Exciting Things are Happening On the Edge
I am so thrilled to share with you all some of the exciting new things happening here on the edge!
First, if you have visited my blog before and are reading this now, then I am sure you have noticed the whole new look of my website. I am coming up on one year of blogging in a few weeks (and my 100th post) and I decided it was time for a makeover. Plus, I have a bunch of new affiliate advertisers and needed a sidebar to place my ads (my previous format did not have a sidebar). I think this new format is a bit easier to navigate as well. And I like the pretty colors! What do you think?
Second, my outfit photos in this post were taken in my living room which also got a makeover in the past few weeks. I have decided to reclaim parts of my house from the overflow of kids’ toys that seem to have taken over all of our living space! A massive cleaning out occurred in preparation for a late summer yard sale. Plus the clutter was making me very anxious. One room done, six to go!
Third, I just became a Boho Betty Rep! I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my first two bracelets…
The Wutu Faux Suede Wrap Bracelet (which just sold out…Boo!)
And the Foxglove Gold Studded Wrap Bracelet (currently on sale for $13.00).
If you are not familiar with Boho Betty, they are a British company which designs the most adorable, unique, and fun bracelets which really do appeal do so many different tastes. They find their design inspiration from all around the world and each collection speaks to different fashion trends. There really is something for everyone. Definitely check them out. And if you find something you like, enter the code SHELBEE at checkout for 20% off your purchase! (*I do receive a small commission if you purchase a Boho Betty product from the links provided in this post.)
Fourth, I won a Timber Watch in a recent giveaway (and I do apologize, the message did not tell me which giveaway it was from…I had entered a few different giveaways for Timber Watches), but thank you to whomever hosted the giveaway! I chose the Men’s Churchill Watch and I cannot wait to style it!
Fifth, the very next day after winning the Timber Watch, I received an email that I had a won a $75 gift card towards a new Jord Watch in a giveaway hosted by Laura of I Do deClaire! So, thank you so much, Laura! I have not decided which watch I am going to choose yet, but I will certainly let you all know!
Sixth, I just set up my Poshmark closet! I was having no luck at all with my Shelbee Lane resale endeavor on the blog, so I abandoned that method and took a more established route! I have quite a few fun and unique pieces listed for sale in my Poshmark closet already. Definitely, go check it out! How adorable is this Red Ann Taylor Loft Cashmere Blend Belted Coat?!
Seventh, and final piece of exciting news, my husband comes home next week! And quite possibly for a very extended period of time. Quick breakdown of our recent separations due to Army life: he was gone for 8 straight weeks in January and February of 2015, home from March to May 2015, deployed to Afghanistan from May 2015 until February 2016, home from February to July 2016, and away for 6 weeks from July to August 2016. While I am excited about his return, he may only be home for 1 week and then he might have to head out to the field for training for 2 consecutive weeks. But after that, he should be home with us for 2 straight years! I don’t know if I can handle it! But, I have learned to never count on anything with the Army…so it all remains to be seen. But he is coming home next week, so I can’t wait to see his real face rather than his FaceTime face!
Outfit details:
Top: Old Navy (no longer available, but similar here, here, and here).
Pants: Old Navy (from last year, but similar here and here).
Crochet Vest: Cato Fashions Daisy Crochet Waterfall Duster Vest in Plus Size Only (currently on clearance for $11.99).
Shoes: Kohl’s (from last year).
Necklace and Earrings: Cato Fashions (no longer available).
I know this was a super long post, but I was just so excited to share all of this fun news with you! If you have made it this far, thanks so much for reading! Also, I am brainstorming for some ideas for my upcoming 100th post and my blogiversary post. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
Doing happy dances on the edge,
Linking up with these These Fabulous Link Ups Where I Link Up

anne the SpyGirl
Well look at you! I know what your 100th post needs, and I’d better get busy (wink, wink). Happy to hear all your news and I’ll go friend you on Poshmark STAT. xxox
Anne, you are always so sweet and kind! And am always guaranteed a good chuckle from you! Thank you so very, very much!
Tiina L
Wow, great blog makeover! I’m green with envy. I’ve been meaning to have a blog makeover all summer but somehow I just didn’t seem to find the energy for it. And next week it’s back to work…
And it must be wonderful to have your husband back! Being a ‘weekend wife’ myself, I’m used to not having hubby with me all the time, but we’re never apart for more than a few days, and he’s just a short flight away, not risking his life halfway across the world.
Thanks so much, Tiina! It was a bit time consuming and super frustrating re-doing the blog! It is funny that you used the phrase “green with envy” because I really wanted the background color to be green and I couldn’t make it work! Green is my absolute favorite color ever, but I am really liking the blue, too.
I am so used to my husband being gone now that I am a bit fearful that he’s going to drive me crazy if he doesn’t go anywhere for two whole years! I will have to send him on weekend getaways, I suppose!
What a great things happened to you! I am so glad for you that your husband is comming home! Time to really spend some time together! And your website is such a nice change. It is much brighter, the other design was quit dark. This is so proffesional and so much better. Congretulations. I can imagine that at some point you have enough of all the toys lying in the living room, where you want to relax. Those bracelets are just my thing, a bit sturdy! I love them, I will check their site. Well enjoy all these great things! Bye bye
Thank you so very much, Nancy! I have been putting a lot of work into this little blog the past year and finally I feel like I’m getting somewhere!
Tina von Tinaspinkfriday
Dear Shelbee, amazing blog makeover. And Living room too 🙂
You look great and I’m looking forward to your 100. post:) Enjoy and have fun ♥️
Thank you so much, Tina! I need to get brainstorming on the 100th post thing!
Consulenza di immagine consulente di immagine
Outstanding outift!
I really love your style and your look.
Your blog is very inspiring for me.
Thanks a lot for posting and sharing with us.
consulente d’immagine consulenza di immagine
Thank you so very much!
Anna Marcus
Congrats on your 100th blog anniversary!!! The blog makeover is a success, keep posting and sharing with us all your ups and downs
Thanks so much, Anna! I will definitely keep sharing!
Savvy Southern Chic
Love this outfit. So excited for you and all your changes. I think you will like Poshmark. I have decent luck there, it just comes in spurts.
Thank you, Fonda! I have only sold one item on Poshmark so far, but I did find my very favorite Prima Donna bras which retail for between $130 and $160 per bra and I scored 4 of them for $140! Two are new with tags and two are new without tags. So that is exciting!
I love these pants, the pattern is so much fun! And congrats on the new look of your blog 🙂
Thanks so much, Tara! These are my “feeling bloated” pants! Ha! So comfortable!
What happy, positive changes in your blogging life, Shelbee! I know it feels so good to de-clutter and claim your space. Congrats on the jewelry too. xox
Thank you so much, Patti! I could not have gotten so far with this blogging gig without all of the wonderful support I have received from all of you fabulous blogger friends!
So happy for you!! Your blog looks great as does your living room!!! That’s the one thing I don’t miss about little kids! Their stuff is everywhere!!! Lol!!!
Thanks so much, Jaymie! You give me hope that the mess gets less as the kids get older…or is it just a different type of mess?!
So exciting! All good things too! Congrats on your wins and for your hubby coming home! Love the new blog look!
Thank you, Ruth! It has been an exciting and busy summer so far, for sure. Now I just need to keep my momentum going!
jodie filogomo
Wow…you’ve been incredibly busy Shelbee!! (and lucky!!)
Love it all!
Thanks so much, Jodie! I have been putting a lot of time and energy into my little blog, so it feels really great to see results! And I would not have gotten this far without all of the support and encouraging words from all of my fabulous blogger friends! So thank you for that, too!
Shelve, first of all I loved and noticed the new blog look too. Looks great. Secondly, so many exciting things in this post (yes I read it all) but your husband coming home is the best I think. For 14 years my husband and I have been ‘seperated’ long distance in two continents for jobs and more many times so I understand. Love this bohemian look on you. Great vest and pants. And enjoy your two new beautiful watches!
P.S. What is your email address babe?
These separations are hard, Ada, but you do get used to it as well! I guess it keeps the romance alive, for sure. Ha!
Thanks so much for your kind words (and for reading the entire post)!
My email is shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com.
Have a fabulous day!
I like your indoor pictures and its good to hear your hubs will be home, it must be very, very difficult.
Oh and
COngrats on the blog makeover !
Thank you, Lorena! I am pretty excited about all of it especially the hubs coming home!
Love the new blog look! I’ve been thinking of updating mine as well 🙂 Congrats on your 100th post. Your blog have come so far and I know it will continue to grow into amazing things <3
Edye | http://gracefulcoffee.wordpress.com
Thank you so much, Edye! That is so kind!
Andrea @ Living On Cloud Nine
Your man is coming home to his gorgeous and fun wife!!! So happy for you and adore this outfit, the long vest is so chic and LOVE those shoes!!
Thank you, Andrea! This comment just put a big smile on my face!
Shelly Janac
I love this layered look Shelbee. How exciting to be celebrating your blogiversary. My 2 year was on the 1st and I still have not gotten my post together to celebrate! Thanks for linking up with Ageless Style!
Shelly||The Queen in Between
Thank you, Shelly! And happy second blogiversary to you! I am still trying to come with ideas for the post though. I might have it coincide with my 100th post as well! Have a fabulous day!
Love all your positivity! Keep it coming.
Thank you, Alison! I sure am going to try!
Love the outfit! You look amazing! Your living room looks fantastic. I know wha tyou mean about toy takeover. I am currently sitting in between a Thomas the tank engine toy and a bunch of legos….
Thank you, Stephanie! I am currently sitting UNDER a child! And in a minute, I may be sitting UNDER 2 children. Grrr…sometimes I get a little bit claustrophobic!
Love all the makeovers happening at the moment! Cute outfit and love the living room, and the blog design looks lovely!
Rae | Love from Berlin
Thanks so much, Rae! I have been venturing outside of comfort zone, too, lately for photos!
Amy Arnold
Loving the new design and what a fun outfit. You’ve been busy!
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
I definitely have been busy (and a bit overwhelmed), Amy! Thanks so much for stopping by!
All of the exciting things happening to you made me feel excited just by reading them!! First, I can’t imagine what it feels like to have your husband home, so happy for you there! Also, winning giveaways is always so exciting- congrats to that!! Love JORD watches so much. I get more compliments on mine than any other accessory I own, literally. Your living room and blog both look so great! The warm colors make me feel relaxed and at ease. This was such an enjoyable post to read:)
Emily, thank you so much! Your enthusiasm is so very contagious and your genuineness is well, so genuine! Thank you for the lovely comment. You really just made my day!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
I really need a pair of boots like those! Your living room looks really nice, I too have been reclaiming parts of the house as my kids get a little older and don’t have as many toys. My daughter is still a little tornado, tho!
Thank you, Carrie! The cork soles and heels are these keep them quite comfortable! I am still trying to reclaim the rest of my house…it is a battle, for sure!
Such exciting stuff!!! And amazing that you make time for you with two small kids and your husband away! That is SO important, and you inspire me! Can’t wait to keep reading (and to hang out again soon lol). Keep on keepin’ on.
Thank you, Aimee! And thanks for all of your support and business advice and the hours spent brainstorming ideas, talking, and keeping each other somewhat sane! I really do appreciate you and all that you do more than you even know!
Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style.
Thank you, Nicole!
Congrats on the new website design, I love that the colors fade in the background to a different color as I scroll. Nice living room makeover too.
Rachel xo
Thank you so much, Rachel!
The website looks great! The outfit and living room as well. You’ve been in work mode on all fronts clearing up the living room, revamping the blog, wow! You go girl! Would love if you can link up to http://the-wardrobe-stylist.com/2016/08/07/mens-watches-outfit-personality/
Thank you so much, Rania! I will definitely stop by and link up!
Happiness at Mid Life
Congrats on your 100th post! Time flies when you are having fun.
Thank you for being a part of TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you soon!
Thanks so much, Alice! Stay tuned for my 100th post coming up next week!
Michelle Orsi
I love the look of your new site! The color choices are great!
Thanks so much, Michelle! It is definitely much more pleasing to my eye, so it is good to know other people reading it like it as well! Have a fabulous weekend.