Thoughts of the Day
My life has qualified me as "experienced" on such topics as Army life, parenting, mental health, loss and grief, multi-tasking, and adapting to all things new (good, bad, or indifferent). I will share my thoughts on these topics and hopefully you will find some calm in the chaos knowing that others have been where you are.
Six Years Ago Today…
Six years ago today…this little critter entered the world. He has challenged us every step of the way right from the start. But we have made it 6 years without killing each other! So I figured a little celebratory blog post was in order. Be prepared for some cuteness overload as we wish Ralphie a very happy birthday! 5 Facts about Ralphie… He was named after my father. He loves Hatchimals. He is addicted to his kindle and loves playing Roblox. His favorite color is blue. He has a special way with his bunny named George. Happy Birthday, sweet child of mine. We love you to the moon and back.…
The Sunday Showcase Turns 1: The Power of Blogs
Happy Sunday! Spring is in the air even though snow is on the ground! And I am honored to be guest hosting The Sunday Showcase once again to celebrate the one year anniversary of this fun monthly link up hosted by my dear friends Ada of Elegance and Mommyhood, Chrissy of Granola and Grace, and Kellyann of This Blonde’s Shopping Bag. The Sunday Showcase is a link up that anyone can join with any type of post! It is an opportunity to share what you are loving and writing about as well as to discover some amazing new bloggers. There are so many out there and after nearly 4 years…
The Super Bowl & Food Comas
Every year when the Super Bowl rolls around, I get coerced into cooking enough food to feed the Army. And every year, I dread the task. Until my kitchen is suddenly abuzz with the sound of knives chopping and food processors whirring and my favorite Pandora station blaring in the background. Once I am elbow deep in raw eggs, breading, and flour, the aroma of simmering oil permeating my entire home, I can finally embrace the task at hand and I remember how much I really do enjoy the process of cooking. Yesterday, I cooked alone while the children played in the living room and my husband spent time catching…
Organic Pain Relief with White Cedar Extracts & Link Up On the Edge #128
I am sure many of you have heard about the newest trend in organic pain, stress, and anxiety relief with CBD oils. I have been reading about the medicinal benefits of these extracts derived from hemp plants for some time but never really went too deep into investigating it. Until White Cedar Naturals reached out to me asking if I would be willing to try their Organic Full-Spectrum Hemp Extract Oil. Before I agreed, I decided now was a good time to research the benefits as well as the side effects of using these oils for things such as pain relief, anxiety, stress, and sleep. What I discovered was not…
Stay Hydrated with Copper H2O & Link Up On the Edge #121
A few weeks ago, I was introduced to the benefits of drinking water from a copper bottle by an amazing company, Copper H2O. The theory of “tamra jal”, which is based in Ayurvedic medicine, states that infusing the positive health properties of copper into our drinking water will balance the three doshas in your body (vata, kapha, and pitta). Eastern societies have been storing their drinking water in copper vessels for centuries because the copper will naturally alkalinize the water stored within it. Consuming natural alkaline water will help balance the pH of our bodies which leads to many different health benefits. After having a wonderful and very informative telephone…
A Girl Walked into Another Bar & Food for Thought this Thanksgiving Day
A girl walked into another bar. A different bar from the last time. This time she walked in alone. Because she was invited there. A few weeks had passed and there was simply silence with regard to the guy she met in the bar on that random Wednesday night. Now on a random Monday night, as she was lying on her couch watching sentimental romance movies, contentedly enjoying the peace and bliss of her own quiet solitude, she received an unexpected text message from an unidentifiable phone number that simply stated, “I’m in town. At the hotel bar.” Without a doubt, she knew who sent the message and her heart…
Guest Post: Hair
Note from Shelbee: I have been wanting to write a post about our relationship with our hair for some time now but have never quite gotten around to it. Then Susan sent me this article about her own relationship with hair. For me, it has taken a lifetime to appreciate and even love my own hair. I find that many women always desire that which they do not have and do not appreciate what they do have. Curly heads want straight hair. Straight heads want curly. Those with thick hair wish it were thinner. And those with thin hair would kill for thicker. Tow heads dye their locks while brunettes…
Talking to Dead People & Link Up On the Edge #120
On Wednesday night, I was invited to join a group of nine other women to meet at a friend’s house for a little spiritual fun with a local psychic/medium. I had never met with a psychic or a medium before and I found the idea of it to be quite fascinating. Ever since my parents passed away, 24 and 12 years ago, their spirits have always been a very strong presence in my life, so the idea of a person who quite literally talks to dead people intrigued me. So I agreed to join the party. Being the novice that I am on matters of channeling the spiritual world, I…
A Girl Walked into a Bar & Link Up On the Edge #119
You know that old philosophy that people come into your life for a reason? Everyone has a purpose to serve within each encounter and each relationship. What that purpose is will differ with each individual dynamic and each separate event. Some people will push you. Some will challenge you. Some will question you. Some will teach you. Some will frustrate the hell out of you. Some will bring you pleasure. Some will bring you pain. Some will enrich you. Some will empower you. Some will feed your intellect. Some will fuel your soul. Some will hate you with a passion. And some will love you with no bounds. So many…
Where Did My Mojo Go? & Link Up On the Edge #114
It seems I have lost my mojo. First, I have to say that I absolutely despise the word mojo. I am not sure why. It just sort of offends my ears and contaminates my deep rooted obsession with and appreciation for the English language. Mojo is defined as the art or practice of casting magic spells and it is often used contemporarily to mean one’s confidence, influence, or personal charisma. But if you search for a synonym (which I did because I don’t like the word), you are met with a barrage of drug related terms like crack, cocaine, and dope. To be clear, I have not lost my stash…