s Good Buy/Good-Bye Book was so much fun featuring pre-loved items. I want to thank all of the amazing ladies who joined us! Keep in mind that you are always welcome to share your pre-loved items for any theme that we feature here. But we are shifting gears in a very dramatic fashion for June’s theme. Formal wear is what we are looking for this month. You can submit any outfit or outfit pieces that would be appropriate for any type of formal, semi-formal, or dressy event. You absolutely do not have to get all dressed up and take new photos to submit, just send us pictures of your…
This is 46
Today is my birthday. Forty-six trips around the sun. More lessons than I have time to share. More experiences to enrich my existence. More time to learn about myself. More insight to make me a better version of me. I learned a long time ago that the best way to gain peace and clarity is thorough letting go. Letting go of the things which I cannot control. Having faith in powers which are stronger than me. Trusting the universe and her plan for me. And with each passing year, I feel more evolved, I feel more educated, I feel more relaxed, I feel more fulfilled. I feel more like myself.…