What to Wear Hiking in the Chaumont Barrens Preserve & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #170

You might think I’m a little bit crazy (actually you might know that I’m a little bit crazy), but I wore tights and a dress to go on a family hike. More specifically, I wore my Sheertex tights and a sweatshirt dress to go hiking. On Sunday, we had this really beautiful sunny day nestled between weeks of rain so we decided we must take advantage of the weather and get some fresh air and exercise in the great outdoors.
Since photo opportunities have been few and far between, I decided to also use the opportunity to take some outfit pictures. With that in mind, I got creative with my hiking outfit. I wanted to be comfortable with some sense of fashion. I also wanted to take my Sheertex tights for a test run in nature and see how they would hold up against the potential for pulls and snags. They do claim to be indestructible and I have to say they came out of this prickly walk snag-free. Because the waistband fits more like leggings than pantyhose, I was super comfortable for our mini hike through the Chaumont Barrens Preserve.

Because springtime in the North Country can range from winter like conditions to burning heat in the direct sunlight, I added lots of layers to ensure that I could keep my body at a comfortable temperature as well. Walking through shady spots in the Barrens would create a chill that shot right through me, but as soon as we emerged into the sunlight with no cloud cover or wind, it felt more like July than April. And this is how our family hike went…with me changing out my layers of clothing approximately every 1/4 mile!
The trail through the Barrens is a giant loop that is approximately 1.5 miles long. It is an easy, flat walk which makes it great for hiking with kids. I also am in no condition for any type of rigorous hiking after sitting on my couch for the past 6 weeks, so it was the perfect destination for a Sunday family hike.

I do want to share a bit about the Chaumont Barrens Preserve. This is only the second time I have walked this trail and it really is a rather interesting example of a beautiful natural landscape. The Chaumont Barrens are noted for being one of the last and finest examples of alvar grasslands in the world. They are part of a chain of similar grasslands that link in the shape of an arc ranging from Chaumont in Jefferson County, New York, up through Ontario, and then stretching into Northern Michigan. Alvar barrens are unique prairie like landscapes that sit on top of limestone bedrock foundations.
There is very little soil on alvars which results in a flat rocky grassland terrain that can include limestone woodlands, cedar forests, pavement barrens, and plant communities that are globally rare. The vegetation that grows on alvars is adapted to survive extreme conditions such as shallow soil, regular flooding, and droughts.

The bedrock that forms the foundation of the Chaumont Barrens has been dated to 450 million years ago at which time scientists believe that Chaumont sat at the bottom of a shallow tropical sea near the equator. Upon closer inspection of the rocks that are found in these barrens, you can find the remains of cephalopods which are primitive marine animals that lived in the ocean 450 million years ago. Cephalopods, which are related to modern day squid and octopus, were the top predators in an ancient marine food chain.
It is believed that the Chaumont Barrens were formed approximately 10,000 years ago after the last glacier retreated from this geographical area. As the glacier melted, the water pounded the landscape and cut deep cracks into the bedrock. Eventually, prairie type plants, which are very rare in New York State, began to grow in the shallow soil exhibiting a distinct linear pattern. The resulting alvar grasslands include fossilized bedrock with deep crevices in the rocky foundation, moss gardens, patches of woods, and shrub savannas amidst the open grasslands. As you walk through the barrens, it is really quite fascinating to view the landscape and the very unique vegetation that grows out of the rocky ground. (All information was gathered from The Nature Conservancy.)

We had a lot of fun walking this trail. Ralphie got himself stuck in some low lying shrubs trying to take a short cut on the trail. It was an interesting exercise in following directions to talk him through the maze and get him back to us! Archie wanted to sit on the big rocks with his sketch book and draw which really tugged at the heart strings of my inner artist. I think we definitely need to go to walk this trail again in a few months once the vegetation is in full bloom.
Have you been getting outdoors to explore new locations? What have you found?

And now your featured favorites from last week.
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked)
Nanchi of Nachi.blog shared her post, Nanchi’s Fun Facts Friday–Redwoods Forest, Whakarewarewa, Rotorua, New Zealand! Redwoods are such majestic trees deserving of our awe. And Nanchi is such a great example of an amazing human who always appreciates and respects our natural world as a gift and a reminder that we are always surrounded by so much beauty if we take the time to stop and look.

My Favorite Fashion Post
Jacqui of Mummbstylish is rocking the denim jumpsuit in the coolest, sassiest way possible in her post, Style Not Age-Denim Directions. While the denim jumpsuit makes a statement all on its own, Jacqui took it up two more notches to fabulous with her amazing rainbow striped pumps and an amazing orange moto jacket.

My Favorite Non-Fashion Post
Patrick of Adventures in Weseland caught my attention with his Stanley Mouse Retrospective. Being a family of Grateful Dead fans, I really appreciated seeing all of the amazing artwork for various album covers as well as concert and festival posters. This is a very cool post!
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Shop my look…
Outfit Details: Dress and Boots-Torrid / Shirt-Old Navy / Jacket-Thrifted (LL Bean) / Tights-c/o Sheertex / Bandana-Walmart / Backpack-DSW (Free Gift) / Hat and Earrings-Old

Christina Morley
I enjoyed the family photos! Glad your clothes were comfortable and stylish. I saw a meme that said the longer I stay at home, the more homeless I look. I think that’s my state of dress at the moment. And, bras are a thing of the past! At least while we’re on lockdown and I’m not going anywhere or seeing anyone. Take care and thanks for hosting!
Tina, thanks so much! I didn’t wear a bra for the first few weeks of lockdown and I was starting to feel really crummy not getting dressed. So now I am making a point to put on actual clothes almost every day which is usually just jeans, a tee shirt, and a cardigan with my slippers. But it really makes a difference in my productivity level to have clothes on…although my productivity level is much lower than it should be! Hang in there. Hopefully this will be over soon.
Kathrine Eldridge
I absolutely love your hiking look! Those stitches on the sleeves are so cool. That hike looks so fun to do and the pics of your family are so cute. Thanks for sharing your day out Shelbee!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I definitely will be sharing more of my family during quarantine since I never get a break from them these days! Haha. I hope you are well, my friend.
This looks lovely. I really enjoy hiking but it’s been too cold for me. I’m a wimp when it comes to the cold. I wore my Canada Goose taking my dog for a walk yesterday.
Effortlessly Sophisticated
Thanks, Jennifer! I am a wimp when it comes to the cold as well! Sunday was the only day warm enough for me but I did need all the layers while my kid was running around in a tee shirt!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Hiking chic! So great to get out in the fresh air
Thanks, Tamar! I needed some fresh air, for sure!
Super cool hiking look. Fun and different way to road test tights!
Thanks so much, Gail! I hope your week is off to a great start!
What a pretty place to hike! And I love how creative you got with your outfits so you could hike and get photos! Your dress is so cute with the stitching detail on the sleeves! Love seeing the photos of your family!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! It was fun creating an outfit with hiking in mind. I hope your week is off to a great start!
I love that you put those tights to the test and that you look so cute while hiking! We have been spending so much time outdoors and taking such pretty pictures lately that I am going to dedicate 3 posts to sharing those pictures on Wednesday! This spring has been pretty awesome for us weather wise, usually it gets so hot so fast. I love how this trail you all went on is short so it is perfect to walk with kids.
Thanks so much, Mireille! We have not been enjoying the outdoors much at all because it has literally been raining or snowing for weeks with the same forecasted for the next 2 weeks. Quite honestly, it is getting really tiresome and annoying! But I am glad that you are having great weather to enjoy the outdoors. I look forward to your upcoming posts!
I’ll start off by saying that you have a lovely family. I think this is the first time I’ve seen your boys and husband. During this quarantine we have been doing a LOT more walks as a family and a few hikes, but I’d actually really like to increase that. Around here the provincial parks are closed and although you can probably just go for a hike, it feels like I’d be breaking the rules even though I don’t know if that’s technically true. You’ve inspired me to look into it and to find a new hike for this upcoming weekend. Thank you! I also had a tug at the heart reading that your sun just enjoyed sitting and drawing/sketching on the hike. What a beautiful moment.
Bo, thanks so much! I have been sharing my family on the blog a lot more recently since I can’t really escape them at this time! Haha. We had notice that all the parks and trails were closed as well during lockdown, but I don’t think anyone is obeying that rule because everywhere we go for a walk or hike, there are other people out. Not in crowds but enough people are out that I don’t feel like I am doing anything wrong. I am totally unsure about all the rules and regulations myself. I just hope it comes to an end soon! I say go for those walks and hikes because we all need some fresh air!
What a beautiful place to go for a hike! Loving the surroundings and wonderful pictures! A dress may not be the first thing to think of when going for a hike, but I think this outfit is perfect with the casual dress and the hiking boots! I’m loving this look and good to hear that the tights held up as promised and expected!
Our Sunday was similar weather wise. We were planting a couple of trees in the backyard. I started out with a long-sleeve hoodie and ended up in a tank top.
Thanks for hosting the linkup!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Thanks so much, Ellie! It was a lovely hike and not the first time I have hiked wearing a dress and/or tights! I do it all the time if the hike will be an easy one and the weather permits. I love that you planted some trees! How fun! I hope your week is off to a great start.
Nora Minassian
You are a super stylish hiker Shelbee 🙂 Love these photos, its so nice to get outdoors these days.
Thanks so much, Nora! Since it was the first time leaving my house in weeks, I wanted to get dressed in something cute and stylish.
jess jannenga
Hi Shelbee
Love seeing pictures of the family! We enjoy hiking too and people laugh when they see little Shih tzus in the woods walking with us! They can do it! Love that you still had style hiking, this dress looks very cute and comfy – up my alley! I love the detail on the sleeves. It looks like a great hiking area and it has been pretty sunny here so we are spending more time outside as well.
Enjoy your week!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! I am sure your little fur babies love walking and hiking in the woods! I do like to wear cute outfits even when hiking. I am glad that you are able to enjoy the outdoors!
Patrick Weseman
What a wonderful place and I love the history of the place. It looks like the perfect place for a great hike.
Why do you say that you are crazy. You look very chic and comfortable. (Can’t believe that Mr. Non-fashion) is saying this) I think that what you are wearing is very perfect for your hike. It looks comfortable and functional.
Thanks for the feature, that put a smile on my face. Thanks for hosting and I hope you and your family are safe and healthy.
Patrick, thank you so very much! As I was writing about the history of the barrens, I totally thought of you because it reminded me of the type of things you share on your blog. I thought you might appreciate the information I shared! I was pretty fascinated by it myself. And I was comfortable and functional but as the mom I also had to carry all of the things in my backpack! Why does it happen that way?
Patrick Weseman
Shouldn’t happen that way. When my kiddos were smaller, they each had a backpack and I made them carry things in them.
Ha. It’s one of those battles you choose or don’t! If I make them carry the stuff then I have to listen to them whining about it the entire time!
What a fun and fashionable outfit for hiking! It’s so nice that you were able to get out and spend some family time in the outdoors! I hope you and your family are doing well and have a great rest of your week!
Thank you so much, Katie! It was so great to get outside since it has been raining nearly all the time lately. We came home and cooked dinner on the grill and it actually started to feel like spring! Hopefully, we have lots more days like this.
You are quite the chic hiker- ready to tackle anything and make it look easy! So good to get outside right now- definitely cheers me up to get a little fresh air.
Le Stylo Rouge
Thanks so much, Ashley! I am definitely more a fashion blogger than an actual hiker! Haha. But I do have fun getting dressed to go hiking and take pictures. Hopefully, the weather will start cooperating so we can go for more walks and hikes.
juliet brown
What lovely photos – they are gorgeous and I love your outfit, those colours look so good together and so effortless. I really enjoyed reading about your hike, it sounds an absolutely fabulous area to live in and Id be fascinated to know what plants start showing themselves and when throughout the seasons as it is so different to where I live (Balfron, Scotland), getting out walking at the moment here (my daily walk is to the next village, Killearn a round trip of maybe 5 miles say…) we are seeing the first bluebells and soon the start of the comfrey, at the moment the farmers are busy with preparing their fields – it is all happening out there.
Thanks so much, Juliet! If you click here, it lists all of the wildlife creatures that make the barrens their home as well as the different vegetation that blooms there. I am not familiar with a lot of the plant life listed but I may want to research it more and head out there again once it all blooms. I just looked at a satellite map to see the route between Balfron and Killearn and it looks like such a beautiful landscape to walk through! Wow. I want to visit Scotland one day!
Cheryl Shops
We’ve been taking a long hike every weekend and it’s been amazing for our mental (and physical) health. Getting out in nature is so important right now!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Cheryl, thanks for stopping by! I would love to get a hike in every weekend! If the weather would just cooperate with me. It is so good for us!
Such a cute family and a great way to spend time with your adorable boys! Archie the artist, huh? Love that. OK, you are the cutest hiker I’ve seen in a long time. Me, I look nasty and sweaty no matter what the weather! Haha! Thanks for sharing about your area–I bet it will be beautiful in the summer, too!
xx Darlene
Darlene, thank you so much! Archie the Artist does have a nice ring to it. I don’t get too sweaty while hiking because I won’t do it if it’s too hot outside! It is very beautiful here in the summer. The issue is that the summer is so incredibly short here. But that’s okay, we appreciate it and enjoy all that much more!
Amber Woodyard
Great hiking outfit! I hike so much and my hiking outfits are usually thrown together, a total mess! I always envy those well put together hikers!
Thanks so much, Amber! But you are an actual, real hiker! I envy real hikers who are practical and prepared and venture into less predictable territory. I am just a novice who likes to look cute when I go for an easy walk through the woods!
What a fun day out! It makes me miss being outside since we haven’t really gone out much aside from necessary errands like grocery shopping or to the post office. I like that you tested out your tights to see how they would hold up. If anything can hold up with Mother Nature, it’s definitely a must have in my opinion. I also like the idea of layering. Actually I just like to be covered even when hot. So it made perfect sense to me to wear leggings and a sweater because I would show up hiking dressed up like that! Yes, I am not much of a sun worshipper. I am actually dreading the arrival of summer as our temperatures have been nearing 90s already! 🙁 In any case, I am so glad you and your family had a great time. I hope your week is off to a great start and happy Tuesday!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Thanks so much, Maureen! As much as I complain about being cold, I cannot tolerate extreme heat either and I definitely stay out of the sun as much as possible. My skin is so fair that I burn within minutes even with sunscreen. This is why I love kimonos so much because they are great for sun protection without making me too hot. The hike was much needed as I don’t even leave the house to go grocery shopping or run any other errands. My husband has been doing all of that since he has to leave the house for work anyway. So the kids and I have gone absolutely nowhere. I hope your sanity is still in tact, my friend!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
I’m like you, I gotta have my layers! I love the pop of red with the flannel shirt and the criss cross thread detail on the leaves of that dress. I say wear what you feel comfortable in and you got some amazing outfit photos while hiking!
Thanks so much, Carrie! This is not the first time I have worn a dress or tights while hiking. I am always taking pictures when I go out into the wilderness so why not also take outfit photos out there, right?!
OMG! OMG! You are so so kind Shelbee! It is always my pleasure to connect with you as we share the same vibes. I am glad my Redwood Forest post was most clicked. You are such a wonderful soul. 😊🤗🙌😘
Nanchi, thank you so very much! We definitely share good vibes from straight across the world!
Lucy Bertoldi
Honestly Shelbee…YOu are the most stylish hiker I know! And…wanna go hiking with you looking like this!
Aw, Lucy, thanks so much! I would totally go for a girls’ hike!
Laura Bambrick
You look so glamorous hiking! Much more glamorous than me doing anything lately! Haha! Good for you getting your family out there and hiking!
Thanks, Laura! You just made me giggle. That is about as glamorous as I have been in weeks!
Very nice photos. I don’t think your crazy at all for wearing your Sheertex tights hiking. I bought my Sheertex footless sheers when the Sheertex factory first opened in Bracebridge Ontario and they are still going strong. I wear them hiking all the time as well as canoeing and this spring white water rafting with a couple friends of mine. After reading your Sheertex review on your opaque Sheertex tights I went on a mission to get a pair for myself. Unfortunately at this time the company is not taking any new orders. Thanks to Kijiji I was able to find a pair of Sheertex tights that were only worn by an individual once. With a little wheeling and dealing I was able to get the owner to part with them for less then half the price they paid. After seeing yours in the photos on your review I knew the Sheertex opaque tights would be perfect for hiking because they have feet in them which will protect me from tick and chigger bites. The Sheertex tights are opaque enough they look like I am wearing leggings and they keep me toasty warm on those cool morning walks. Thanks for introducing me to Sheertex opaque tights, I never knew they existed and keep on hiking 🙂
Jamie, thanks so much! I did read that Sheertex had to temporarily shut down its operations during the pandemic. But I am so glad that you were able to find a pre-loved pair. Even better! But once they open again, I need to get myself another pair or two. They really are phenomenal tights for any activity. Much more like leggings than pantyhose, that’s for sure! I hope you are well, staying safe, healthy, and sane!
Looks like a wonderful family walk-about! I’ve never seen “rock holes” like the ones Ralphie is standing in that weren’t man made somehow. Fascinating! And you are dressed quite fashionably for a hike, but manage to look comfortable too. Again, I am really liking your choice of hat!
Thanks so much, Michelle! The rock holes are super cool and the history of the location is fascinating to me. Hopefully we will find more interesting places to hike…when it stops raining again!
Anne M Bray
Super interesting!
Have I been anywhere? Physically been nowhere exciting. In my brain? Whoooooooeeeeeeeeeee!
Thanks, Anne! I wonder what a trip through the brain of Anne M. Bray looks like?! Maybe I don’t really want to know. But then again, maybe I do!
Anne M Bray
Hahahaha. It’s a journey with no GPS, my fellow Gemini.
I am quite familiar with that journey!
Anne M Bray
Bwahahahaha. It’s our loved ones that need the map!
Can you imagine what that map would like? It would look like your mapping the world project…all colorful with so many twists and turns and overlaps! Beautiful chaos.
Anne M Bray
Exactly! Did I really stitch The Map of My Mind?
Next, I’m stitching all my North America road trips. A different color for each trip. Maybe the 2024 Canada dream trip as well. Get it into stitchery and it’ll happen!
Stitching the World 2 is up for response solicitations. I’ll take it to whatever art fair/exhibition I next get into. Fingers crossed for Seattle in August. Ha. I should bring it to my niece’s wedding in Sept! Get some family input! http://repeatsamb.blogspot.com/p/stitching-world-ii-4-questions.html
I love all of these ideas! And to think they came straight out of a chaotic Gemini brain! Haha. I sent you Ralphie’s input for the second one. I guess I should include Archie as well! I will have to hop on over again and add his preference in there, too.
Anne M Bray
Ha. Why did this go in a separate thread? Oh internet, you can confuse me so!
Yay Archie! You can resubmit yours as well. Give it double intention! And, change the color if you want to. Because, one color doesn’t contain our journeys!
Ha! I was wondering why it created a new thread, too. Maybe it has a limit. Who knows? I just submitted Archie’s and I will do mine now!
Anne M Bray
YAY! Further afield this time!
We have been checking out lots of new trails as many of our old trails have become a bit crowded (or shut down!). I love your hiking outfit; mostly because I too hike in some odd choices. Like the time I wore flip flops, and I almost always have jewelry and “nice” clothes on. Looks like a lovely place to hike.
Joanne, thanks so much for sharing your hiking habits! We live in a fairly rural area so many of our trails are easy enough to hike and not encounter very many people. In fact, even before the social distancing measures, we could hike and never see another person out there. I don’t think I would hike in flip flops though! I am much too clumsy!
Taylor Dwane
This is great. Thank you.
Thanks so much, Taylor. I appreciate that!