Swim Suit Remix Take 2 & Link Up On the Edge #154

This is the final remix of my two new swim suits from Rosegal. You are probably thinking, “Thank goodness. Enough of her pasty white skin blinding me through my computer screen.” I promise, this will be the end of it seeing as I don’t really going swimming much anyway. I could have combined all four sets of swim suit stylings into one post except I have been working on some other projects and needed the easy extra content to get me through until I really start sharing the good stuff. More on that later. Later meaning next week…maybe.

In case you missed the other three swim suit stylings (or maybe you appreciate my translucent glowing skin and just want to look at it more), you can read the posts in order right below…

I think this is my favorite combination of the four options. The cat top from the Cat Cartoon Bikini Set and the high waisted polka dot bottom from the Polka Dot Halter Bikini. By the way, I just ordered a cat cartoon dress from Rosegal as well. It should be arriving soon so stay tuned for that…because you know, I am a 45 year old child and like my kitten themed apparel. I actually have four new dresses on the way from Rosegal and they are all kind of whimsical and silly and fun. I am all about embracing my inner child and having some fun this summer!

I want to take a moment to thank all of you for the many positive comments I have received in response to these swim suit posts. To make a very grand understatement, it is highly intimidating to publicly share photos of oneself in nothing but a bikini. I did it all with very great purpose though. Firstly, to face my own fear of doing it. Secondly, to show myself and all of you that it is a ridiculous fear to have in the first place. It is just a freaking swim suit.

I am tired of hiding away from everything that scares me. You know, up until two weeks ago, I was terrified of dancing in public. I would stand stiff as can be and try to look like I was enjoying myself in places where dancing was going on. I would watch people dancing the night away simply enjoying their own existence and the free movement of their bodies without a care in the world and I would get envious. Until I went to the Lotus show in Asheville two weeks ago. I had finally decided after half my life has passed that I have been quite foolish and probably have missed out on a lot of good times in my resistance to give into the music. Who cares what you look like while dancing as long as you are enjoying the moment? And so I danced. I danced so hard my legs were sore for days. And then I danced again this past weekend at the Busy Bird Bluegrass Festival. I danced like a fool, the happiest fool on the planet. Now I will continue to dance given any opportunity I get. And I will also wear my swim suit without shame or fear in all the shining glory of my pale skin!

It has taken me a long time to realize that we are all so caught up in our own insecurities that we aren’t even noticing, let alone judging, the way others look when they are dancing or wearing a swim suit or giving a speech or singing or doing anything at all. And the few who may be watching us and judging are only doing so because they are super insecure themselves. Now is the time to let it all go and live the life we have always wanted to live. Way back in January, I had declared 2019 as my year of letting go. It is now July and I finally get what I am supposed to be doing! There is much more to come, so I hope you stay with me for the ride. I do so love your company!

And now let me share your featured favorites from last week.
Mousmous of La Mousmous shared her post, Another Summer Dress, and what a dress it is! The tiers and the twirlability and the shape and the print! It is all so magnificent and Mousmous wears it in the most supreme way! I absolutely love her style.

Tiina of Elegance Revisited shared her post, Summer Rain. Here’s the thing about Tiina…you always get a cute, perfectly styled outfit. But don’t ever just stop at the photos. Get into the heart of her text because she will always make you laugh without fail. Tiina has got to be one of the funniest bloggers I know with her quick wit and mildly self-depracating humor that literally makes me choke on something every time I read a post! Tiina, thanks for all the laughter!

Are you about ready to shed your insecurities and enjoy your life? Face your fears and conquer them? Live your very best life, the life you have dreamed of? Inspire and empower others to do the same? Then won’t you join me and let’s do this thing!
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Oh you are so funny! And you got a great body! Enjoy your weekend!
Thanks so much, Nancy! I am glad I could give you a laugh! Enjoy your weekend, my friend.
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
Loving the polka dots!
Thanks, Tamar! There is always something so fun about polka dots. Have a great weekend.
Kathrine Eldridge
So in love with this fun cat bikini top! Can’t wait to see the dress you receive. Thanks so much for the link up!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! The kitty apparel is so fun, isn’t it?! Have the most wonderful weekend, my friend.
This is freakin’ adorable!!!! I positively love this combination and it is my favorite, as well. I know when we were in Asheville you talked about this combo and I just love seeing it! Good for you for finally embracing dancing. It’s one of those things I used to do all the time and now I think I need to make the time to do more of it. Looking forward to seeing your kitty dress in the near future. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
Thanks so much, Jennie! I am working on another project on body positivity outside of my blog and I will probably mention it soon (within the next week or two if I don’t chicken out of it)! Now I need to go swimming more so I can wear my cute new swim suits! I probably won’t buy a new one for like 3 more years. I am off to a concert tonight where I will be dancing lots, for sure. Have a fabulous weekend!
Julie | This Main Line Life
Another cute suit. The kitties are great!!
Thanks so much, Julie! I am loving the kitties!
Kellyann Rohr
What a cute suit on you! And how fabulous do you look? Completely FABULOUS!!!
Oh, thank you so much, Kellyann! I am still a work in progress though! I have hit a plateau, but I am only about 10-15 pounds from my goal weight! Have a great weekend.
jodie filogomo
I just want to point out that there is nothing wrong with white skin!! I could definitely outwhite you anyday Shelbee. But it’s healthy, and that’s what’s important (I sound like a mom, don’t I? LOL)
As for your swim suit…I love it. And I love how you’ve remixed it!!
Thanks, Jodie! I am with you….white skin is pretty! Like porcelain, right? And it is way healthier than the alternative! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Grace Liang ULS
You’re so cute!! I love that white kitty top- ADORABLE!!
Please stop by at http://www.colorandgrace.com every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for linkup parties!
Hope to see you there!
Grace Liang
Thanks so much, Grace! You are awesome!
Deborah Stinedurf
You look amazeballs my friend! That suit actually looks amazing against your skin!
Thanks so much, Debbie! I am blushing a little bit now!
Love that swimsuit! Great styling. <3
Erika, thank you so much! It is super practical for playing with young kids in the pool as well! Everything stayed in place!
Cheryl Shops
Well I, for one, love your pasty white skin!
Seriously though, you look great, and the kitties on your swimsuit are adorable!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thank you, Cheryl! I will stick with the pasty white then! As long as I don’t accidentally tan by sitting outside at festivals this summer.
That suit is so cute on you! Love the fun cat top and can’t wait to see the dress!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! I am so excited for the cat dress, too! I think I may go over the top and wear my cat shoes with it!
Rachael Thomas
Hot Momma! I love the cat top paired with the polka dot bottoms! You look great Shelbee!
Rachael http://www.threadsforthomasblog.com
Thanks so much, Rachael! I still blush when someone uses the word “hot” to describe me! I get stuck in the momma mode part!
Laura Bambrick
You’ve been rocking those bikinis! I just the cat print top! How cute is that?!
Thanks so much, Laura! I am having so much fun with the kitty prints!
Incredible <3
Thanks so much, Kinga!
Suzy Turner
Shelbee, I totally <3 you! I absolutely LOVE this post…. and I'm delighted you're finally letting go and dancing!!!!!! I've always been a HUGE dancer lol. I will dance anytime, anywhere – as long as there's some good music, I'm all about letting go lol. I don't care about making a fool of myself because I know my enthusiasm is usually mirrored in those around me and they'll soon join in the fun! When I was a kid, I actually used to win all the local dance competitions lol. I was really quite good (back then lol). Now I'm probably more of a 'Mom' dancer even though I'm not a mom he he he!
I also love that you're embracing yourself in a bikini and woman, you look FREAKING amazing!!! I wish I had your legs. Seriously, you are beautiful! And your zest for life (and kitty outfits) is infectious.
Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
Hugs hugs
Suzy xxx
Suzy, this comment just made my day! Thank you so much! I am seriously feeling younger and more enthusiastic every day because I am embracing all of these wonderful things in life! I wanna go dancing with you now! Although I am sure you will way out dance me even with your non-mom mom moves. Lol. I am by no means the best dancer and probably fall closer to the worst dancer, but you are right, if the enthusiasm is there that is what people are drawn to anyway! I am super excited to show my kitty dress! And I have a constellation and a skull one coming, too!
Lauren Renee Sparks
I find it so hard to believe that someone like you was scared to dance in pubic! So glad you are giving it a “whirl”! Live it up, Sweetie! laurensparks.net
Lauren, thank you so much! It is kind of crazy that I was afraid to dance! I went to another concert this weekend and danced the entire night away! Other than the cramps in my feet and calves afterwards, it was the most amazing experience! I don’t know why it took me so long to get to this point, but at least I got here.
That high waisted suit is so cute!
Thank you, Michelle! I am loving it as well.
Anna Shirley
Hot, hot, hot…. high bikinis. I like a high rise bottom. You look amazing!
Aw, Anna, thanks so much! You are too kind!
jade bevan
wow you look amazing!! in love with your swim suit!
Jade, thank you so very much!
I love this, polka dots are my favourite and your belly button piercing is gorgeous
Molly, thanks so much! I am definitely having fun with these swim suit pieces and my belly ring!
Lanae Bond
I love the cat design on your suit. It is quite unique and cute!
Thanks so much, Lanae! I am quite fond of it myself!
Patrick Weseman
Looking so very nice. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you had a wonderful weekend. Sorry I am so late but life got in the way.
Thanks so much, Patrick! I saw your Facebook post and I hope you are feeling much better, my friend. Sometimes, these little scares are just what we need to make the changes that we have been resisting. I had some similar health issues that forced me to make lifestyle changes as well and I couldn’t be happier with the results. You’ve got this!
Love the cute polka dots bottoms.
Omg I love dancing… we should go dancing together hahaha
Thanks so much, Radi! I am really enjoying dancing so much lately! I am always up for new friends to dance with!
Jessica A Jannenga
Hi Shellbee
Actually getting back to commenting. Love the suit, the polka dot bottom is purrrrfect with the kitty top, looks really great! I got some sun, but honestly I don’t worry about tanning, i appreciate healthy skin too. I am thinking of doing some bathing suit post as I have 2 I haven’t shared from Target and Amazon. I’m a fan of dancing, when i can.. my BF and I used to go on these party dance cruises when we were teenagers and had a ball!
jess xx
Jess, thanks so much and welcome back from vacation! It looks like you had the most wonderful time! Ok, so next time we meet in Asheville, let’s go dancing! I look forward to your swim suit posts, too. Yay!
Helen C.
Just wow!!! So stylish! You belong to a beach in Mykonos, hehe!
And congratulations about that dancing, it´s fun and that´s all there is to it!
Aw, thanks so much, Helen! Right now, I’ll take a beach just about anywhere! Oooh and a concert on the beach…how fun would that be?!
That cat top is so funny and way too cute! Love it!
Thank you so much for joining the #weekdayWearLinkUp
I just posted this week’s linkup, I’d love you to join again! 
Hope that you had a great weekend!
Thanks so much, Mica! I do love all my kitty things!
Claire Justine
What a beautiful swimsuit. Love polka dots and what a fun top
Thanks for sharing at The Summer Holiday Link Up.
Claire, thank you very much! Polka dots are my favorite print for swim wear!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
We have two cats, so I definitely appreciate ths bikinni! I love the fun polka dots! I just got 3 swimming suits in and I finally had a chance to try them on (in private!) and I think I like them all! We are going to San Diego in June!
Thanks so much, Carrie! My kitty suit is my favorite. I love that you found 3 new suits that you like and I hope you have an amazing trip to San Diego! I was only there once about 20 years ago for a work conference. I can’t remember where we stayed but it was a gorgeous resort and I fell in love with San Diego right away. It is probably one of my favorite cities that I have ever visited.