10 on the 10th: January 2023-New Year Would You Rathers
In case I haven’t said it yet, Happy New Year to you all! All of my monthly collaboration series are continuing into 2023 with lots of fun new topics and inspirations on the horizon. How we are already a third of the way through January is beyond my comprehension which has led to this date sneaking up on me. Nevertheless, it is time for Marsha’s 10 on the 10th series to kick off another year of getting to know each other a little bit more.
10 on the 10th is a monthly series hosted by my friend Marsha of Marsha in the Middle. Each month, she presents us with 10 questions about a common theme and asks us to share our answers in blog post form. This series is such a wonderful way to share more information about ourselves and to learn interesting new things about others. Anyone is invited to join and answer the questions. It is a great way to start new conversations and make meaningful connections with new people.
For January, Marsha is sending us into the new year with a series of silly and intriguing “Would You Rather” questions. My children are always asking me to play the “Would You Rather” game. Well, not so much asking me to play, but rather they like to fire impossible questions at me and demand that I give an immediate answer. Questions like, “Would you rather keep me or my brother if you could only keep one of us?” and “Would you rather lose your sense of sight or your sense of touch?” or “Would you rather fall from a cliff to your death or get trampled to death in a crowd?” How the heck can I answer any of those questions? I can’t. I don’t. And I won’t. But Marsha’s “Would You Rather” questions I will answer because they are much tamer than what my kids present to me. Thank you very much for that kindness, Marsha!
Would you rather I keep rambling on or get to answering these questions?
1. Would you rather make resolutions, select a word of the year, or make bucket lists?
I have never been into making resolutions. I feel like they just set me up for failure. And while I do appreciate bucket lists, I only keep those lists in my head. So I definitely would rather choose a word of the year. I like the idea of having a focus word to keep me grounded throughout the calendar year. In previous years, I have selected words like Reformation, Rejuvenation, Reinvention, Letting Go, Perspective and Gratitude, Joy, and Jump. My 2023 focus word is Healing. I have been wanting to write a dedicated post for it but I just can’t seem to get on top of things. It’s on my to-do list though!
2. Would you rather make memories on vacations or save for a big occasion (retirement, wedding, college, etc.)?
Just as I have never been into making resolutions, I also have never really been into big occasions either. So I would rather make memories on small vacations. As you know, every June we spend 3 nights camping at Smoked Country Jam in the Pennsylvania wilderness and continue to make cherished memories each year at that event. While it wouldn’t be considered a “big occasion” by any meaning of that phrase, it is one of our very favorite annual occasions! That being said, we are saving funds for our children’s advanced education if they choose an advanced education. If they don’t, they will have a nice little nest egg to start adulthood. As for weddings, to each their own. However, I cannot ever justify the cost of extravagant weddings. I find it a giant waste of funds that could be used for more practical purposes.
3. Would you rather buy all the things on sale or shop your closet?
At this stage of my life, I would rather shop my closet. If you asked me this question three years ago, I would have said, “Give me all the new things!” But I have experienced a major shift in perspective over the past few years. And I realized that I have too much stuff already and I am wanting to become more minimalist in my middle years, so shopping my closet it is! Of course I still like new things but with much less frequency these days.
4. Would you rather shed weight through fad dieting and do it quickly or eat differently and lose slowly?
I would rather change my lifestyle habits to lose weight slowly. In all my 48 years of life, I have never once tried a fad diet. But I have embarked on healthy weight loss journeys that have consistently proven to me the truth in the old proverb “Slow and steady wins the race.” For example, when I began this blog in August 2015, I weighed 208 pounds and wore a size 18/20. My lowest recorded weight in 2022 was 168 pounds and I currently wear a size 10/12. It might have taken me a few years to lose the weight, but I have gladly left 40 pounds behind me…slow and steady!
5. Would you rather undergo some type of facial treatment or update a room in your home?
I would much rather update all the rooms in my home as evidenced by the fact that in the last two years I have done a cloffice makeover, painted my happie hippie hallway, redecorated my dining room, turned a bedroom into a game room, and repainted the boys’ bedroom. I was planning to paint and redecorate my living room this week, but scheduling and holiday flu bugs have set me back some.
6. Would you rather watch Paul Hollywood or RuPaul?
Since I have absolutely no idea who Paul Hollywood is, I definitely would rather watch RuPaul. But I would probably choose RuPaul over most television personalities anyway. I first learned of RuPaul sometime in the 1990s. I was immediately a fan and still am. I mean, just look at how freaking fabulous he is!
7. Would you rather have to wear the same color all year long or not wear that color at all?
Hey Marsha, this is a weirdly confusing question! Once I read your answer, however, I can now answer that I would rather not wear a designated color for the whole year than have to wear all the same color all year long. I need variety or else I get super bored super quickly.
8. Would you rather wear a designer look or a designer knockoff?
As much as I appreciate the role that high end designers fill in this world, I have never been willing to pay designer prices nor am I willing to provide free advertising and marketing for hugely successful multi-million dollar brands. So I guess I would rather wear a designer knockoff. Except I don’t really pay much attention to which styles are designer knockoffs. I just wear what I love regardless of the label or which designer may have inspired it.
9. Would you rather be overdressed or underdressed at an occasion?
Since I have never been underdressed ever at any event in my entire life, I clearly would rather be overdressed any day, any time, anywhere, and for any occasion. Actually, I have no idea what I would even do if I found myself in a situation underdressed! Egad!
10. Would you rather have only neutral clothing or extremely colorful clothing?
Well, this is a difficult question. I love colorful clothing but I also love to anchor all the colors to a foundation of black. All of my basic wardrobe pieces are black and all of my other things are colorful. I don’t know that I could live without both together. But if I am forced to choose, Marsha, I would rather have only extremely colorful clothing.
If you enjoyed reading my answers, be sure to check out Marsha’s post and her link party for more interesting responses. And feel free to share your own answers in the comments. I would love to read them!
Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.

Anne M Bray
Fun read and fun questions.
I want in on this. I need something to goad me into posting. The music thing was too hard!
Will contact Marsha.
I’ll make a post with my answers and link up later. 😉
Thanks, Anne! Marsha is really helpful in motivating me to write some words! I hope you are not in a flood zone right now. I’m guessing you are safe since you are reading and commenting! And I hear you on the music thing…they are all getting too hard for me lately. But blog style challenges are the only things motivating me to put on actual outfits. So I will keep on keeping on until I don’t feel like keeping on any longer.
I am literally laughing out loud over here over those questions your kids ask– that is just too funny (and totally impossible to answer!). And I heartily agree with you on number 10; as much as I love color I almost always have something black on too as that is my favorite neutral.
Seriously, Joanne, my kids are super weird! Like their mother! Hahaha. And isn’t black the perfect color to anchor every outfit? Plus it just helps all the bright colors shine brighter! I kind of really need both in my life.
Jacqui Berry
What a fun post, I was reading Rena’s answers, I might have to try and join in! Jacqui x
Thanks so much, Jacqui! Marsha always asks some really fun questions! I really enjoy writing and reading these posts.
Erin @ Cracker Crumb Life
Oo I am intrigued by your camping trip!! We have been looking for something like that to take our music loving son too! That looks like an absolute blast and right up our alley!
Oh my gosh, Erin, Smoked Country Jam is such an awesome music festival for families. It is a really great community and everyone sort of looks out for all the children throughout the weekend. Last year, they even stopped one of the main bands mid-set to find the owner of a dog that had run up on stage! It’s rustic camping unless you have an RV but it’s safe and it’s fun and we look forward to making even more summer memories there!
Erin @ Cracker Crumb Life
I like that you said it is family friendly and safe! I think that is what has been stopping me from trying to go to one with Wyatt, is that I wondered about the safety with kiddo. Hmm. That one you mentioned is 7 hours from me. I am going to mention it to the husband and see what he thinks!
I get very nervous taking my kids to any crowded places, but I really feel so safe and secure there. I think on their best years they get about 4,000 people throughout the whole weekend. We only started going since the pandemic so they had less people, around 2,000-3,000 the years we have gone. It’s very spread out, too, so it doesn’t feel crowded at all either. And the people are all just so incredibly friendly. We drive about 5 hours to Smoked Country Jam and it is totally worth it. My friend Becca drives 12 hours from North Carolina to this festival every year as well. If you decide to go, please let me know! I will find you and introduce to all the wonderful folks I know there!
Marsha Banks
Oh, Shelbee! I love your answers! When I wrote them, I didn’t really think them through that well…obviously! But, you figured it out. But, the fun is not in the selection but the reasoning behind the answers, right? I wonder if you got onto RuPaul during her days as a talk show host on MTV? Like I said in my post, it’s not necessarily Ru that I love as much as the gift of drag. I love drag shows; I’ve yet to meet anyone unhappy or nasty at a drag show! Thanks so much for participating!
Oh my gosh, Marsha, when I was addressing you directly in my answers, it was flashing me back to middle school when my best friend Beth and I would pass a notebook back and forth to each filled with pages of questions like this and our answers to them. Remember back before cell phones and computers when you had to handwrite your written communications?
I think I probably did first see RuPaul on MTV. And you are so on point about drag shows. I have been to a few shows and a few drag clubs and I have never not had a wonderful time. My face usually hurts from smiling and laughing so much!
Someday Remember
Link hopping from the host! Nice to meet you and find another “word of the year” blogger 🙂 I hope your word healing does what it means. My word this year is Perspective. It’s my 15th year choosing to embrace a word. Happy 10th!
Thanks so much! I actually chose Perspective (along with Gratitude) as my word of the year for two consecutive years. I just needed that focus longer than one year! Those words served me well and this year I am excited for healing in so many different forms. Healing myself and offering healing energy to anyone who needs or wants it. This life can batter and bruise us every step of the way so I feel like we are always in a state of healing, healing so we can grow stronger and move forward with more wisdom, helping each other along the way by sharing whatever kindnesses we can. I wish you many blessings and clear perspective in the new year.
Michelle didn’t know who Paul Hollywood is either!! He’s from Great British Bake Off
Curated by Jennifer
Oh good! Now I don’t feel like the only one who was in the dark! Haha.
Suzy Turner
This was such a fun post!! Paul Hollywood, by the way, is a British baker who hosts The Great British Bake Off. He’s known for his intense blue eyes lol! But I’d probably rather watch RuPaul too!
I love that you chose wear all the colours all year. Me too!
Big hugs
Suzy xx
Thanks, Suzy! I did go read Marsha’s post where I found out who Paul Hollywood is, but I still haven’t looked at a photo of him. Now I guess I need to go do that…oh yes…those eyes! I probably still won’t watch though because I am not really into any cooking or baking shows. RuPaul is much more jam!
Patrick Weseman
Such interestng answers to the questions. Very nice.
Thanks so much, Patrick! I appreciate you! Are you safe in the crazy weather you are having?
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
These are so fun! Happy New Year friend!
Thanks so much, Tamar! I hope he new year is off to a fabulous start for you, my friend!
Daenel T.
Do your kids talk to mine? They ask me those weirdo questions too. Which is why I used to text them all: “Don’t tell the others but you’re my favorite.” LOL
I’m with you on the wedding thing. I just don’t get it…. I’d rather save that money for something long term. A house, a car, I don’t know.
Oh my goodness, Daenel, I always tell me kids the same thing! “You’re my favorite, but don’t tell your brother.” Hahaha. But they always tell each other and then I’m busted! When I got married the first time, it was the most obnoxiously expensive wedding upon the insistence of my groom and his family. I remember really pushing for a small wedding and using the funds for somethings else. I lost the battle, they paid for a huge expensive wedding (something like $35,000 and that was in 1998), and the marriage ended less than 3 years later. What a huge waste of money! But I guess when you have that kind of money to waste, you don’t mind wasting it. Oh, it all just rubs me the wrong way! I hope the new year is off to a great start for you, my friend!
“Fall off a cliff or get trampled to death?” 🤣🤣🤣 The answer is neither! There have been a lot of people who didn’t know Paul Hollywood – including me.
I am so glad I wasn’t the only one who didn’t know who Paul Hollywood is! And oh my gosh, those questions my kids ask me! They know that my three worst feared ways to die are falling, being trampled, or drowning. And I am so phobic of all three that the mere mention can send me into a panic. And my children find that so funny!!! So they ask me all sorts of odd questions to get a dramatic response from mom!
You do seem to like colorful clothing!
Before I started blogging, I mostly wore black with muted neutrals and very little color. I started adding more color because it looked better in photographs. Then I realized how much I love to wear bright colors! They really do boost my mood and add a little extra bounce to my step when I wear them!