Weekend in the Finger Lakes & Link Up On the Edge #207
This past weekend, we packed up the kids and my in-laws and headed to spend two nights in a cabin on an Amish farm in the Finger Lakes region of northern New York State. It was a peaceful, quiet getaway with much relaxation and down time to enjoy the late summer sunshine, unplug from the internet, catch up on some reading, and push all the cares of life away for just a few days. We stayed at Hoover Farm in Penn Yan, New York, which is an Amish farm that offers three different cabin rentals of various sizes. All three cabins are lined in a row on separate lots of…
Restyling My Blossom-Inspired Outfit & Link Up On the Edge #206
“Real style is never right or wrong, it’s a matter of being yourself on purpose.” G. Bruce Boyer In my post on Tuesday, I shared an outfit that nostalgically reminded me of a favorite childhood sitcom character, Blossom Russo. Today I am sharing an easy restyle of that same outfit which is perfect for transitioning into back to school and fall styles. I know it is still super hot and humid in most places in the United States, but it is that time of year when we can at least begin to think about what kind of autumn fashions we might be wanting to try. And y’all know how much…
A Kimono Story & Link Up On the Edge #205
If you visit here frequently, you may have noticed that I am a bit obsessed with kimonos. You also probably noticed that I often wear chopsticks in my hair. I have long been fascinated by Eastern cultures and their traditional styles as well as their cuisine. Yum. You don’t become a plus size fashion blogger by being bashful about food. I love food. And I really love to eat food not just look at pretty pictures of it. However, this post isn’t at all about food and I have no food pictures to share. Unless I go steal some from the internet. But I don’t have the time, patience, or…
The Best Tie Dye Dress & Link Up On the Edge #204
You know those Facebook ads that seem to read your mind when they pop up in your feed showcasing the prettiest dresses you have ever seen for affordable prices? Well those ads are usually easy enough to ignore, but then I saw one from Protky featuring the cutest maxi dress with giant retro inspired flowers in super bold colors all cascading down the front and back of it, and I couldn’t ignore it. So I clicked. Suddenly I found myself in shopping heaven. I loved every single piece offered by this website, but it had terrible reviews and so many scam alerts and I really should not have started adding…
Friday Favorites #6 & Link Up On the Edge #203
I have not posted a Friday Favorites since April when we were just a little over a month into quarantine mode. I had such high hopes back then of accomplishing grand things while I was relieved of basically all duties outside of my home. And now here I am, four months into quarantine, and I really have not accomplished much at all. Shame on me. Or whatever. Who really cares? I kind of needed a rest. While I know things are slowly opening up and people are venturing out with ease and excitement, I plan to continue staying at home by choice for now. There is just too much crazy…
Love in the Land of the Free & Link Up On the Edge #202
While the United States recently celebrated its 244th birthday as a sovereign and free nation on July 4, we also had a recent anniversary worth celebration on June 26 that many of us probably missed…unless, of course, this anniversary has impacted you directly. Five years ago, on June 26, 2015, the United States Supreme Court ruled in favor of recognizing and granting all the same constitutional rights for same sex marriages that opposite sex marriages enjoy. (See Obergefell v. Hodges). Five years after that 5-4 Supreme Court decision, on June 29, 2020, the town of Somerville, Massachusetts, passed a city ordinance which effectively redefined the definition of marriage and family…
Red, White & Blue Outfit Inspiration & Link Up On the Edge #201
Tomorrow is Independence Day in the United States. Tradition includes cook outs in the back yard and wearing patriotic outfits in the colors of our national flag. Did you know that red, white, and blue are the most common colors appearing on national flags all around the world? To kick off the holiday weekend, I am sharing some of my favorite red, white, and/or blue outfits that would be perfectly festive to celebrate the anniversary of our nation’s independence. What are your plans for the 4th of July weekend? And now your featured favorites from two weeks ago. Reader Favorite (Most Clicked) Jaymie of Everyday Style by Jaymie Ashcraft shared…
Agoraphobia: An Old Familiar Fear & Link Up On the Edge #200
Three months spent in lockdown has triggered an old familiar fear. If you have never experienced agoraphobia, I am going to try my best to explain it from my own personal experience. But first, I want to share a bit of background. I speak often about my life with Bipolar Disorder. I sometimes hint at incidents of anxiety and have even briefly mentioned some obsessive-compulsive behaviors that once tormented me. But I have never talked about agoraphobia because I really had forgotten about it. And now those old uncomfortable fears are sneaking back into my life. “Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by symptoms of anxiety in situations where the person perceives their environment to…
A Good Ole Fashioned Ass-Kicking & Link Up On the Edge #199
This week has really kind of kicked my ass in the grandest fashion. It began with PMS sending an earth shattering surge of hormones through my body which left me feeling tired, irritable, and frustrated. I also tend to feel anger that verges on rage during these hormonal episodes. And that is a very unpleasant feeling for me. Then Jeff left for a three day trip to West Point (he is home now). About an hour after he left, I heard some awful news about the unexpected death of a friend. All of these things on top of a world that has been breaking my heart daily and I have…
Birthday Recap & Link Up On the Edge #198
My birthday was on Saturday and I wanted to share a recap of my special day. Actually I am going to start with a brief recap of the week leading up to my birthday. On the Saturday during Memorial Day weekend, we celebrated a triple birthday (Jeff’s, my neighbor Anna’s, and mine) with a few friends and neighbors, lots of great food, and a fabulous birthday cake. Two days later, on Tuesday, I forgot Jeff’s birthday, and spent the day cooking way more food than necessary to make up for my blunder. Since we could not possibly eat everything that I prepared, we invited the neighbors over for dinner to…