Outfits of the Day #ootd
I love to put together outfits. I find something calming and exciting in the process. And if I think I look good, I tend to feel great! Hopefully, you can find some inspiration here for feeling amazing in your own body.
What to Wear for an Early Spring Hike & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #217
I am back after a relaxing and productive holiday weekend and I wanted to share a bit of our Easter activities with you. We are not a religious family and so we do not plan much for the Easter holiday. Instead, we view it as an opportunity to spend some family time celebrating the hopefulness that comes with the arrival of spring. The day began for the boys with a little sweet treat and some cash to spend on video games. I also had promised them that we would try Dee’s Coke with Peanuts so I figured that would be a nice Easter surprise as well. We tried the Coke…
Adventures in Thrifting Part 8: Seersucker, Gingham, and Argyle for Easter & Link Up On the Edge #238
I haven’t written an Adventures in Thrifting post in over a month so I guess this is the perfect time to share how I created a fun Easter outfit from some thrifted pieces that were hanging around my closet. Do you remember the purple argyle and green argyle sweaters I found in a donation bag in the basement? This pastel pink one was in the same bag along with this seersucker blazer. There is something very nostalgic about seersucker for me. I remember my very first seersucker suit. It was a blazer very similar to this one with matching trousers. I purchased it in the late 1990’s when I was…
Reminder: The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book-Florals
“Florals? For Spring? Groundbreaking.” Miranda Priestly, The Devil Wears Prada It is one of the best known lines from any fashion inspired movie ever. And it has inspired this month’s theme for The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book. As I am typing this post, however, I am sitting in wait watching a giant storm move our way that is threatening to dump 5-10 inches (12-25 cm) of snow on us. How’s that for an April Fool’s joke played by Mother Nature?! So let me get started by flipping my hair and rolling my eyes at Ms. Nature while I find some fresh springy florals to share with you. Eventually the ground will…
It’s Okay to Be Sad & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #216
I spotted this new graffiti art the other day and it immediately caught my attention as I nodded my head in agreement. Indeed, it is okay to be sad. I have felt more sadness in the past year than I have felt in probably the past 10 years combined. And I kept fighting against it so much that I was fueling its power. Instead of taking my own advice that all of our feelings, even the negative ones, are valid and deserve to be recognized. But then I quickly remembered that I am feeling very much the opposite of sad these days…since Spring has finally arrived and is breathing new…
The Fab 40’s are Birds of a Feather
“Byrdes of on kynde and color flok and flye allwayes together.” William Turner, The Rescuynge of the Romishe Fox (The Rescuing of Romish Fox) (1545) I am sure most English speaking people are familiar with the saying, “Birds of a feather flock together.” I am also certain that most people who are familiar with the phrase understand its meaning fairly easily. Based on the observations of the many species of birds that flock together for safety and companionship, this saying translates to people who share similar interests, backgrounds, ideas, or characteristics and tend to form communities and congregations based on these shared ideals. But I wonder how many of us…
Holy Hormones from Hell & Link Up On the Edge #237
*Before proceeding to the text of this post, be forewarned that I am discussing a topic that may make some people uncomfortable. If you wish to skip it and join the link party, just scroll straight to the bottom to join us. I am not certain why topics that have to do with natural body functions and hormonal fluctuations make some people uncomfortable, but I know from experience that they do. Just mention anything to do with human reproduction in a crowded room and see how quickly discomfort permeates the entire atmosphere. Sexual intercourse, menstruation, compromised bladder control, and cramping seem to be some of the most inappropriate topics one…
Style Imitating Art: Woman with a Coffee Pot by Paul Cézanne
Y’all know how excited I get for Style Imitating Art time so here we go! About Style Imitating Art Style Imitating Art is hosted by Daenel of Living Outside the Stacks, Salazar of 14 Shades of Grey, and Terri of Meadow Tree Style. Style Imitating Art challenges us to draw style inspiration from pieces of art. Every other Monday, one of the hosts, acting as curator, selects an inspiration image that they will each post on their blogs. The following Monday, each host shares her art inspired outfit. Participants are invited to submit their art inspired outfits to the curator by 10:00 p.m. EST on the Tuesday following the hosts’ art inspired outfit posts.…
What to Wear on a Cold Spring Day & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #215
Spring has officially arrived this weekend and with it came some beautiful sunshine filled days and warm enough temperatures to spend extra time outdoors. I hadn’t realized just how much my body and mind were craving the rejuvenating properties of the sunshine. I added a daily Vitamin D supplement a few months ago and it really has helped my mental health and mood stabilization in wonderful ways. But despite taking the supplement, I still was finding myself completely wiped out by the early evening hours…when the sun would begin to set. Then Daylight Savings came upon us last week granting us an extra hour in the evening to enjoy the…
The Best Leopard Cardigan & Link Up on the Edge #236
Here is yet another new acquisition from my recent Torrid shopping spree with my sister a few weeks ago. This long leopard sweater coat is the best thing ever! And I nearly left it behind because I thought the camel color was wholly unflattering on me. The store manager urged me to try it on anyway. During this little shopping extravaganza, I was wearing these same pinstripe paperbag waist pants (also from Torrid) and black tee with a lavender cardigan on top. The lavender cardigan looked really cute over the column of black, adding a splash of spring with the pastel hue. I swapped out my pastel cardigan for the…
Music Inspired Outfits & Your Own Twist Link Up #30
As promised in Tuesday’s post, I am back with my monthly Your Own Twist link party. Unfortunately, Monica is unable to join me this month so I am flying solo. Please take a moment to send some positive energy and healing prayers her way as she experiencing some rather troublesome health issues right now. Since this month’s theme is outfits inspired by music, maybe you can even find some inspiring songs to share with Monica to help uplift and soothe her. Music really is such a universal healer, isn’t it? I have written many posts about the power of music and it all stands as true today as it ever…