Get BetterHelp and Find Your Happiness & Link Up On the Edge #82

I am very excited and so honored to be able to announce a new partnership here at Shelbee on the Edge. If you have been following me for some time or know me personally, then you are familiar with the story of my mental health journey which has brought me to this amazing place where I sit right now…healthy, happy, and ready to help others on their journeys in any way that I can. By sharing my story and all of it’s ugliness, all of my failures and dark places, and how I managed to save myself from that darkness, gives me the sense that my struggle was not in vain. I have this deeply rooted feeling that I am supposed to be using my voice for exactly this purpose. I am supposed to unselfishly share the wisdom I have gained along the way, the roadmap, so to speak (as my dear friend Susan calls it), to guide others through their unchartered territories.

And I am so grateful to BetterHelp for reaching out to me to join forces in spreading awareness about mental health. The purpose of this post is to introduce you to this company and the amazing services they offer as the world’s largest e-counseling platform. Now I have to be honest, at first I was unsure about the whole concept of e-counseling. When I was in my Masters Program for Mental Health Counseling, I held firmly to the belief that all counseling should be face-to-face to maintain the genuine human experience when discussing very sensitive issues. I considered remote counseling to be a very slippery slope that could lead to unwanted dangers for patients.

*This is a sponsored post.  However, all thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.

Fast forward 2 1/2 years into my blogging journey and I realize that many of my posts that focus on issues of mental health have essentially been a form of online counseling. I write about a topic that I am dealing with or have dealt with, I receive questions in the comments or through e-mail from people who can relate, and a discussion ensues around their particular issue. I always disclose that I am not a licensed therapist (I never completed my Masters program), but that I merely speak from my own life experience. And I help in the best way that I know how by sharing my journey, what has worked for me, suggestions that I have received along the way that may work for others. But most importantly, I exhibit by example that a mental health illness does not have to ruin your life. With the proper awareness and self-care, many can overcome the challenges they face when mental illness creeps into their life.

Because I am not a counselor, I am often not properly equipped to handle trauma situations nor am I fully trained to act in the capacity of a licensed therapist.  I am merely a woman who has won an extensive and long battle with Bipolar Disorder. I fought for my life and thankfully I won. There is power in that accomplishment and there is a lot of knowledge that I gained along the way. I am very willing to share that with you all. But sometimes, a licensed counselor is the best place to begin. Having spent well over a decade visiting mental health counselors and psychiatrists, I can confidently tell you that talk therapy works. And it works really, really well. And it’s hard work. Very hard work. But my God, the benefits are unspeakably wonderful…if you do the work. If you find that you are not exhausted after a counseling session, you probably aren’t doing the work you need to be doing. There exists a certain breaking down of yourself in order to put the pieces back together stronger and better than ever. And only you can do that work for yourself…with the guidance of an experienced and compassionate therapist, you can travel that road to enlightenment and healing just as I have. And when you come out on the other side, you won’t ever regret the journey.

So what does BetterHelp have to offer? Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, they have created a team of nearly 2,000 experienced and compassionate professionals who are ready to help you on your way to a happier, healthier, and more rewarding life. The Berkeley Well Being Institute has recently completed a study showing that online counseling is just as effective as face-to-face counseling. And just check out these results from that study…

⇒ 98% of patients made significant progress through BetterHelp e-counseling sessions

⇒ 94% of the test population preferred e-counseling over face-to-face counseling

⇒ 70% of the clients showed reduced symptoms of depression within 3 months of regular sessions

What keeps coming to mind for me is the benefits of an e-counseling session for the person who is too anxious to drive to a therapy appointment or too depressed to put clothes on and venture out of the house or too stressed to take the time to sit in traffic both ways to an appointment. You literally get all the benefits of a session with an experienced counselor sitting in the comfort of your own home or office. It’s like a house call, but you don’t even need to vacuum! Additionally, services are affordable and no insurance coverage is required.  You merely need to take a few minutes to fill out an online questionnaire and you will be matched with a professional licensed counselor who will provide you with private confidential sessions online.

So if you are considering addressing your mental health struggle head on but have been too afraid or stressed or anxious, I urge you to look at the available options offered by BetterHelp. Sometimes, it is even healthy to have someone to talk to just to get through the daily struggles of life.  I have spent many hours in counseling after I had reached a place of great mental health.  So what are you waiting for?  Now is as good a time as any to “get help and get happy”.

If you would like to read more about my mental health journey, you can check out these posts that have been previously shared on my blog.

Mind Your Words

Don’t Let The Feelings Choke You

The Truth About Mental Illness

When Passion Takes The Wheel

Vanity or Sanity?

39 Things I Have Learned on my Journey Out of the Darkness Into My Happiness

More About Me

And now your favorite posts from last week.

Kellyann of This Blonde’s Shopping Bag shared a super sassy outfit in her post, Silver and Faux Leather. This combination of silver velvet, faux leather leggings, and those amazing boots is right up my alley! Well done, my friend, well done!

Kellyann of This Blonde’s Shopping Bag

And Julie of Ginger Photog shared her post, How to Style Three Fun Date Night Looks. I just love Julie’s style. It’s so feminine with the perfect amount of cheekiness!

Julie of Ginger Photog

It's Friday which means we are on the edge of the week and it's time for a link up!

Please link up your favorite posts showcasing your style, fashion, accessories, DIY projects, recipes, photographs, artwork, advice, or inspiration. 

Please feel free to link up to 5 separate posts.  Link to your specific post not to your blog home page.

Please visit and comment on at least as many other links as you have linked up (for example, if you add one link, please visit at least one other link and post a comment; if you add 5 links, please visit at least 5 other links and post comments).

Please also add a link back to my page and follow me on Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, and/or Bloglovin'.

Make sense?  It's all in fairness and in an effort to spread the love, share the love, and feel the love!  Because we all want to feel the love...especially at the edge of a tough week!

Now get linking!  And have a fabulous weekend!

*By adding a link, you are giving Shelbee on the Edge permission to share your photos as a featured favorite on my blog.  I will always provide direct links back to your page.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Keeping it on the edge,


Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.



      Jacqui, thank you so much! There are a lot of crazy things going on in this world right now and I think many people can benefit from a resource like BetterHelp. I appreciate you stopping by and reading about it! And I think the snow may all melt away soon! Fingers crossed! Have a great weekend, my friend.


  • Kellyann

    First of all thanks so much Shelbee for the shout out! I’m so glad you like my outfit and I appreciate the kind words!
    Secondly, as a Licensed Therapist I held the same beliefs as you about online counseling. I initially thought there was no way it could take the place of the traditional face to face experience. My opinion of course has changed. There’s something to be said about being able to “log on” and possibly skype call your therapist – saves time and addresses the needs of those too anxious to leave the home. With the rise of mental health illness in our country I support any endeavor to get people the help they need regardless of the forum.
    I am so happy you shared this resource with your readers, you are on a very powerful mission my friend and you are helping many along the way!


      Kellyann, thank you so very much for this comment. You have brought tears to my eyes. And I did not know that you were a Licensed Therapist, but it makes so much sense…you have so much compassion and such a beautiful heart, so of course you have chosen a helping profession! As I was writing the bit about the benefits of online counseling, I was remembering back to my darkest days and how many times I did not want to go to my appointments for many of those reasons…too depressed to get dressed, too anxious to leave my house, too tired to care…there was no such as thing as virtual counseling back then and therapists wouldn’t even really do phone sessions. Fortunately, I had a really pushy therapist…and if I called to cancel an appointment with some lame excuse…man, she had the magical power of guilting me to get there. And I am so thankful for that! Because here I sit on the other side of it able to help people now. Thank you again, my friend, for your support, for what you do, and for your friendship!



      Kathrine, thank you so much! I had this post planned for a little over a week and I agree that it was a great time to roll it out. I just hope that all of the people who need to talk to someone are reaching out somewhere, somehow. It is so important to get that kind of support in these times of horrible tragedy.


  • Nina

    That’s awesome that you are doing this partnership. I have looked into mental health services online before. Living abroad in a foreign country where English isn’t the main language, it could be very good. While I speak Spanish, I would always want to go to a counselor in English. It’s always easier in your native language.



      Thanks so much, Nina! While I only speak one language, I can imagine that it would be very difficult to have a counseling session in your second language. I think it is probably much easier to explain your thoughts and emotions in your native language. So there is another reason why e-counseling services are beneficial. And I am glad that you are exploring counseling options that work for you! Have a great weekend, my friend.



      Anna, thank you so much for reading and for sharing your experience! I have never personally used online counseling services, so it is nice to hear from someone with personal experience. As Nina said also, she lives in a foreign country so an online counselor would work better for her because she can find one who speaks her native language. It definitely does open up many more options to find the perfect match in a counselor. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  • Elizabeth Ramsey

    From all of us that have faced some sort of mental health struggle – thank you! Thank you so much for de-stigmatizing, providing resources, etc. This is a barrier that is so slow to come down but I really look forward to seeing how care for those with mental diseases improves over the next decade. Thank you for being one of many that are leading the way!

    Elizabeth |


      Elizabeth, thank you so much for this amazing comment! I am just playing my little part in the grand story of mental health awareness, doing what I can when I can. It is a very slow process, but we are getting there. And companies like BetterHelp are definitely leading the way in making the necessary care accessible and affordable to so many in need! I am so honored to be able to partner with them in raising awareness and de-stigmatizing all things mental health related. I appreciate your support and your friendship so much and wish you a very happy and healthy weekend.


  • jodie filogomo

    You always are so honest with everything, Shelbee, so how perfect for you to introduce this company.
    I think it’s so beneficial to know what kind of help is out there, and I wouldn’t have even thought about online help. But it makes sense in today’s world!!
    Have a great weekend!!


      Jodie, thank you so very much for this comment! I honestly never had thought of this concept of online counseling either, so I am glad they found me! It really is a brilliant concept and they have the power to reach so many people who may not have been reachable 10 years ago. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend!


  • Theresa Campbell

    What a great idea. Had no idea there was such a thing. From my own experience with panic disorder, I know how difficult it can be find a good counselor locally. This option opens up so many more possibilities for those in need. Love that military style coat btw!



      Theresa, thank you so much for sharing your personal experience! I really had no idea there was such a thing either and it is downright brilliant! From all the comments I am receiving, I am realizing how many different scenarios there are that make online counseling a really great option for many people. BetterHelp is providing such a wonderful resource that did not exist a decade ago and are going to help so many more people through this new concept in counseling. I didn’t even consider the problem of finding a local counselor who is a good match. In fact, I live in a place where I am limited personally to using military therapists and I am not comfortable with that! This is absolutely the way I would go at this point in my life! Thank you for the lovely compliment as well and have a wonderful weekend.


  • Suzanne Smith

    I have loved reading about your journey! You always inspire me and I know that you also inspire so many others! You have a caring nature and your love for others comes out in your blog! I think this is a wonderful way to provide counseling!


      Suzanne, thank you so much for that validation! I guess I have always had a very helping and nurturing nature and it was very difficult for me at times to ask for help for myself. But I did, it was hard, I survived, and I am better because of it. Now I need to pay it forward in any way that I can! Thank you for all of your support and your friendship!


  • Jennie

    Sounds like a wonderful partnership for you, Shelbee. I am a firm believer in the power of counseling and think on-line counseling can be just as beneficial. Whatever it takes to make things more attainable, especially for those who may find physically going to sessions overwhelming. I will definitely check them out and I already have someone in mind I will be referring this to, as they have transportation issues.

    I really love this look! Your coat is beyond fabulous and the bits of fur are perfect with it.


      Jennie, thank you so much for your kind words and for also sharing your perspective. We need to break down the barriers and stigma attached to seeking mental health counseling. I am so glad that you will be referring your friend to this service. Remote counseling was not a thing when I was in the deepest part of my treatment and there are many days when it would have been very helpful to me. I am going to go through the process of registering myself this weekend at BetterHelp just so I have a better understanding of the process. So if your friend goes this route and has any questions about the process, please feel free to reach out to me and I will assist in any way that I can. And thanks for the lovely compliment, too! Have a great weekend.


  • Rachael

    First off, I love this outfit! That is such a cute stripe sweater, and I’m loving the boots! Also, I love the idea of online counseling. There are so many people who may be too scared to take the steps of seeing a therapist, and being able to do it online makes it a little easier.


      Rachael, thank you so much for your lovely compliment and for sharing your perspective. There never was such a thing as remote counseling when I was in the heart of my healing process, but I agree completely that this new approach to counseling is going to be able to help so many more people for a variety different reasons. The concept is amazing and I am so honored to be able to partner with BetterHelp and spread more awareness around a very stigmatized topic. Thanks for all of your support, my friend, and have a very happy and healthy weekend.


  • Miri

    Hi Shelbee,

    I think it is amazing that you partnered with BetterHelp and that you are so honest and open. It can help so many people. And especially now, in light of what has happened this week in Florida. I think there is something wrong with our society and so many people need help. Thank you for your authenticity, dear friend.

    Big hugs,


      Miri, thank you so much for sharing your perspective here. I agree with you completely that there are so many who need help. BetterHelp is making it easier, more accessible, and more affordable for those who may not have sought help before. I am honored to be able to partner with them on their mission. Thank you so much for your support and your friendship! I wish you a very happy and healthy weekend.


  • Lana

    Thank you so much for continuing to share information about mental health. It’s so important that we talk about it! I love your outfit – so chic but also warm looking! Have a great weekend!

  • Laura

    I think there is something to be said for e-counseling. I know it would be very difficult for me to find childcare and time to go see someone face to face so this is a wonderful option for some people! Thanks for sharing!


      Laura, thanks so much for reading. As I am reading through the comments, so many people are presenting more benefits of e-counseling. And I am realizing what a genius approach this is in the field of mental health counseling. BetterHelp is creating an environment that is affordable and so accessible to many who did not have access to services a decade ago. Thank you for sharing your perspective on the matter!



      Laura, thank you so much for reading! I have never used online counseling services either mostly because there was no such thing when I needed regular counseling. It is a fabulous approach in my opinion and will be able to reach so many more people in need than traditional counseling has.


  • Jessica

    That’s awesome that you’ve been able to use your experience to help others! It sounds like the perfect partnership as well. Mental health is so important and it’s great that you are helping to spread the word!
    Jeans and a Teacup


      Ashley, thank you so much! It is my mission to make sure that my struggle had a purpose…and this is my purpose…to help, to raise awareness, to make it okay to talk about the darkness of mental illness! I appreciate your very kind words and your support!


  • Cheryl Shops

    I would not be who or where I am today without therapy—I can’t imagine my life without it! I think this is such an amazing partnership, and thank you for shedding the light on mental health. I wish there weren’t such a stigma around it, and that it were easier for people to get the help they need. Sounds like the Berkeley Well Being Institute is on the right track!
    Cheryl Shops |


      Cheryl, thank you so much for sharing your personal experience! If it weren’t for amazing therapists in my life, I probably would not even be alive today. But here I am, strong and empowered and ready to knock down those walls of stigma. I am so excited that BetterHelp has taken this new approach to counseling!


  • Amy Christensen

    Shelbee, it is so good to know about the BetterHelp choice. Not everyone wants to talk to someone face to face. It is hard to be real, especially when you are already feeling overwhelmed and done in. This sounds like a great option and hopefully more people will take advantage of this type of counseling, it might go a long way to saying marriages, families and even lives. Thanks for sharing. – Amy


      Amy, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on the subject! I really used to doubt the benefits of remote counseling, but now I am seeing so many! BetterHelp is taking great strides in the advancement of mental health counseling. I think this new approach with online counseling sessions is going to be able to reach so many more people! I agree with everything you said!


  • Marilee Gramith

    Clearly, getting help is the goal and anything that makes that help more readily available iscertainly a move in the right direction. The pace of life and its many stressors are catalysts for mental health crisis and the counterproductive stigma of seeking mental health help and maintenance needs to be liftedonce and for all.
    I will read your story Shelbee. I’m very happy for ALL of your good health!
    This winter outfit looks perfect for meeting girlfriends for coffee or lunch. You’re cute as heck NOT shoveling!
    Time to celebrate many things eh?


      Jude, again another very insightful comment on an important topic! I am so glad that BetterHelp has taken the strides in this direction to make mental health counseling more affordable and accessible. And for me, the goal is to spread the awareness and make it clear that there is no shame in mental illness. The shame lies only with the people who attach the stigma. We need to continue breaking down these barriers. We are definitely heading it the right direction, but it has been a slow process. At least it has been a steady process as well.

      And I actually did wear this outfit for a girls’ coffee date and I felt fabulous in it! Probably because I did not have to shovel that day! Ha. Thanks for the compliment and the wonderful comment.


  • Chrissy

    A big congratulations Shelbee! I imagine it’s pretty exciting to work with a group that you’re passionate about. Of course I love the outfit…an adorable hat, a striped sweater, classic jeans and fabulous boots!! One cannot go wrong. Oh and that scarf is luxurious and cozy!!


      Chrissy, thank you so much! It is a very exciting opportunity for me because I really have always wanted to spread awareness about mental illness through my blogging forum. I am excited for more to come in collaboration with BetterHelp! And I totally had no intention of sharing my cheesy driveway photos on the blog, but then I really liked the outfit, so there you have it!


  • Lisa Richardson

    Well this is just filled with great info. I had no idea that something like this was available and I’ll have to file it away in case I come into contact with someone who might benefit from it. You are just darling in this outfit. Seriously Shelbee, you just make me smile. Have a great weekend! XO


      Lisa, thank you so much! I am so glad that I can make you smile! I am looking into posting a banner ad on my side bar soon for BetterHelp…in case you do ever need to refer someone, it will be right there. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.


  • Julie

    Thank you so much for the feature Shelbee! I’m truly honored! I love your blog! This is really a great collaboration. It calls to mind the (I believe HBO) show, Web Therapy. That was a great show that made me laugh so much! I too, always questioned how Skype therapy worked, but I think it can be a great idea for those that don’t leave home that much.


      Julie, thank you so much for stopping by! It was my pleasure to feature you. I love your blog, too! Was Web Therapy the show with Lisa Kudrow? I never saw it, but if it’s the one I am thinking of, it definitely looked hilarious and I may have to go see if I can find streaming somewhere. And I was very skeptical about remote counseling, too, but in this generation of technology, I think it is a brilliant move in the right direction for opening the availability of counseling services to an extensive population that may have once been unreachable. I hope you are having a lovely weekend, my friend.


  • Maureen

    Your story is empowering and encouraging and by sharing your story you are helping many others. I think this is such a great resource regardless of services don online. I believe that there is something to be said with a person to person meeting but therapy online can also be just as helpful. Thank you for sharing your journey and congratulations on turning things around for you. You are doing amazing things and you are an inspiration.

    Maureen |


      Maureen, thank you so much! I agree with you about face to face counseling. For me, I know that there is tremendous healing power in human touch, so oftentimes just a touch of the hand on your arm or a comforting embrace from a trusted therapist is so very helpful. But I also know that many people do not respond well to touch especially in cases of severe mental illness. Touch can trigger all sorts of negative things, so online counseling I imagine would be incredibly helpful in those cases. As well as all the other benefits with regard to scheduling, transportation, etc. I am so fortunate to be a success story in the world of mental illness and I am so honored to partner with a company that is leading the way into new and improved methods for reaching a larger population and offering affordable and accessible services. Thank you for stopping by and for sharing your perspective on the topic!


  • Lorena

    Yet another great look Michelle – and I think its always positive when you talk about your disorder and how you were able to turn things around for yourself. It’s a light of sunshine for those who are struggling.


      Lorena, thank you so much for this wonderful comment! I spent too many years in shame about my mental health, it was only when I began speaking openly about it that I could really truly heal. So that is my mission now…to get rid of the stigma and help others on the road to a better life!


  • Claire

    You’re doing a great job at raising awareness Shelbee, congrats on the partnership. Love your stripy top, you look so fashionable and cosy 🙂 Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays. Hope you can join us tomorrow.

  • Lucy At Home

    I love your honesty in this. As someone who spent many years battling crippling depression and anxiety and now lives on “the other side”, it’s great to hear other positive stories of women who beat mental health problems. You’re right – it really does take everything out of you and you HAVE to work really hard – it can be a long slow process – but it is possible and it gives you a much greater understanding of yourself in the long run. This e-service sounds like a great idea and a way to get counselling to people who really need it. What a great partnership! #blogcrush


      Lucy, thank you so much for stopping by and for sharing your personal story. I know when I was going through my struggle, the mental health field seemed more about giving you a diagnosis and telling you are ill. I think it seems to have moved toward really actually helping people get better. I was fortunate that my personal network of counselors and doctors truly wanted me to find my way to better health, but I definitely had some providers who just wanted me to take the pills and go sleep my life away! Being on the other side of mental health really is an amazing place. And I am in such a better position to help others now. I am so glad to hear that you made it to the other side as well!


  • Rania Abdulla

    Wow that’s an amazing partnership that I am sure you will enjoy very much and will benefit your readers too. You’re the perfect person for it, to help others through this and push forward a message of positivity and wellness. I’m sure this came as a pleasant surprise for you but it surely is very exciting! Congrats my dear!


      Thank you so much, Rania! This definitely was a surprise how this partnership came about, but I am definitely so excited for it and so honored to join forces with an amazing company that has similar goals as I do. There is more coming soon in partnership with BetterHelp!


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Shelbee on the Edge