off the shoulder top, denim culottes, fashion over 40, summer style

The Lowdown Hustle & Link Up On the Edge #156

off the shoulder top, denim culottes, fashion over 40, summer style
This is not a sponsored post.

Last week, I let you all in on a little secret…I have no idea what I’m doing. But I made my public declaration/affirmation/whatever kind of “ation” you want to call it that I am a writer through and through. But my interests are varied and diverse and I am a firm believer that you have to take some big chances and make some big waves in order to make some big impact.

off the shoulder top, denim culottes, fashion over 40, summer style

So now I want to share with you some of the projects that I have in the working stages right now. If you follow me on Facebook, you will have seen some teasers by now, but if you don’t follow me or just missed my posts, I ask that you check your judgments before you continue reading. Some of the things are opportunities that may not cause an eye to blink, but others may elicit a gasp of shock at first. Gasp if you must, but know that my purpose is one of passion and empowerment, inspiration and an exhibition of guts. It takes some courage to do what I am doing and I will admit that I have struggled with lots of internal voices trying to talk me out of it. But in my guts, deep down in my very heart and soul, there is something stronger than those voices telling me to forge ahead and do this work. Even in the face of judgment, disapproval, shock, and misunderstanding. While I really have no idea what I am doing, I am simply following the work wherever it leads me.

off the shoulder top, denim culottes, fashion over 40, summer style
off the shoulder top, denim culottes, fashion over 40, summer style

So here is the lowdown on the hustles that are the makings of my new adventures.

Hustle #1: I will continue sharing fashion and lifestyle posts right here at Shelbee on the Edge. I have branded myself as such and I will continue to live up to that name! But I will be posting less frequently. Probably only on Tuesdays and Fridays for my link parties with the occasional intermittent posts for collaborations (you can find all of my collaborations on the menu at the top of my page) and contributed content (for those are the posts that fund the whole thing).

off the shoulder top, denim culottes, fashion over 40, summer style
off the shoulder top, denim culottes, fashion over 40, summer style

Hustle #2: I have started posting articles on Medium. The more people who read them and engage and click the little clapping hands icon, the more chance I have of generating some income. So go on and follow me and become a fan! I would much appreciate it. So far, I am focusing on mental health writing in that forum.

off the shoulder top, denim culottes, fashion over 40, summer style
off the shoulder top, denim culottes, fashion over 40, summer style

Hustle #3: I am also looking into some other outside publications where I can write on various life topics. These require some research and emailing pitches and then crossing your fingers and hoping that they like what you have submitted enough to publish your work on their websites. That is a bit intimidating and I keep reading that I must be prepared for rejection and to not take it personally. The process will certainly be a test of my durability. Wish me luck!

off the shoulder top, denim culottes, fashion over 40, summer style
off the shoulder top, fashion over 40

Hustle #4: I just established an account on Patreon (under the name Shelbee on the Edge) where I will be sharing adult-oriented content addressing issues of body positivity, sexuality, and nudity. Yep, you read that correctly. Nudity. While there will be no sexually explicit content in this forum, I will be talking about things that people are uncomfortable discussing. And there will be nude photographs and lots of them. Intimidating? Absolutely. Terrifying? You bet your ass. Empowering? More than anything I ever done in my entire life. Liberating? A huge resounding YES! There will be public posts every Sunday that are SFW (safe for work) viewing. But all other posts will require a subscription to access. Because we can’t have just any innocent minor gaining access to view nude photos or other adult content; therefore, a credit card is required. And well, because I am trying to make a livable wage here by cashing in on my artistic talents. Inspiring, empowering, bold, and crazy content is one of my talents. I think. I am calling this project a Body Positive Movement.

off the shoulder top, fashion over 40
slides, black sandals

Hustle #5: I have also launched a new blog. Without my name attached to it. (But I kind of just attached my name to it, didn’t I?) However, only you, faithful readers, will know it is mine. Anyone else who stumbles upon it will find just an anonymous writer sharing her stories about her life as a love junkie. There isn’t much there yet, just an introduction page. But I plan on publishing one post a week beginning next week at The Seven Year Itch. If you are interested in the sordid details of the love affairs in my life, go have a peek. But shhhh…it must all remain a bit of secret for now.

off the shoulder top, denim culottes, fashion over 40, summer style
off the shoulder top, denim culottes, fashion over 40, summer style

Hustle #6: Oh sweet savior of my life and my health and this perimenopausal hell in which I exist. Sweet, sweet Shaklee. I owe you so much for all you have done for me. Therefore, I must share my personal Shaklee story. Seriously, these products have changed my life. Since I began using the Vita-Lea Multivitamins, the Soy Protein Life Shake, two 7-Day Healthy Cleanses, the 180 Metabolic Boost, and all the of the Green Home Household Cleaning Products less than one year ago, I have experienced the following results…

  • 28 pounds lost.
  • A drastic reduction in perimenopause symptoms.
  • A noticeable increase in energy, focus, and motivation.
  • No more headaches or migraines. (I suffered from migraines and headaches on a weekly to monthly basis.)
  • Healthy blood pressure. I had to take prescription medications to manage my blood pressure. My blood pressure is now completely normal without medication since December.
  • Reduction in allergy and acid reflux symptoms. I was also medication dependent for the treatment of seasonal allergies and acid reflux. I have not needed these medications since December.
  • A much stronger immune system. Every single winter of my life for as long as I can remember, I would be stricken with all sorts of viral and bacterial infections (at least 5 a season). This past winter I cruised on through, healthy as can be…not even a runny nose.
  • The yeast infections have disappeared! I have been a victim of chronic yeast infections since I was about 12 years old. Literally every other week I would be stricken with the horrors and discomfort of that dreadful vaginal discharge and ever so embarrassing itching of the privates. Since I began using Shaklee products, I cannot remember the last time I had a yeast infection. It has been at least 6 months. And man that makes me happy to have a healthy vagina!
  • Minimal mosquito bites. I have that blood type that the bugs love! And now I have finally found an insect repellant that works so I can actually enjoy outdoor activities.
  • Eczema relief. My children have experienced significant relief from eczema outbreaks since we began using the laundry products.
  • Clean and chemical free home. Our house just smells cleaner as it is now free of chemicals.
off the shoulder top, denim culottes, fashion over 40, summer style

And now I want to give you the opportunity to just try some of this for yourself. Shaklee just rolled out a Prove It Challenge and I know I am going to sound all salesy and stuff…but I swear I wouldn’t share this with you if it didn’t work wonders for me. The Prove It Challenge offers new members your choice of 2 Life Shakes (30 day supply), 30 days of Vitalizer multivitamins, a 7-Day Healthy Cleanse, Free Shipping, and Free Preferred Membership for $159. (All of these products would typically retail for $248). They have a no questions asked money back guarantee if you are not satisfied, but I don’t think that will happen. I started seeing and feeling results within about 2 weeks of using these products. You all have seen the difference in my photos, too. Now, I am not a pushy person at all. I really just want everyone to live their very best life. So I am merely passing the information on to you. If you are interested in learning more, please do let me know. I am more than happy to guide you in the right direction. The only thing I have to gain from it is seeing the people I admire and love find their way to their very best life.

off the shoulder top, denim culottes, fashion over 40, summer style

I think 6 hustles is enough for now! I hope to add some public speaking to my agenda one of these days, too. We shall see what the universe has in store for me. And now I must get back to living my best life! Are you living yours?

And now your featured favorites from last week’s link party.

Jodie of Jodie’s Touch of Style shared a wonderful perspective on What Exactly is Frumpy? If you are concerned with falling into frumpville, Jodie has some great tips on how to fight the frump!

Jodie of Jodie’s Touch of Style

Erin of Delightful E Made shared a fabulous recipe for Classic Macaroni Salad. I might be making this next weekend for a baby shower!

Erin of Delightful E Made

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Hustling on the edge,


Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


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Shelbee on the Edge