Exciting Things are Happening On the Edge

I am so thrilled to share with you all some of the exciting new things happening here on the edge!

First, if you have visited my blog before and are reading this now, then I am sure you have noticed the whole new look of my website. I am coming up on one year of blogging in a few weeks (and my 100th post) and I decided it was time for a makeover. Plus, I have a bunch of new affiliate advertisers and needed a sidebar to place my ads (my previous format did not have a sidebar). I think this new format is a bit easier to navigate as well. And I like the pretty colors! What do you think?




Second, my outfit photos in this post were taken in my living room which also got a makeover in the past few weeks. I have decided to reclaim parts of my house from the overflow of kids’ toys that seem to have taken over all of our living space! A massive cleaning out occurred in preparation for a late summer yard sale. Plus the clutter was making me very anxious. One room done, six to go!



Third, I just became a Boho Betty Rep! I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my first two bracelets…

The Wutu Faux Suede Wrap Bracelet (which just sold out…Boo!)


And the Foxglove Gold Studded Wrap Bracelet (currently on sale for $13.00).


If you are not familiar with Boho Betty, they are a British company which designs the most adorable, unique, and fun bracelets which really do appeal do so many different tastes. They find their design inspiration from all around the world and each collection speaks to different fashion trends. There really is something for everyone. Definitely check them out. And if you find something you like, enter the code SHELBEE at checkout for 20% off your purchase! (*I do receive a small commission if you purchase a Boho Betty product from the links provided in this post.)




Fourth, I won a Timber Watch in a recent giveaway (and I do apologize, the message did not tell me which giveaway it was from…I had entered a few different giveaways for Timber Watches), but thank you to whomever hosted the giveaway! I chose the Men’s Churchill Watch and I cannot wait to style it!


Fifth, the very next day after winning the Timber Watch, I received an email that I had a won a $75 gift card towards a new Jord Watch in a giveaway hosted by Laura of I Do deClaire! So, thank you so much, Laura! I have not decided which watch I am going to choose yet, but I will certainly let you all know!



Sixth, I just set up my Poshmark closet! I was having no luck at all with my Shelbee Lane resale endeavor on the blog, so I abandoned that method and took a more established route! I have quite a few fun and unique pieces listed for sale in my Poshmark closet already. Definitely, go check it out! How adorable is this Red Ann Taylor Loft Cashmere Blend Belted Coat?!


Seventh, and final piece of exciting news, my husband comes home next week! And quite possibly for a very extended period of time. Quick breakdown of our recent separations due to Army life: he was gone for 8 straight weeks in January and February of 2015, home from March to May 2015, deployed to Afghanistan from May 2015 until February 2016, home from February to July 2016, and away for 6 weeks from July to August 2016. While I am excited about his return, he may only be home for 1 week and then he might have to head out to the field for training for 2 consecutive weeks. But after that, he should be home with us for 2 straight years! I don’t know if I can handle it! But, I have learned to never count on anything with the Army…so it all remains to be seen. But he is coming home next week, so I can’t wait to see his real face rather than his FaceTime face!



Outfit details:
Top: Old Navy (no longer available, but similar here, here, and here).
Pants: Old Navy (from last year, but similar here and here).
Crochet Vest: Cato Fashions Daisy Crochet Waterfall Duster Vest in Plus Size Only (currently on clearance for $11.99).
Shoes: Kohl’s (from last year).
Necklace and Earrings: Cato Fashions (no longer available).

I know this was a super long post, but I was just so excited to share all of this fun news with you! If you have made it this far, thanks so much for reading! Also, I am brainstorming for some ideas for my upcoming 100th post and my blogiversary post. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

Doing happy dances on the edge,


Linking up with these These Fabulous Link Ups Where I Link Up

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


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Shelbee on the Edge