Adventures in Thrifting Part 8: Seersucker, Gingham, and Argyle for Easter & Link Up On the Edge #238
I haven’t written an Adventures in Thrifting post in over a month so I guess this is the perfect time to share how I created a fun Easter outfit from some thrifted pieces that were hanging around my closet. Do you remember the purple argyle and green argyle sweaters I found in a donation bag in the basement? This pastel pink one was in the same bag along with this seersucker blazer. There is something very nostalgic about seersucker for me. I remember my very first seersucker suit. It was a blazer very similar to this one with matching trousers. I purchased it in the late 1990’s when I was…
Holy Hormones from Hell & Link Up On the Edge #237
*Before proceeding to the text of this post, be forewarned that I am discussing a topic that may make some people uncomfortable. If you wish to skip it and join the link party, just scroll straight to the bottom to join us. I am not certain why topics that have to do with natural body functions and hormonal fluctuations make some people uncomfortable, but I know from experience that they do. Just mention anything to do with human reproduction in a crowded room and see how quickly discomfort permeates the entire atmosphere. Sexual intercourse, menstruation, compromised bladder control, and cramping seem to be some of the most inappropriate topics one…
The Best Leopard Cardigan & Link Up on the Edge #236
Here is yet another new acquisition from my recent Torrid shopping spree with my sister a few weeks ago. This long leopard sweater coat is the best thing ever! And I nearly left it behind because I thought the camel color was wholly unflattering on me. The store manager urged me to try it on anyway. During this little shopping extravaganza, I was wearing these same pinstripe paperbag waist pants (also from Torrid) and black tee with a lavender cardigan on top. The lavender cardigan looked really cute over the column of black, adding a splash of spring with the pastel hue. I swapped out my pastel cardigan for the…
Making My Way Back in Leather, Leopard, and Snakeskin & Link Up On the Edge #235
This week has been a rough one for me due to some circumstances that sort of sent me into a weird emotional spiral which resulted in some very eye opening revelations about myself and about people in general. I can’t really share the details for a bunch of reasons, mostly to maintain some privacy as well as to keep this post from getting overwhelmingly long and probably rather boring. But I learned some important things through the experience this week and I want to share them with you. I have learned that for a person who preaches a lot about not being judgmental, I have a difficult time accepting the…
Everyday is Casual Friday & Link Up On the Edge #234
I have been riding the sartorial struggle bus for a few weeks now. I cannot seem to find the motivation to get dressed or to take photos on the rare occasions when I do put on something other than leggings and an oversized sweater or fleece. After my morning shower, I generally reach straight for my workout gear with some extra layers for warmth and comfort. This way whenever the mood strikes me to do some yoga, I just need to strip off the top layers and get straight to some downward dog. I suppose I could start photographing my workout wear. At least it’s something! I did just score…
Perseverance Has Landed & Link Up On the Edge #233
Yesterday the Perseverance successfully landed on Mars! And I might just be the most ridiculous person in the eyes of my children. I made the kids sit in the living room with me as I watched the live commentary from NASA and I was getting so mad at them for their lack of appreciation of this monumental event. You might already know that I am a complete space geek. I love this stuff! It is so mind boggling to me how humans have learned to navigate outer space with such precision that we can launch a Rover into the atmosphere seven months ago, follow its 293 million mile journey, and…
Nordgreen: A Timeless Gift with a Story & Link Up On the Edge #232
In 2017, Danish partners Pascar Sivam and Vasilij Brandt launched Nordgreen with the mission of building a brand that is committed to sustainable practices while also creating a beautiful and functional line of designer timepieces. The name itself represents their dedication to designing classic and minimalist watches that stay true to a Nordic aesthetic while utilizing green methods in support of the environment. Peoples from the Nordic region feel a very strong connection to nature and an appreciation for its ability to thrive through the challenges of time and humanity’s systematic destruction of our natural world. Based on this idea, Nordgreen’s partners feel an inherent responsibility to social and environmental…
Adventures in Thrifting Part 6: Purple Argyle Sweater & Link Up On the Edge #231
I am going to try to keep this short and sweet today since I am scrambling at the last minute to get a post written for my Friday Link Up On the Edge Party. I decided to take Tuesday off from doing any blogging stuff after my early morning rounds. It was snowing like crazy out, all gray and gloomy, and so I cozied up and enjoyed a relaxing day in front of the television. Speaking of that, I do need to share the things I have been watching with you all soon. Anyway, I took Tuesday off with every intention of getting tons of things done on Wednesday. And…
Jumping on the Shacket Wagon & Link Up On the Edge #230
As much as I love all things style related because it is my primary outlet for creative expression, I am rather slow to jump on the new trend wagon. I have a tendency to admire something from afar, styled to perfection on others, for quite a long while before I will attempt the newest fad in fashion for myself. While I am absolutely a compulsive shopper and always have been, there are just certain things that I need to contemplate and consider before adding to my closet. I never like to spend a lot of money on clothing because I enjoy having limitless options to play dress up. I am…
Adventures in Thrifting Part 5: Oversized Pink Striped Dress & Link Up On the Edge #229
I just realized that I have not shared an Adventures in Thrifting post since early December although most of my outfit posts tend to include thrifted items. The majority of shopping that I have done this past year has been in thrift and second hand shops and I have been an avid thrifter since my teenage years. As my wardrobe continues to grow (because I am a clothing hoarder), the percentage of preloved items becomes larger and larger. While I have proven unable to curb my shopping habits (and it’s okay really, I have accepted this weakness of mine and am willing to live with it), shifting the majority of…