The Best Tie Dye Dress & Link Up On the Edge #204

You know those Facebook ads that seem to read your mind when they pop up in your feed showcasing the prettiest dresses you have ever seen for affordable prices? Well those ads are usually easy enough to ignore, but then I saw one from Protky featuring the cutest maxi dress with giant retro inspired flowers in super bold colors all cascading down the front and back of it, and I couldn’t ignore it. So I clicked.
Suddenly I found myself in shopping heaven. I loved every single piece offered by this website, but it had terrible reviews and so many scam alerts and I really should not have started adding things to my cart, but I simply couldn’t resist. I ended up adding 3 dresses to my cart: the original one that caught my eye, a white shirt dress, and this tie dye dress. This was way back in April, about a month into quarantine, and I was getting the shopping bug. I needed something to make me feel a little better, something to look forward to like a delivery of cute dresses in the mail.

Then April ended, May came and went, June flew by, and still no delivery of my dresses. I emailed customer service countless times and then discovered that the website was not even operational and I began kicking myself for not listening to the reviews before making the purchase. I know better. But I blame my cloudy judgment on quarantine boredom.
During the first week of July, I decided to send one last email to follow up on my order and then I guess I would have to cut my losses and learn my lesson at a price. I received a response within minutes that my order was on the way and had been delayed due to a backorder on one dress and of course the pandemic has slowed shipment of products tremendously. I finally received my 3 new dresses last week and I cannot link to any of them because the Prokty site is not working again.

As excited as I was when my package first arrived, my disappointment far exceeded my excitement. The dress that triggered me to shop this website in the first place looks nothing like the dress on the model. It hugs and amplifies every roll and unsavory spot on my body! But I think I might be able to make it work by layering something over the top of it. That remains to be seen. If I can make it work, I will share it here. Because it is still a really cute dress just not the cut and style that I had anticipated.
The white shirt dress does not even cover my private parts and I can’t button it past my belly button so it simply won’t work. I always strictly follow the product measurements before ordering from any website. So either I gained 4 inches around my entire body since April or the measurements were completely wrong for this dress. I will probably list it on Poshmark at some point because it is really cute, but the 2XL will fit someone who is a medium or large.

But not all hope was lost…this tie dye dress is absolutely magical! I love the colors and the pattern of the tie dye falls in just the most flattering way. It is super lightweight and airy, my favorite kind of dress this summer. The funny thing is that I only added this dress to my cart at the final moment to qualify for the free shipping. Please tell me I am not the only one who does that?
Lately I have been taking most of my blog photos in my backyard (I am still suffering from agoraphobia and am much more comfortable staying at home). But last weekend, my husband convinced me to go out with him and the boys to run some errands and find a different spot for photographs. I didn’t get out of the car during any of the errands, but I had to venture out for photographs.

There is a little nature area on Fort Drum called Remington Pond. There are cabins you can rent and you can kayak or canoe on the pond. There are also some trails and bridges and a playground and meeting halls in this area of the military base. It is like a quiet little haven for military folks to escape and it was the perfect backdrop to showcase the beautiful colors in my new tie dye dress. So I am sharing many more photos than I normally do because for the first time in months, I actually felt really, really pretty in my blog photos. And when you feel pretty, there is no shame in showing it off!
So cheers to colorful tie dyes this summer! They make me happy and add an extra bounce to my step and a brighter smile to my face.

What has been making you feel pretty lately?
And now the featured favorites from last week.
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked)
Terri of Meadowtree Style shared her post, Repair & Wear, featuring two really lovely thrifted maxi skirts. Terri did her own alterations and adjustments to create her perfect summer maxi skirts and I am loving both!

Favorite Fashion Post
Katie of Hello Katie Girl shared her post, Summer Floral, featuring the best dress ever! I am a huge fan of ditsy floral prints and the colors on Katie’s dress are just so spectacular.

Favorite Non-Fashion Post
Lauren of Lauren Sparks shared her post, You Know What They Say About Making Assumptions. Lauren always shares some of the best messages and reminders in her posts. This post reminds me that different doesn’t mean wrong, a mantra that I often repeat to myself. We are all works in progress and we can all use little reminders every now and then on how to be better people. Great message, Lauren!

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop my look…
Outfit Details: Dress-Prokty / Shoes-Target / Necklace-Gift Shop in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania / Earrings-Thrifted / Schrunchie-Torrid / Hat-Old / Bag-Burlington Coat Factory

I absolutely will add an item to my cart just to get free shipping! Sorry only one of the items fit right after such a long wait but you do look fabulous in this one. What a beautiful area to take photographs too.
Joanne, thank you so much! I am glad that I am not alone in adding items for free shipping! I am so pleased with this dress that I am not all that annoyed with the two bad dresses! Have a great weekend.
Kathrine Eldridge
So glad that one of the dresses worked out after all of that. This tie dye gem is gorgeous on you and I adore where you took these photos! It was worth the wait. Thanks for the link up Shelbee!
Kathrine, thank you so much! The wait and even the two bad dresses were worth it because this is absolutely my new favorite dress! I think I will be wearing it often for the rest of the summer. Have a great weekend!
I love your sandals and the colours of your dress!!
Curated by Jennifer
Thanks so much, Jennifer! The colors really photographed well so I was happy about that! Have a great weekend.
No, you are not the only one who does that!
Yes, you are beautiful!
Can I say what makes me feel beautiful………..sex
(wouldn’t have said that on any other blog)
Yes, Nancy! I am so glad that you said it here! Sex definitely helps me feel sexier, that’s for sure! Thanks so much for your lovely compliment and your straight up honest answer! You, too, are a very beautiful woman!
What a shopping experience but I am glad at least one dress worked well! Love the fun color and it is a nice cut for the summer. Love your backdrop for the pictures. I am glad you found a nice spot and that you felt great in these pics. Hang in there!
Mireille, thank you, my friend. I wore this dress again today. It so easy to style and so comfortable and I feel great in it. I am taking the boys fishing back in this little pond on Sunday. We have friends staying in a cabin there so we are going to visit them and make s’mores. It will be the highlight of July for us! Ha. Have a great weekend!
What an ordeal and a bummer that two of the dresses didn’t work out. I absolutely love this tie-dye dress on you! And such a pretty spot for your photos!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks, Jill! I keep singing that Meatloaf song, Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad, trying to convince myself that 1 out 3 isn’t bad! But 1 out of 3 kind of sucks. Haha. But I am really happy with the tie dye dress. So at least I have that! I hope you have a great weekend.
Boho babe! Love the colors of your tie dye. The slides are mega cute too. I don’t often feel pretty these days (just old…) but I had to admire my reflection after my hair do last week! That girl Jodie works magic. Have a good weekend x
Gail, thank you very much. I do only get a few fleeting moments or glimpses of myself where I don’t gasp in horror at what I see! But I have been trying to look at my photos more objectively and not focus on the flaws which are so glaringly obvious to me. I take a few minutes every now and then and really focus on an entire photo and how someone else would view it…like I am simply viewing a photo of someone I don’t know. It is a really difficult exercise but it does give you brief moments of clarity where you can see all the beauty that the rest of the world sees and you lose focus of all the flaws that you see yourself. I am so glad that your new hair do made you feel pretty! I am going in 2 weeks for my hair. I cannot wait. Have a great weekend, my beautiful friend!
Lucy Bertoldi
OMG this really is the best tie-dye dress ever! It has all the right hues at the right place! Loving it so much. Have a great weekend my lovely friend xx
Lucy, thank you so much! Right? It’s like the colors are placed so that they create like the perfect hourglass appearance or something. Enjoy your weekend!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
That is such a fun summer look!
Tamar, thanks so much! Have a wonderful weekend.
Such a fabulous dress hun!
Thanks so much, Lovely! Have a great weekend!
eva @ StyleMyThrift.com
you have the best outdoor scenes for your pictures! i want a bridge!!
xo eva
Thanks, Eva! I just laughed out loud! We live in a very rural area so we go exploring for fun new spots to take pictures. There are lots of places! Have a great weekend.
Lauren Renee Sparks
That IS the best tye-dye dress. I love it. And thanks so much for the feature! I truly appreciate it.
Aw, Lauren, thanks so much! And it was my pleasure to feature your post! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Patrick Weseman
Such a wonderful area to take pictures. Very nice. Looking very nice in that tie-dye dress. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Thanks so much, Patrick! I am taking the kids back out to the pond on Sunday. Our friends have rented a cabin out there so we are going fishing and making s’mores. I hope you have a great weekend!
jess jannenga
Aww what a shame about the other dresses! I know it stinks when you look forward to something and then are dissapointed. Your tie dye dress is so good on you, I love the colors! They look so pretty with your complexion and hair. I shop all on-line, so I know the packages are something I look forward too during this time especially.
Those are some neat slides too!
Enjoy your weekend!
jess xx
Jess, thanks so much! It was a total bummer about the other dresses. But I learned to pay closer attention when ordering from a site like this. But I love the tie dye dress so much that I am tempted to go looking for more. Haha. No more shopping for me until clean my closet! Have a great weekend.
Tie and Dye is a must in your wardrobe! They look classy and evergreen. You look gorgeous as usual and refreshing after the much needed break. Take care, Shelbee. <3
Nanchi, thank you so much for this lovely comment! I am blushing. You are so sweet! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
That tie dye dress is absolutely fabulous! And you do look especially pretty and happy out taking photos in such a pretty spot! Good for you for getting out to do the photoshoot.
I’m sorry about the other dresses. That’s so frustrating! I have two orders that I have been waiting on for some time. Fingers crossed! I had one order last year that never came (pre-Covid). I disputed the charge on my credit card and got my money back. But when the sizing is off like that? Ugh!
Also? Yes, I am all about the free-shipping! LOL!
Michelle, thank you so much! It was a good day the day we took these photos. I need to have more days like that. And yeah I am super bummed about the other dresses mostly because they weren’t that cheap. They were each around $30. The tie dye one I would pay that amount for again and again. But even if the other two fit properly, they aren’t worth $30. And I am not going through the hassle of a return. I will just try to resell them. I am glad that you got your money back on that missing order. What a pain! This is my one big reason that I don’t prefer online shopping. I like to touch and feel and see stuff in person before I purchase it. I hope you have a great weekend!
This tie dye dress is indeed magical! The colors are gorgeous and it looks fabulous on you! I’m sorry that the other dresses didn’t work out. Thanks for featuring me in today’s post! I hope you have a fantastic weekend!
Thanks so much, Katie! It really is magical! I wore it again today. I just wash and wear and wash and wear…like every other day. It’s just that good. And it feels like I am in my pajamas.
It was my pleasure to feature you! Thanks for joining us each week!
The tie-dye dress is LOVELY. It’s gorgeous on you. https://kaynuli.com/albanian-music/
Thanks so much, Anuli! It is my new favorite dress, for sure! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
I’m so glad you ventured out of the house to take those gorgeous shots, Shelbee, and to enjoy that beautiful scenery. Nature really helps, I think. I hate those kinds of experiences shopping on those FB links and I’ve had a few. Things eventually arrived, but I thought I’d lost out. I believe it’s the coming from China thing. In any case, that tie-dye dress is totally your vibe!! The intense colors look amazing with your hair and skin tone, so all was not lost!! Yay!
xx Darlene
Thanks so much, Darlene! This dress was definitely worth all the hassle with the order, but I think I will be better at resisting those silly Facebook ads from now on! We are headed back to this little pond area tomorrow to go fishing! I am excited about that. I hope you have a great weekend.
This post really kept me guessing, Shelbee!! I kept thinking, “Oh no!” and then, “Good, a happy ending,” and then back to, “Oh no!” again. I’m glad at least one item worked and this dress is really fun and unique. I love the colors!
Miles of smiles,
Thanks, Grace! You made me giggle a little that you got so emotionally invested in my story! Haha. I was super bummed about the two other dresses but this amazing one definitely eases my disappointment. I need to just get back to thrift shopping and stop dealing with this online nonsense! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Laura Bambrick
What a story with your order! I’m glad it finally arrived and this tie dye dress works so well on you (and too bad about the other items)! I love the bold colors and almost color blocking effect of the tie dye!
Thanks, Laura! I am so happy with this dress but I am really getting turned off to ordering online! I much prefer to shop in person so I can try things on and feel the fabrics and stuff. But I guess online shopping is what makes more sense these days. I hope you have a lovely weekend!
It is funny how things go. Love that tie dye dress and for me meditation helps me feel focused and amazing (which in turn helps me feel pretty on the inside and out). Have a great weekend Shelbee and glad you got the chance to venture out a bit!
Grace, thanks so much! Meditation is such a great way to recenter and refocus so it definitely can leave you feeling so amazing on the inside and out! Next time I meditate, I think I am going to focus on self confidence and self image a little bit more. Thanks for the idea! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Wow it started to sound like a nightmare but I am so glad it turned out not to be so. Shopping online with new retailers can be scary especially when there are mixed reviews but I can relate to just seeing something and bam! You can’t stop thinking about it. Back to the dress, it’s a beauty, Shelbee! The colors are amazing and the maxi length is perfect! The sandals you wore it with are super pretty too! Love the fringes – so fun!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Maureen, thank you so much! Sometimes I wonder if it is even worth the anxiety waiting for these orders that take 6-8 weeks to arrive under normal circumstances and never being sure if they will even arrive. Nobody likes to get scammed! Ha. But this dress was definitely worth the wait. And I need to stop giving into Facebook ads! Have a great weekend.
Suzanne Bell
I just adore your tie dye dress! The colors are beautiful on you and it looks like a piece you could wear anywhere these days. I’m all about wearing whatever sparks joy these days, and this looks like one of those pieces. I have a very similar pair of shoes in gold – they are featured in this weekend’s post! Great minds, eh?
Hope you have a fabulous weekend!
Thanks so much, Suzanne! This dress really does make me feel magnificent! I am also all about wearing things that bring me joy! And thank you for that reminder because I am currently struggling through a closet clean out and it is so, so hard for me to get rid of things! But I am going to get rid of the things don’t bring me joy! I am looking forward to checking out your gold slides! Heading there now. Have a great weekend.
Cheryl Shops
That tie-dye dress was worth the wait—the colors are gorgeous and it’s super flattering on you! I’m sorry the rest of your dresses didn’t work out; I also learned the hard way not to order anything from IG (those companies have THE WORST customer service), and I, too, make impulse purchases to avoid paying for shipping (I think we all do)!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Cheryl, thanks so much! I just keep wearing this dress every time I wash it! It is so comfy and I do feel great in it. I am going to make the one floral dress work! The other never will. I am glad that I am not alone in adding things to avoid shipping and getting scammed by these companies! I hope you are well, my friend!
What a fabulous tie-dye dress ! It’s bright, does not need to be ironed and looks amazing!
Thank you, Lorena! It really is the easiest dress ever!