The Velvet Trend with Zan.Style & Link Up On the Edge #67
I know some women my age who grew up in the late 80’s-early 90’s have some mixed emotions about the velvet trend that has taken over the fashion world the past few years. For me, I simply cannot get enough of it. Whether I see it in warm autumn hues, cool jewel tones, or soft pastels on shirts, pants, dresses, or shoes…I pretty much feel the burning urge to have it all. I have quite a few velvet pieces that I picked up last year at the end of the winter season when it was all on clearance, so you can bet my velvet clad bottom that you are going…
Shameless: How I Halloween with DressLily & Link Up On the Edge #66
*Warning: This post goes from light-hearted fun to some deep and serious stuff at the end! Just be prepared for the switch. Halloween is here. And I am not really all that festive about it. I am much more of a Thanksgiving and Christmas kind of girl. But with two young boys who seem to have an affinity for all things dark and gruesome these days, I suppose I have no choice but to give in a little bit or be known as the buzzkill mom who doesn’t know how to have fun! So when it was time for me to choose an item from DressLily to add to my…
Karma Is Not Always A Bitch & Link Up On the Edge #65
You have all heard that old saying “Karma is a bitch.” The concept of what goes around comes around. What you put out into the world, you will get back in spades. You reap what you sow. In my own personal experience, this all is quite true. But I ask this: Why does Karma get such a bad rap? She’s really only a bitch if you were a bitch first. And I try really hard not to be a bitch. As a result, Karma seems to be responding quite favorably to me. (Except when it comes to chewing gum. More on that later.) *This is a sponsored post. All thoughts…
Styling Outside of the Box with Gamiss & Link Up On the Edge #64
Have you ever spotted an article of clothing with an obnoxious almost ugly print and thought, “I HAVE to have that”? This is what happened to me when I saw this dress from Gamiss. *This is a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Generally, anything with this color green catches my eye. But this strange scarf-like print in green, yellow, cream, and black sort of left me wondering: Is this dress fabulous or is it horrendous? Staying true to my own positive attitude, I decided that the dress was fabulous and that I must have it. *Dress: Flare Sleeve Plus Size Print Dress ($24.55) c/o Gamiss. Use…
Feeling Exhausted (With Rosegal) & Link Up On the Edge #63
This blogging journey that I embarked on over two years ago often forces me to a very deep place of introspection. That is a really great thing for me because I find that introspective analysis just brings me closer and closer to the best version of myself. Oftentimes, however, this kind of analysis can stir up old wounds. And stirring up old wounds, processing them, and giving myself a moment to heal once again can be absolutely exhausting. If you have followed my recent posts over the past few weeks, you know that I have been diving pretty deep. And I have been posting very frequently…nearly daily. The result: I.…
What to Wear to a Fall Wedding with Rosegal (Take 2) & Link Up On the Edge #62
As promised in Tuesday’s post The September Issue: What to Wear to a Fall Wedding with Rosegal, I am showing the more traditional way of styling my olive green dress for a Fall wedding. *This is a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own. I opted for the edgier element in the first styling of this dress with a wide black belt and combat boots. This time I decided to go to the other extreme and add that feminine appeal that comes with loads and loads of pearls and a sleek pair of patterned pumps. *Dress: Plus Size Surplice Long High Low Formal Dress ($21.14) c/o Rosegal.…
Does My Outfit Offend You? & Link Up On the Edge #61 with Gamiss
Does my outfit offend you? Yes, this outfit. A modest midi length dress for fall. With a flouncy layered skirt and a plain black knit top. Perhaps the print is too much? Probably not. The mustard cardigan too bright? Doubtful. The simple gold leaf necklace? How could that possibly be offensive? Maybe it’s the lace up low block heeled pumps? But how? *This is a sponsored post. This dress was given to my by Gamiss in exchange for this post. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own. *Dress: Leaf Print A Line Ruffle Plus Size Dress ($21.66) c/o Gamiss. Maybe I have misinterpreted your look of disdain as your…
No Link Up On the Edge: Guest Posting at Doused in Pink
It’s Thursday and it is very near the end of the week…which means I would normally be posting my Link Up On the Edge at some point today. However, I am skipping my link up this week because I am guest posting for Jill of Doused in Pink today while she is on her dream vacation! And I am co-co-hosting the Thursday Fashion Files Link Up with Carrie of Curly Crafty Mom. So hop on over to Jill’s page to see my post and add your fabulous links. And be sure to visit Carrie’s page as well! My Link Up On the Edge will return next Thursday, September 21, and…
The Appropriate Trap & Link Up On the Edge #60
There’s a lot of talk in the blogging community as well as in the fashion world about where women of a certain age fit into the whole spectrum. And by a certain age, I mean my age, or midlife, or any age over 30 really. We are told by society what’s appropriate at our age as far as our style goes which includes everything from our clothes, our shoes, our hair and makeup. In fact, it is being dictated exactly how we should act, feel, and present ourselves once we cross that threshold (30 years) into official “mature adulthood”. Whatever the hell that means. I figured it was high time…
Styling a Kimono Into the Fall & Link Up On the Edge #59
Are any of you as obsessed with kimonos as I am? I seriously have a problem. At last count, there were 30 kimonos in various prints, solids, and lengths hanging in my closet. And I still cannot resist browsing through the kimonos any time I see them in a store. Oh, and when Charlotte Russe has a $15 kimono sale, forget it, I am in trouble! That’s where I scored this pretty floral one. For a mere $15. *This is not a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Fall is upon us and the temperatures are cooling quickly and drastically. Don’t misunderstand me, I am not complaining.…