The Best Tie Dye Dress & Link Up On the Edge #204
You know those Facebook ads that seem to read your mind when they pop up in your feed showcasing the prettiest dresses you have ever seen for affordable prices? Well those ads are usually easy enough to ignore, but then I saw one from Protky featuring the cutest maxi dress with giant retro inspired flowers in super bold colors all cascading down the front and back of it, and I couldn’t ignore it. So I clicked. Suddenly I found myself in shopping heaven. I loved every single piece offered by this website, but it had terrible reviews and so many scam alerts and I really should not have started adding…
Inspired by Lipgloss and Lace: Top Priority
It is never a bad idea to step outside of your comfort zone every once in a while. For as long as I can remember, my personal style choices have never been quite mainstream. I have always been and probably will always be on the fringes of what is popular and acceptable. While it can sometimes leave me feeling lonely and a bit like an outcast, it also has made me recognize and appreciate that the differences amongst all of us are what give us glimpses of undeniable beauty in a sometimes very ugly world. While I spend my time dancing around the fringes of what is popular and trendy,…
What to Wear Star Gazing & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #181
I just revealed myself as a space geek in yesterday’s post, Looking for Neowise, so today I thought it might be fun to share the perfect star gazing outfit to provide a bit of inspiration for other space geek fashionistas who may be reading. Actually, this outfit was not specifically chosen for star gazing and comet seeking, it just happened to be the outfit I wore the day we went to look for Neowise. It is an outfit that I have worn at least once a week since the summer temperatures arrived and I only just now got around to taking photographs of it. I have definitely been on a…
Looking for Neowise
I am a space geek. I am not sure when it happened because I wasn’t always all that fascinated with anything related to science. I think it started when I became a regular pot smoker actually. Something about getting high makes the mind wander to places out of this world. Star gazing is one of my favorite things to do on a clear night after smoking a bit of weed. But not just star gazing. While I do love staring up into the beautiful night sky, I also want to learn and know what I am viewing. When we recently learned that astronomers have discovered a new comet that would…
Friday Favorites #6 & Link Up On the Edge #203
I have not posted a Friday Favorites since April when we were just a little over a month into quarantine mode. I had such high hopes back then of accomplishing grand things while I was relieved of basically all duties outside of my home. And now here I am, four months into quarantine, and I really have not accomplished much at all. Shame on me. Or whatever. Who really cares? I kind of needed a rest. While I know things are slowly opening up and people are venturing out with ease and excitement, I plan to continue staying at home by choice for now. There is just too much crazy…
Christmas in July & Your Own Twist Link Up #22
Christmas in July! I chose the theme. Then I had no idea how the heck to create a suitable outfit. I searched Pinterest and all I could find were party decor ideas and baby outfits which left me having to rely on my own creativity…which seems to be dead. Dead creativity is a loss that is very difficult to mourn. Hopefully, it can be resurrected soon. I am just not sure how. Your Own Twist is a monthly themed style link party hosted with my dear friend Monica of Jersey Girl, Texan Heart. This collaboration allows us to showcase our own interpretations of a chosen style theme each month. We share the…
The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book: Orange
Welcome to The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book! Welcome! This is The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book. A series that I co-host with Nancy where you can choose whether you want to share a Good Buy (which is an item you are really exited about) or a Good-Bye (which is an item you are going to say good-bye to, previously known as a Bad Buy). Every month you can choose which item you want to submit. A Good Buy or a Good-Bye. We will provide the theme for each month. Photos should be submitted to us by the 10th of the month with a few sentences explaining why it is a Good Buy or Good-Bye. This month’s theme is Orange. We have accepted…
Little White Dress Take 2 & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #180
Yesterday I shared this same little white dress styled with a velvet burnout kimono. During the same photoshoot, I wanted to show a second way that you could style the same exact dress. This time, I switched out the floral kimono for a sueded reversible ruana and a reversible obi belt. I chose the brown sides of both the ruana and belt because they matched my boots. But now I am wondering how differently this outfit would look with the belt on the black side and ruana on the rust colored side. Or the belt on top of the ruana. Hmmm. Perhaps I have some ideas brewing. What to do?…
Little White Dress
The little black dress (LBD) has been a closet necessity for most women over the past century since Coco Chanel introduced a photograph of a simple short black elegant dress in Vogue in 1926. Vogue called the dress “Chanel’s Ford” drawing a comparison to Ford’s Model T, in that a little black dress provided a simple, accessible, and affordable option for women of all social classes. The LBD has become an iconic representation of a classic, long lasting, and versatile wardrobe essential for women worldwide. But what about the little white dress? Once reserved for brides (or young girls receiving first communion), the little white dress (LWD) has taken on…
Love in the Land of the Free & Link Up On the Edge #202
While the United States recently celebrated its 244th birthday as a sovereign and free nation on July 4, we also had a recent anniversary worth celebration on June 26 that many of us probably missed…unless, of course, this anniversary has impacted you directly. Five years ago, on June 26, 2015, the United States Supreme Court ruled in favor of recognizing and granting all the same constitutional rights for same sex marriages that opposite sex marriages enjoy. (See Obergefell v. Hodges). Five years after that 5-4 Supreme Court decision, on June 29, 2020, the town of Somerville, Massachusetts, passed a city ordinance which effectively redefined the definition of marriage and family…