Thoughts of the Day
My life has qualified me as "experienced" on such topics as Army life, parenting, mental health, loss and grief, multi-tasking, and adapting to all things new (good, bad, or indifferent). I will share my thoughts on these topics and hopefully you will find some calm in the chaos knowing that others have been where you are.
5 Ways to Unblock Blogger’s (Writer’s) Block
If you are a blogger or a writer or involved in any creative pursuit whether it be for income or for pleasure, then I am sure that you are all too familiar with writer’s block (which I like to call blogger’s block) or creative block. Simply put, it is the inability to think of something to write (or paint or sculpt or sketch or create) and the condition of being unable to proceed with your creative endeavor. Speaking from the viewpoint of a blogger, we are faced with the challenge to create new and interesting content every time we sit down to draft a new post. And for me specifically,…
Exciting Things are Happening On the Edge
I am so thrilled to share with you all some of the exciting new things happening here on the edge! First, if you have visited my blog before and are reading this now, then I am sure you have noticed the whole new look of my website. I am coming up on one year of blogging in a few weeks (and my 100th post) and I decided it was time for a makeover. Plus, I have a bunch of new affiliate advertisers and needed a sidebar to place my ads (my previous format did not have a sidebar). I think this new format is a bit easier to navigate as…
Do You Think I Have a Scarf Problem?
Back in May, I wrote a post about scarves being my signature accessory (you can read that post here). A few weeks ago, I realized that “scarves are my thing” might be a bit of an understatement. It might actually be a problem. An obsession, perhaps. An addiction, maybe. Not only can I not pass by any scarf with a gorgeous, brilliant, interesting, or unique print…but I often feel this compulsion to seek them out. If you have been reading my blog, you know, however, that I like to find a great deal and then brag about it. So a few weeks ago, I headed to my local Salvation Army…
I Literally Have Nothing to Say
I have nothing to say…for real. I have been struggling for the past week for unique and interesting content and I think I have run out of ideas. Blank. Vacant. Writer’s block. Blogger’s block. Whatever you want to call…it’s gone. So today, I am just going to present with you a little something silly. If you have read previous posts of mine, you already know how uncomfortable I am posing for pictures…even when I am alone, taking the photos with my iPhone, a remote, and a tripod. You also will know that technology can piss me off like the dickens. Side note: That phrase “like the dickens” just gave me…
Are You Irresistible?
A few weeks ago, my friend Aimee sent me a link to the article 11 Secrets of Irresistible People with the message, “This reminds me of you…” So, of course, I was intrigued and wondering what in the world these 11 secrets were, I clicked the link and read on… As I read the qualities that supposedly make people irresistible, I was thinking, “Wow! Is this really how my friends perceive me?” Things like an irresistible person does not seek validation because their self-worth comes from within; they treat everyone with respect; and they are authentic and have integrity. I was flattered, honored, and shocked. I also suddenly felt a…
GlobeIn Collaboration: Hydrate Box Review
When I was first contacted by GlobeIn (via my MOMS Club) about a collaboration, I have to admit that I had never heard of the company and had to first conduct some research before considering the offer. But what I found totally impressed me and I was completely on board. GlobeIn is a company dedicated to supporting artisans from around the world and especially those in third world countries. It is their mission to provide these artisans with a global audience so they can make a living producing their handcrafted goods. The end result of purchasing goods from GlobeIn is the reduction of poverty in these countries. In addition, all…
Made With Love By Mom
Ten years ago. July 10, 2006. Just after midnight. We said our final good-byes to my mother. She was just 57 years old. That is only 15 years older than I am as I write this post. She was diagnosed with colon cancer only 18 months previous to this day. And just 5 weeks earlier, her doctors told us she probably had at least 5 more years before the cancer would progress to where it took her life. And a very short 5 weeks later, we were standing beside her bed in a nursing home telling her good-bye. It was intense. It was sad. There were so many mixed emotions.…
Feel the Feels
I am not the best subject to work with for any photographer for a number of reasons. I am super uncomfortable in front of the camera. I am no super model or even minor model, for that matter. I have no idea how to pose. I have never had any kind of training for being in front of a camera. I am so utterly awkward that it borders on the inane! Despite all of these idiosyncrasies of mine, my husband is getting pretty good at capturing decent photos of me! Like the ones in this post…But alas, the military has taken him away. Again! This time he is only about…
Seeking Advice: Unsolicited Collaboration Requests?
This is a totally selfish post on my part…I am just trying to reach a larger audience with a blogging issue which is troubling me. But to present the appearance of being not so selfish, I have included pictures of a really cute outfit that I have worn recently (insert winky, snarky, sarcastic emoji face…is there one of those?) Recently, I have been receiving unsolicited email requests from companies requesting collaborations and/or guest posts on my blog. The first one I received included a request for me to publish a guest post. I had no idea what this even entailed, so I reached out to a few blogger friends via…
Menstrual Cycle Mayhem
I don’t know about you all, but sometimes my menstrual cycle determines what clothes I am going to wear. Yes, I am going into this unspeakable realm of the female menses! When the flow starts and the misery sets in, all sorts of things make me crazy! At this perimenopausal stage of life that I am in, I have raging mood swings. Actually I shouldn’t even call them mood swings because there’s not too much swinging going on…it’s mostly all just rage. And it’s awful. I apologize to all who have to deal with me at this time of month…my husband, my children, my friends, even my pets fall victim…