Outfits of the Day #ootd
I love to put together outfits. I find something calming and exciting in the process. And if I think I look good, I tend to feel great! Hopefully, you can find some inspiration here for feeling amazing in your own body.
The Thrifty Six in Leather
The Thrifty Six is back and heading into the new year all dressed in various forms of leather…genuine leather, vegan leather, faux leather, pleather…whichever it is, it suits this month’s theme that was chosen by Lucy. The Thrifty Six is a group of six international fashion and lifestyle bloggers and influencers coming to you from all around the world. We span at least three different decades of life and we each have our own unique and individual style with a shared passion for preloved clothing and second hand shopping. Our goal is to share a variety of ways to be stylish while doing a little something good for the environment. With…
Style Imitating Art: Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer
This is my second time participating with a Style Imitating Art prompt and I almost missed it…again! I saw the prompt yesterday, the day that submissions were due, and didn’t want to miss out on the fun. So I hastily created an outfit inspired by the chosen artwork, took some photos, edited a few, and sent one off to Terri of Meadow Tree Style who curated the artwork for this challenge. I was left with just enough time to draft a post of my own to share with you all. Be sure to visit Terri’s blog today to see all of the other art inspired outfits. About Style Imitating Art…
Chic & Cozy Coats | January Stylish Monday Link Up
I am back after a long weekend/mental health break from blogging and I am joining the amazing ladies of the Stylish Monday group to showcase our chic and cozy coats for winter. Stylish Monday is a monthly series published in collaboration with a group of 14 international fashion and lifestyle bloggers. It is another opportunity to be creative with our personal style as we join together each month with a style prompt or theme. We also host a link party where anyone is welcome to add their fashion and style posts. Scroll to the bottom of the post to find links to visit all of my fashion friends as well…
Inspired by Graceful Rags: Preloved Style in a Checked Shirt
Why is getting dressed becoming more and more challenging with each week that passes spent in lockdown mode? It really is quite the struggle to get myself motivated to create interesting outfits and smile happily for the camera when all I really want to do is cuddle up in my jammies, pull a blanket over my head, and sleep until spring. The winter blues are a very real thing for me and many others, but this winter seems to be even lousier than winters past. With no where to go and no one to see, I am trying to prevent myself from disappearing into obscurity. Although disappearing into nothingness sounds…
How to Style Overalls for Cold Weather & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #204
Once all the holiday hoopla dies down and the reality of the very long winter that still lies ahead sets in, I often find myself feeling rather melancholic for the entire month of January. Adding insult to injury, of course, is this particular January when there is no apparent end in sight to all the things that have bugged me all the past year long. But perspective and gratitude are my focus words for the year 2021, so I will not indulge my burning urge to vent and scream and cry and throw rage at the wind until I feel better. Fueling such fires never comes to any sort of…
Welcoming the New Year in Shades of Blue & Link Up On the Edge #226
This may be the most highly anticipated arrival of the new year of all the new years that I have welcomed in my lifetime. For everyone, the year 2020 was basically a bust that left us all feeling a little bit blue, a whole lot frustrated, a smidgen angry, and then it was all tied up with a giant bow of disappointment. But a new day is dawning, a new year has arrived, and all we can do is welcome it with enthusiasm and hope for a better future. This Seneca quote keeps repeating in my head, reminding me that life will continue its perpetual waxing and waning as it…
Inspired by a Christmas Gift: Tan Plaid Scarf
Well, it has finally arrived…the last day of this miserable year. And with every ending comes a new beginning. Hopefully this new beginning will not be as tainted with tumult as the end (and the middle) of 2020. The snow has started arriving here in the North Country and it brings such an innocence and peace with it as it blankets the earth in newness symbolizing that all seasons come and all seasons go and the world just keeps on turning. Some days, some weeks, some years, the best we can do is hope we don’t fall off this spinning globe and disappear into the abyss. For 2020, I am…
Styling My New Houndstooth Ruana & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #203
With all the Christmas gift giving completed for this year, it is time to start sharing some of the amazing things that I received. I want to start with this fabulous black and white houndstooth ruana from my mother-in-law. This was the perfect gift choice showing how well my husband’s mother knows me. She knows I am always cold and therefore I will always appreciate anything that will keep me warm and cozy. She also knows that I am always happy to add a new dramatic statement piece to my wardrobe. And really, there is nothing quite as dramatic and bold as a black and white houndstooth fringed wrap. Wanting…
The Fab 40s and the Need for Tweed
The Fab 40’s have gone from Space Inspired outfits last month to the need for tweed this month. Inspired by The Crown on Netflix which has been feeding her adoration for all things British royalty, Suzy has chosen tweed as a bit of homage to the royals for this month’s Fab 40’s theme. If you been visiting here for a while, you probably already know how much of a nerd I am when it comes to exploring the history of certain fashion trends as well as the origins of specific prints, patterns, and textiles. Since tweed is not a textile that I wear very often, nor do I own very…
Merry Christmas to All & Link Up On the Edge #225
“The way you spend Christmas is far more important than how much.” Henry David Thoreau Merry Christmas everyone! I am feeling the need for a little break from overtaxing my brain and I don’t feel like writing much today. So I am going to share my Christmas outfit from a photoshoot we did earlier this week. This outfit features the snowflake sweater that is the same as my mint green reindeer sweater from Wednesday’s post. I do think this color (pink? peach? salmon?) is bit better for my complexion and I really loved the way it paired with my thrifted red satin skirt for some good holiday vibes. We took…