Inspired by Elegance and Mommyhood: Writing Poetry & Link Up On the Edge #163
I used to write poetry all the time when I was younger. I felt it was easier to express myself in the shorter bursts of emotions that lend themselves better to poems than prose. In fact, in one of my elementary school yearbooks, I am quoted as saying that I wanted to be a poet when I grow up. That quickly morphed into the broader classification of writer once I realized how very little contemporary poets are appreciated in this world. Once upon a time, I had dozens of journals filled with my poetry. But that was all lost in a fire. Not the kind of fire you would suspect…
Move Me Brightly with Rosegal & Link Up On the Edge #162
I guess I am on a bit of a tie dye kick and channeling my inner hippie vibes lately. Although it doesn’t take much work to channel those vibes as I am becoming more and more in tune with the Universe and the energy that connects us all. My husband calls me Dharma as I start spewing off how the Universe responds to me and sends me what I need when I don’t even realize I need it. Recently, the Universe has called upon me to help a beloved old friend in need. And I am willing to accept the task as it is my turn to give something back.…
The Benefits and Detriments of Contributed Content & Link Up On the Edge #161
I have been struggling recently with the whole idea of accepting contributed content on my blog. When I first began this journey four years ago, blogging was merely a hobby and a creative outlet for me to share my personal stories and my personal style. But it has evolved into something that I am so passionate about that I recently quit my actual paying job in order to focus more time and attention on writing and developing this space into one that could actually sustain me financially as well. This word count tool is helpful in tracking how much I am actually writing to determine how much I can be…
Embracing the Tights Trend for Fall & Link Up On the Edge #160
After four years of blogging in the style niche, you would think that I would pay more attention to fashion trends as they come and go. But honestly, I have always just worn what I like regardless of trends. Granted, when a certain style is on trend, it is much easier to find in stores. But I hold onto most things in my closet even when they drift out of fashion because they will always cycle back around. Fashion is fickle that way. Certain styles go through mild metamorphoses over the course of a few years before they fade into the What Not To Wear abyss. They rest out of…
Here We Go Again & Link Up On the Edge #159
Good ole writer’s block has set in. The same thing happened for yesterday’s post and I spent most the day on Wednesday sitting and staring blankly at the computer screen, finding silly distractions to avoid putting words on the page. Finally, my muse decided to show up at the last minute and I was pretty pleased with the post. Yesterday was the same story but with a different ending. I spent most of the day staring blankly at the computer screen, doing all sorts of mundane tasks to avoid writing because once again my muse decided to take the day off. Without my permission, I must add. When I realized…
The Wicked “S” Word & Link Up On the Edge #158
Shame: a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior. As I have been opening up more recently about myself, my lifestyle, my beliefs, and my truths, I have been thinking a lot about the notion of shame. Is it as subjective as the definition leads us to believe? Or are feelings of shame also objective, imposed upon us by society and the people who pass judgments on us? By definition, shame is caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior. But who determines if our behaviors are wrong or foolish? This is an age old question that ancient philosophers pondered about…
Use Your Power to Empower & Link Up On the Edge #157
I have said this 100 times, maybe 1,000 times, maybe more. Experience is knowledge. Knowledge is power. And when we have those things, we have an obligation to share what we know in a helpful way. What good is having experience and knowledge and power and hoarding it away in secrecy? What good is hiding our talents and our expertise from the world and from those who could benefit from it? What good is living on this earth if we are not going help each other through the whole messy ride? What good is being a human if we aren’t being, well, human? Humankind. That is an interesting term, isn’t…
The Lowdown Hustle & Link Up On the Edge #156
Last week, I let you all in on a little secret…I have no idea what I’m doing. But I made my public declaration/affirmation/whatever kind of “ation” you want to call it that I am a writer through and through. But my interests are varied and diverse and I am a firm believer that you have to take some big chances and make some big waves in order to make some big impact. So now I want to share with you some of the projects that I have in the working stages right now. If you follow me on Facebook, you will have seen some teasers by now, but if you…
I Have No Idea What I’m Doing & Link Up On the Edge #155
I have no idea what I’m doing. For real. This has become the natural state of things for me lately. But on the flip side, I do know exactly what I should be doing. And so, with the loving support of my husband, I have made a decision that is scary and intimidating but I think (fingers crossed) it will be much to my benefit in the long term. Let me give you some background…when I was in Asheville a few weeks ago, I felt more creatively inspired than I have in a really, really long time. When I came home, I cycled into a pretty severe depression for that…
Swim Suit Remix Take 2 & Link Up On the Edge #154
This is the final remix of my two new swim suits from Rosegal. You are probably thinking, “Thank goodness. Enough of her pasty white skin blinding me through my computer screen.” I promise, this will be the end of it seeing as I don’t really going swimming much anyway. I could have combined all four sets of swim suit stylings into one post except I have been working on some other projects and needed the easy extra content to get me through until I really start sharing the good stuff. More on that later. Later meaning next week…maybe. In case you missed the other three swim suit stylings (or maybe…