How to Get Rid of Razor Bumps: A Guide to Smoother Skin
Tired of Razor Bumps? This Might Be the Solution for You. Razor bumps can be a real buzzkill when you’re aiming for smooth, flawless skin. Not to mention the pure horror from having an itch or a stabbing pain when your jeans rub your razor bumps the wrong way. I understand the frustration and I am sharing a way you can bid farewell to those pesky bumps. I consulted with a team of licensed estheticians and wax specialists who are dedicated to skincare and hair removal techniques and they shared their knowledge and expertise with me on preventing and eliminating razor bumps effectively, ensuring that your skin remains silky smooth…
6 Easy Ways to Complete an Outfit
Completing an outfit can sometimes present unique and difficult challenges. For example, you may be unsure which accessories work best with your outfit or you may not have a coordinating belt to complement the top you are wearing. Perhaps the shoes you had in mind aren’t fitting with the jeans you had in mind, leaving you with half an outfit, limited time, and no clue how to bring it all together before you need to start the day. However, getting dressed does not need to be so complicated, especially when you keep in mind that personal style is all subjective anyway. If you wear what makes you feel comfortable, confident,…
How to Boost Your Confidence as a Plus Sized Woman
It can be tricky to build your confidence if you are a plus size woman constantly bombarded by images of size 0 social media influencers and fashion models as the standard to which we should all aspire. But images of other people’s bodies should not be a reason for the plus size woman to lose self esteem. Size does not determine beauty and every body is beautiful regardless of its shape, weight, color, age, or gender. If you struggle with self confidence because you have fallen into the social media comparison trap, you are not alone. It can happen to anyone and probably has happened to most of us. Fortunately,…
Veneers & What They Mean to the Person Wearing Them
Dental hygiene is an essential component for our overall health. Daily brushing and flossing along with semi-annual visits to the dentist for professional cleanings and checkups is an important part of maintaining a bright, beautiful smile. However, cosmetic dentistry is the other side of dentistry that focuses less on how our dental health effects our overall health and more on our appearance and the way we look. For people who may be lacking confidence in their smiles, veneers are an easy way to boost that confidence so you can smile freely and happily. Veneers, just like our clothing, can act as a disguise which will boost your self confidence. The…
Sustainable Shaving: Leaf Shave Razor Review & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #257
The older I get, the more aware I become of all of the unnecessary waste that we make as humans. It is so excessive sometimes that it makes my soul ache. So I am always looking for ways to minimize my own negative impact on the environment. We have truly become a throw away society. We buy and toss things so quickly, it shouldn’t be any wonder that our planet is so very unwell. We have thrived on the conveniences of disposable everything…disposable diapers, disposable utensils, disposable plates and cups, disposable razors, disposable clothing. Disposable is easy. We can buy something, use it until we are done, then toss in…
Tits the Season to Have a Very Merry Sexmas: Celebrating My Boobs
This is a bold post, y’all. A very bold post. Although I have shared about boobs and shown off my own boobs on other virtual platforms and I talk about sex and all the other things that tend to make people uncomfortable, I have never actually placed photos that show my boobs in this space. But I thought about it some and I figured it’s really just boobs. We all have them and we all hide them and I don’t understand why because the boobless gender has no issue flaunting their flat nipples around in public whenever the weather permits it. I am pretty much over that double standard at…
6 Ways to Feel More Comfortable About the Way You Look
Do you ever struggle with self confidence? The older I get, the more I realize that self confidence is an fickle emotion that tends to come and go in waves for all of us. We may feel confidence in the way we look on Monday, only to feel awful about ourselves by Wednesday, returning to a place of self confidence on Friday. Repeat that cycle a million times and you have my life in a nutshell. But I am certain that I am not alone in this capricious cycle of self confidence. With a focus on the now, I think today is the perfect day for all of us to…
4 Ways to Invest in Your Appearance
We all spend money on improving the way we look. While some expenses may only bring temporary results, there are certain purchases that can have a much longer term effect. Keep reading for 4 ways to better invest in your personal appearance for a lasting impact as we move forward into a new year and beyond. *This is contributed content. Purchase quality wardrobe pieces that are versatile. When spending your hard earned money on apparel and accessories, it is important to consider how much use you will get out of each item. A cheap pair of sneakers that falls apart after barely a few months of wear is not the…
4 Fashion and Beauty Essentials Every Woman Needs
Many women focus on personal style as one of the most vital elements of fashion. The women’s fashion industry is one of the most profitable industries in the world. For example, in 2018 in the United States alone, the revenue generated within this industry was about $41.2 billion, evidence of how much fashion impacts every woman. Regardless of your personal taste and sartorial choices, there are a few essentials that every woman needs in her wardrobe to compliment her style. Below are four of them, but I am certain that every woman has her own unique list of wardrobe essentials. Accessories The American women’s accessories market is worth a reported…
The Best Ways to Dress to Show Off Your Tattoos
Tattoos are an expensive habit but a wonderful way to help body and skin become a canvas of self expression for artistic types of people. If you have tattoos, then you have most likely spent a lot of money on your body art. So the last thing you want is to cover up and hide your self expression beneath your clothing. Instead, you probably want to incorporate your tattoo art into your style choices so the world around you can see your creativity. The moment you decide to get a tattoo, you will begin to view your entire wardrobe from a different perspective. As soon as you start adding body…