Thoughts of the Day
My life has qualified me as "experienced" on such topics as Army life, parenting, mental health, loss and grief, multi-tasking, and adapting to all things new (good, bad, or indifferent). I will share my thoughts on these topics and hopefully you will find some calm in the chaos knowing that others have been where you are.
Today, I Wept
Today, I wept. This morning, my college swim coach shared the news of this story on our team’s alumni Facebook page. He shared it because the husband and father of the victims was a member of our team and a member of my graduating class. And while I have not “known” him in 20 plus years, today my heart broke for him. I quickly shared the Go Fund Me Fundraiser on my Facebook page because in that moment I wasn’t really sure what else to do. A few hours later as I was walking to pick up my youngest son from preschool, I was lost deep in thought wondering what…
Sharing My Flashlight: The Power of Our Experiences
Recently, I have been making some major adjustments in my life. I have been restructuring my daily routine, creating new and better habits, making healthier choices physically and mentally, eliminating toxicity from all facets of my life, and taking the time I need for self-care which includes quiet time, relaxing time, and fun time. It is an evolution of sorts that was prompted by my own experiences. I suppose we all make changes in response to our experiences. Experience does have that kind of power. The power to force change. *This is not a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own. We are meant to learn from…
SmartChicks: Women Empowering Women & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #75
Women empowering women. That is so my jam. People empowering people. Even better. There is enough crazy and chaos and competition in this world that I really don’t need to add to it. Instead, I opt for empowering and inspiring others to be the very best versions of themselves. One person’s success does not take away from another’s person’s success…especially these days. In this generation of technology and social media where we have the means to reach an infinite number of people and various different audiences around the world, competition really seems a little silly. Because there is enough room for all of us. And as we help each other…
When You Realize Your Strength is a Weakness
When you possess a quality inherent in your personality that has been viewed by many as a strength for your entire life and you wake up one day and realize that is was an extraordinary weakness that has broken your entire sense of reality, it can rattle you right to your core. This is what I have been dealing with this past week and the reason I have been quite absent from my blog and social media. It takes a lot of internal processing to figure out what exactly to do with it all. I had to bring into question my entire sense of self and a large part of…
The Sunday Showcase: A Day Late & A History Lesson Short
When my very dear friend Ada of Elegance and Mommyhood asked me to join her and two of my other very dear blogging friends, Chrissy of Granola and Grace and Kellyann of This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, as their co-host once again for their monthly link up, The Sunday Showcase, I couldn’t really say no. These three women, after all, are some of my closest blogging friends in all of the blogging realm and I will support them any chance I get just as they all support me. *This is not a sponsored post. As always, all thoughts and opinions are entirely my own. But then I asked Ada, “Is there…
My Coffee Needs Coffee and Crybaby Soup & Link Up On the Edge #91
As I am sitting down to write this post at the final hour, I am really wanting to climb into bed after a hectic day that ended with the most trying of times with my 5 year old. You all know that I don’t like to complain much, especially on my blog, but this is quickly going to turn into a major bitch session. For that I apologize. I will try to inject it with humor at least. In the meantime, would somebody please start cooking up some crybaby soup for me? *This is not a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own. 1. That first paragraph…
Empowered By Color: The Color Green
This post is for my dear blogging friend, Suzy Turner, the one person on earth whom I know loves the color green as much as I do. Perhaps it is because we both have green eyes that fuels our passion for this color. Perhaps it is because we both see the world as a place full of possibilities and astonishing beauty that draws us to this most common hue found in nature. But whatever the reason, Suzy shares my adoration of all things green. We have both agreed that if we see something in green, especially in the sartorial world, we must have it. Suzy Turner in Various Shades of…
My WTF Moment: How Do We Protect Our Children?
This past week there have been some disturbing happenings in our local schools, schools where my children, ages 5 and 7, attend. And while nothing tragic had occurred, these events have left me feeling unsettled and wondering, “How do we protect our children from the awful things that go on in this world?” *This is not a sponsored post. Perhaps I shelter my kids too much. I do try to be very conscientious and open with them about the realities of this world. But they are only 5 and 7, so how much should they know? Currently, they don’t have many cares at all. There is always food, clothing, a…
Keeping Perspective & Link Up On the Edge #89
I want to start out by thanking all of you so much for the wonderful comments that you shared on my post about the hacking issue. As I stated in that post, I was overwhelmed by how many people stepped forward to my aid when the problem with my website surfaced. I very much wanted to share the story with you all because there is always good to be found in issues like these. And the good that I found clearly was the willingness of so many people to help out another just for the sake of being kind. And that now leads me to the topic of keeping perspective.…
It’s All About People Helping People & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #66
If you haven’t heard already, my website was hacked last week and what a freaking nightmare it was. But I have to say that by the end of the entire process, there was most definitely a silver lining to that storm cloud. So let me tell you the story… A few weeks ago, I noticed that every time I tried to log into my WordPress, it was telling me that my password was incorrect. So I would change the password and get back to work. Then the next time I attempted to log in with my new password, I would get the failed log in error due to an incorrect…