Thoughts of the Day
My life has qualified me as "experienced" on such topics as Army life, parenting, mental health, loss and grief, multi-tasking, and adapting to all things new (good, bad, or indifferent). I will share my thoughts on these topics and hopefully you will find some calm in the chaos knowing that others have been where you are.
My Road to Cozy Earth & Link Up On the Edge #258
Have you heard of Cozy Earth yet? I have been seeing commercials and ads everywhere touting the benefits of these premium bamboo products that assist with creating a healthy and comfortable sleep environment with their temperature regulating bed linens and their super soft loungewear. My road to discovering the wonderful benefits of this brand is a rather serendipitous one and I would like to share it with you. Back in the late winter and early spring months, I started seeing lots of blogger friends sharing posts about Cozy Earth loungewear. We were all still in stay at home mode and cute, comfortable, quality loungewear was the best thing to hit…
Sustainable Scandinavian Gallery Wall from Poster Store & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #235
When it comes to interior design and home decor, I am the absolute worst. It’s not that I don’t have an eye for things that are aesthetically pleasing. And I definitely have the ability to create magnificent color and print combinations…in my wardrobe. But when it comes time to decorate my home, I simply get too overwhelmed with the available choices that I end up doing nothing at all. Enter Poster Store with their extensive collection of beautiful prints on sustainably produced high quality paper and their selection of gorgeous wood and metal frames in a variety of sizes to fit any poster that they offer. When Poster Store reached…
How to Get into the Best Shape of Your Life after 40
Society has been telling us for generations that once we hit the age of 40, it’s all downhill, including our ability to maintain healthy levels of fitness. Clearly, there are people around the globe who have thumbed their noses at this message and made it a mission to get into the best shape of their lives in their 40’s and beyond. There is no age limit on making your health and fitness a priority. When we are in our teens, 20’s, and even 30’s, we often fail to account for the aging process as we establish our diet and exercise routines during that first segment of our lives. But what…
If the Shoe Fits: Why Footwear Sizing is Important
Do you own a particular pair of shoes that cause you blisters or maybe are just generally uncomfortable to wear? Studies show that these are very common problems with footwear with researchers estimating that 63% to 72% of people actually wear the wrong shoe size. According to experts, people tend to wear shoes that are either too long, too short, or too narrow for their feet. They also have discovered that this is prevalent across different age populations including children who may continue these bad footwear habits into their adult life. Since it is a majority of people who are likely wearing the wrong shoe size, there is a great…
How to Stand Out with Your Personal Style
I think most of us would agree that when we get dressed we want to feel and look great. Getting dressed is something that most of us do on a daily basis and we want our appearances to accurately reflect our personalities and tastes. Of course, life is a series of good days and bad days and how we feel in our clothing each day is just one small part of that roller coaster journey. There are those days when magic happens in your closet and the most beautiful outfits are created from that space. But there are also those days when we may lack the confidence to wear what…
A Daily Reminder About Humility with Mapiful & Link Up On the Edge #250
I have been struggling recently with self confidence and humility. I have long held onto the belief that confidence and humility are in direct opposition with one another. And rather than being perceived as a proud or overly confident individual, I would much prefer to be viewed as humble. As a result of my misperception, my self confidence sunk to a level of complete and total self deprecation in an effort to become a perfect example of humility. Up until about 6 weeks ago, I held very firmly to this belief that it was impossible to have both confidence and humility at the same time. Then I received my daily…
How to Fake It ‘Til You Make It to Get What You Want Out of Life
One of the things we often hear about when it comes to our mental health and perception of ourselves is the notion of faking it ’til you make it. But it is one of those ideas that some may consider to be a bit dubious, especially if you don’t believe that you can manifest what you want in life simply by changing some thought patterns and behaviors. Acting a certain way gives your brain the opportunity to prepare itself for a new way of thinking which leads to the formation of habits that are better suited for reaching the goals you have set whether you want to get a new…
How Guilty Are You of Dangerous Driving Habits?
There are certain driving habits that are not only illegal but can also be very dangerous. I think many of us can admit to practicing bad driving habits at least occasionally. Often it doesn’t matter how experienced a driver you are, breaking traffic and driving rules is a dangerous habit to get into. Traffic laws exist for a reason, after all, and the reason is generally your safety as well as the safety of others. If you or a loved one has been injured in a car crash due to the negligence in safe driving habits by another driver, someone like this car crash injury attorney Detroit can help you navigate the…
How to Motivate Yourself for Success
Self-motivation can sometimes be really challenging. We all have those days when we don’t want to get dressed and we would rather sit on the couch and endlessly binge watch Netflix. The struggle is real when you find yourself having the internal debate between continuing your Netflix binge or engaging in a more productive task. I know this struggle well as I fight it almost daily. But most of us do have a desire to be productive in our daily lives even when the draw of Netflix is strong and so we have to find ways to get motivated. While it might be really nice to have a personal cheering…
Helpful Tips for Reducing Entrepreneurial Stress
Very few of us are immune to stress in our lives. Even with adequate coping skills to manage and mitigate stress levels, it can still take over when you have the least time or patience for it. One major factor that leaves us vulnerable to additional stress is the fact that we are always juggling multiple tasks. And nobody understands the stress of multitasking quite like the entrepreneurial demographic. If you are a contractor or freelancer trying to make your way as a successful entrepreneur, there are outside resources that can assist you on your way to a reduced-stress work environment. Many contractors or freelancers have heard of umbrella companies…