Inspired by Little Blonde Book: Haute Holiday & Link Up On the Edge #176
It seems a little surreal that Christmas is just 5 days away. I am ready and I am not ready. In an effort to feel more in the holiday spirit, I have been trying to create festive outfits, but ones that would also work post-holiday season. Reds and greens and whites with splashes of plaids and animal prints have been the things drawing my attention recently. And you all know my fondness for colorful tights. Brightly colored legs are definitely putting me in the holiday mood! Like most fashion-conscious friends I know, I often go scouring Pinterest for inspiration every now and then. I was on a recent quest for…
Why Getting Dressed Up is Important to Me & Link Up On the Edge #175
There are so many times, like multiple times a day, that I wonder if this blogging thing is really just frivolous and vain, pointless and silly. That old arch-nemesis of mine, Imposter Syndrome, sneaks in when I least suspect her and brings mental turmoil and overwhelming amounts of self-doubt with her and drops them proudly at my feet like a cat with a fresh kill so very excited for the hideous gifts she presents to me. What am I to do with such presents? First and foremost, I stand there in shock that she would bring me these things yet again. Especially since I have made it abundantly clear that…
The Best Day Ever: Thanksgiving Memories to Cherish for a Lifetime & Link Up On the Edge #174
Thanksgiving this year might go down in the history of me as one of the most memorable ones ever. I will cherish it forever and I do so hope that all other holidays can measure up. It’s funny because as my sister was planning the menu and the guest list and our activities for four days spent together, she gave me this warning…”I am afraid that my expectations for Thanksgiving this year are of Hallmark caliber.” And we all know that when expectations are set too high, we are usually let down…even if it is just a little. This time, however, I think our expectations were exceeded. And that is…
The Benefits of Flaxseed Oil for Skin & Link Up On the Edge #172
Oh, sweet menopause and the years that lead up to it. Are any members of the female gender exempt from the symptoms? There are dozens of symptoms that accompany this change of life and every woman experiences a unique combination of them. From cold flashes (I don’t get hot, I freeze) to severe cramping and raging PMS to itchy skin and consistently disrupted sleep, I have to say that none of the premenopausal symptoms are really pleasant except perhaps the part about increased sex drive. However, that can be a nuisance as well if it hits at inopportune times leaving one feeling all frisky and no way to scratch that…
I Did a Scary Thing & Link Up On the Edge #170
For months, I have been wrestling with the idea of expanding my own personal body positive mission. I feel so very passionate about empowering and inspiring women (and men) to find their way to healthy self love, to appreciate and celebrate our bodies for the miracles that they are. When the idea first came to me, I started sharing my message and some nude photography on Patreon. But I quickly realized that forum was not the best for me. I began there because I felt safe with my content locked behind a paywall. And it was safe. Very safe. For no one ever saw any of it except Anne M.…
100 Books to Read & Link Up On the Edge #168
A few weeks ago, I mentioned those old Hidden Facebook Gems that I discovered in the Notes section on my About page. Today, I was going to share another poem from those Notes and then I stumbled upon BBC’s The Big Read which is a challenge to see how many of the top 100 books chosen by the BBC you have read. Since I had just done a photoshoot in the library, I thought this might be a fun idea for today’s post instead. Plus I am a super huge book nerd. I once took it upon myself to read every work of fiction that had won a Pulitzer Prize…
How 20 Minutes Can Save Your Life & Link Up On the Edge #167
“I would encourage you: be informed – knowledge is power.” Matt Bevin I am sure you are all aware that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. But we need to be alert and on top of preventative measures all year long. Just as cancer doesn’t decide to strike only in October, we need to be scheduling our annual mammograms all throughout the year. However, I always get my mammograms in October because it is the easiest for me to remember. You know, at this stage of life, the memory is the first thing to go! Due to my age and my health, my doctors have recommended that I have my…
Harley & Link Up On the Edge #166
Who’s ready for some more old poetry from yours truly? And a little look at me then and now? When Jeff and I first met in September of 2008, he had a Harley. And my God, was it sexy. This big burly soldier would come riding up to my apartment on his motorcycle and I would come running out in my sassiest motorcycle gear, hop on the back, and off we would go. I felt a bit like Stephanie Zinone (played by Michelle Pfeiffer) in Grease 2 the first time she jumps on the back of Michael Carrington’s (played by Maxwell Caufield) motorcycle and he whisks her off into her…
Hidden Facebook Gems & Link Up On the Edge #165
I think I recently mentioned that I had stumbled upon some old poetry and creative writing pieces buried deep in the archives of my Facebook page. There is this place where things get lost and hidden in Facebook land if you don’t know exactly where to look. If you go to your “About” page and then scroll all the way to the bottom, past your friends and photos, videos, and check-ins. Next you will come to all of your favorite sports teams, music, movies, books, and television shows. You know way back in the beginning of Facebook when you tagged all these things so people could get to know you…
Something About You & Link Up On the Edge #164
Last Friday, I was inspired by Ada to share a poem. I talked a little bit about how intimidating it can be to share one’s poetry….written from the heart, exposing all the raw emotions that fight their way onto paper. I was a bit hesitant, but I faced my fear and did it anyway. I must practice what I preach, I suppose. And I am ever so grateful for all the very kind and encouraging comments that I received in response. I saw my rhyming poem, I Thought I’d Known You Before, as unsophisticated in its simple rhyming and repetitive verses. I think I was attempting something that was a…