Easing the Overwhelm with Smaller Lists & Link Up On the Edge #217
Recently, I have been feeling so stressed and anxious over the silliest things. Like leaving my house, going to the doctor, going to the store, making sure the kids are getting all of their virtual work done on time, and staying on top of my endless list of things to do. I have always been a list maker. I love lists. I live by lists. Lists keep me organized. I write down all the things that need to be done and slowly cross them off the list. If I don’t put something on the list, it likely won’t get done because my memory is shit lately, too. The problem with…
Adventures in Thrifting Part 2: Teal Tie Dye Top & Link Up on the Edge #216
It has been a month since I shared my Adventures in Thrifting Part 1 where I featured a sky blue denim jumper. Although I am almost always wearing something preloved, I wanted to start putting more focus on the importance and the fun of shopping for preloved items. With the fashion industry being the third largest contributor to landfill and other environmental pollution, there is no better time than the present to start making changes in our consumption habits to minimize the damage and make this planet a healthier place for our descendants. I have to admit that I still have lots of improvements to make in my own shopping…
The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book: Camouflage & Link Up On the Edge #215
Welcome to The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book! This is The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book. A series that I co-host with Nancy where you can choose whether you want to share a Good Buy (which is an item you are really exited about) or a Good-Bye (which is an item you are going to say good-bye to, previously known as a Bad Buy). Every month you can choose which item you want to submit. A Good Buy or a Good-Bye. We will provide the theme for each month. Photos should be submitted to us by the 10th of the month with a few sentences explaining why it is a Good Buy or Good-Bye. This month’s theme is Camouflage. So let’s get right…
A Fashion History of Camouflage, 7 Ways to Wear It & Link Up On the Edge #214
Camouflage is one of those prints that people either seem to love or hate. I have always been a huge fan of this print in any style or color although I really do favor traditional military camouflage prints in the expected color palettes. Camouflage prints are fairly new in the textile world. The print itself was designed in the 20th century to help military personnel be less visible when fighting enemy forces. *Fun Fact #1: The word “camouflage” is derived from a French expression meaning “puffing smoke”. It “refers to a process of evading visual detection through some combination of blend-in coloration, cryptic patterning, and blurring of the silhouette.” (Source)…
Reminder: The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book-Camouflage & Link Up On the Edge #213
It is almost time for the next edition of The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book and we would love for you all to join us! Nancy and I have chosen Camouflage as the theme for October because it is a print that we both love. In fact, I am surprised we haven’t featured camo in this series until now. Won’t you join us this month with some of your favorite (or least favorite) items in Camouflage. Any camo will do…green, blue, purple, or pink. And any items work, too. Pants, hoodies, coats, and boots. Ponchos, backpacks, skirts, and leggings. If it’s camouflage, it suits this theme. Whether you love it or hate it, we want to see it!…
Adventures in Thrifting Part 1: Denim Jumper & Link Up On the Edge #212
Kicking off my new series with an amazing group of international fashion influencers, The Thrifty Six, made me realize just how many preloved wardrobe pieces I own. I am guessing about 30% of my closet was purchased at thrift stores, consignment shops, yard sales, or second hand resale websites. While that may not sound like a huge number, if you consider the immense amount of clothing, shoes, and accessories in my wardrobe, there actually are quite a lot of preloved pieces. So that got me thinking…I have been preaching for years about the environmental benefits of reselling and purchasing preloved items as a fun and stylish way to help our…
Faith Over Fear with Bellelily & Link Up On the Edge #211
In our current environment, I have definitely been feeling emotions that lean way more toward the side of fear than they do toward faith. Fear of the world. Fear of people. Fear of judgment. Fear of failure. Fear of negativity. So much fear. And while it is so easy to get caught in the fear trap, we cannot stay in that place for too long. Fear leads to anxiety and stress which lead to all sorts of other issues in one’s life. I can literally feel the fear-induced anxiety wreaking havoc on my body from daily nausea and queasiness to frequent headaches and sleep issues. And it has all been…
How To Become a Fashion Stylist & Link Up On the Edge #210
How do I become a fashion stylist? Making beautiful people look more beautiful is not an easy task. It requires someone with a keen eye, someone who can make people look just the way they are, and someone who loves fashion. Fashion is frequently changing and a fashion stylist needs to always be ahead of everyone when it comes to trending styles. As an industry that is in a constant state of change, this makes being a fashion stylist the hardest career ever as one has to keep up with the ever-changing fashion trends. Otherwise, the only person you will ever be able to style would be yourself. Most fashion…
End of Summer Style & Link Up On the Edge #209
It seems as if summer has flown by nearly unwitnessed. I guess that is what happens when I rarely leave my house. But for some strange reason, even in the midst of summer flying by, this past week felt like an eternity. To be honest, I am beat. So I am going to keep today’s post short and hopefully sweet enough for y’all. Jeff and the boys are headed to Pennsylvania for the Labor Day weekend and I am taking full advantage of 3 days alone in my house. No kids, no other adults, just me and my solitude. Peace and quiet and lots of weed. You know I am…
Friday Favorites #7 & Link Up On the Edge #208
I am not certain why I started calling these random Friday posts Friday Favorites when I rarely share actual favorite things. I usually focus these posts on things I have watched or read. Sometimes I include things that we have eaten or recent purchases as well. But since I haven’t eaten much that is out of the ordinary and I haven’t purchased very many things either, I guess I will stick with the Friday Favorites theme and share whatever the heck I feel like sharing. So let’s get to it. Reading I finally finished A Brief History of Everything by Ken Wilber that I mentioned in my last Friday Favorites post.…