Things That Happen When You Feel Confident in Your Clothes

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What you wear can affect the way you feel and it is great when you look in the mirror and realize you look good. Often, seeing our reflection makes us very critical of ourselves and most people are never happy with themselves just the way they are. This type of self criticism not only destroys your confidence but it can do major damage to your soul. Even when something fits us perfectly, we still remain not quite happy with the color or we start to wish we were two sizes smaller. Many of us have a running list in our heads of the things we wish we could change about our appearance, but wearing the clothes that suit your body the best can do wonders in boosting your self confidence.

We spend too much time shopping for things that turn out to be unsuitable, but there are a few things that will look and feel good whenever you wear them. The latest fashions are not always the best way to go. You should look at timeless pieces that can be worn by anyone at any time to get the best value for your money.

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Boost your Confidence with a Leather Jacket

Add a really nice leather jacket to your little black dress and you will feel like a million dollars. These two pieces are edgy, modern, and classy together and can be worn no matter how formal or casual the occasion. A leather jacket can be paired with almost any style of clothing. You can don that leather topper with jeans, shorts, skirts, or dresses and you will always feel stylish and powerful boosting those good feelings about yourself. A quality leather jacket may not be a cheap investment, but they are timeless and classic and totally worth the money spent. It is as though a leather jacket harnesses a special power that will grant you the courage to be yourself. So find that perfect leather jacket for you and wear it with confidence.

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Great Footwear For That Extra Oomph

A great pair of shoes can give your outfit that extra oomph and boost your confidence endlessly. To lift you up mentally, your shoes do not have to be high heeled stilettos that you can barely walk in. That would defeat the purpose of confidence building footwear. Your best confidence enhancing shoes can be flat, have a small heel, or even be slippers with heel. If they are comfortable, elevate your outfit, and suit your personal style, you will easily strut your self confidence while wearing them. You may be surprised by what a huge difference fabulous footwear can make in your levels of self confidence. There are even times when a boring or bland outfit is transformed to amplified levels of wow when teamed with a very special pair of shoes. 

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Becoming More Optimistic

Wearing clothes that make you feel great will also make you more optimistic. If you are confident in your outfit choices, you will likely be less concerned about what other people are thinking of the way you look giving you more freedom to  focus on the work at hand or the event you may be attending. That optimism will shine through and your confidence will draw positive attention your way. When you are dressed in an outfit that makes you feel beautiful, your mood and energy will brighten the room as it illuminates the air around you. 

Empowerment Leads To Adventure

When you are feeling empowered by your clothing, you will be more willing to go places you would not normally venture if you are unsure of yourself. It could be a local bar or an unexpected trip somewhere, but empowerment can open up avenues to a whole new world of places and new friends.

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Treat Yourself To A Great Set Of Clothes

Everyone deserves to have something special to wear. We should all have at least one outfit that makes us feel really fantastic about ourselves. The type of empowerment that comes from a killer outfit is unbeatable, but all too often we tend to put everyone else’s needs ahead of our own while these simple self-confidence building things fall to the bottom our priority list. Self-care should always have a prominent place at the top of your priority list because you cannot properly care for everyone else in your life if you are not taking proper care of yourself. Remember self-care is not selfish and the way you look and feel in your clothing falls into the self-care category.

Let your clothes remind you that you are special and that you deserve to feel beautiful every day. It does not matter if you are short, tall, thin, or curvy, there are clothes out there suited perfectly for every body type and every style genre that can help you feel great about yourself. Also keep in mind that there are no style rules when it comes to age either. Whether you are 20 or 80, you should dress in the clothing that makes you feel confident, energetic, and beautiful. Keep in mind that confidence and a self-assured smile are the best accessories you can add to any outfit. 

An outfit that makes you feel great will also give you the confidence to believe anything is possible. More opportunities for self growth will come your way, you will become more social and more likely to try new things. When you look great, you feel great. When you feel great, you become great. And this is the power of great clothes.

So now is as good a time as any to get up, dress up, and show up in style and confidence and take on the world as your own beautiful, empowered self.

Keeping it on the edge,


Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


  • susan

    As if I need justification!
    Actually, Shelbee, you have just perfectly articulated my feelings about shopping for oneself. I realize I spend a great deal on purchases for myself, but I am worth it. Anything that enhances me, my optimism, my energy and confidence is worthwhile and absolutely necessary. That is how I can smile at other’s who exclaim at my buying habits, and remain my naturally insouciant self. In killer boots. And leather jacket. 🙂
    Good post, and very nicely done.


      Susan, thank you once again for the validation of my work! Although this post was contributed to me, I only reworded a few things, it is still right in line with how I feel about fashion. I am not operating at full capacity unless I have made myself look and feel beautiful before stepping outside of my house! In fact, my routine remains the same even on days (like today) when I don’t leave the house. I am still wearing clothing that makes me feel good and comfortable, I am still wearing make up and my hair is styled as if today were a special occasion as every other day! This is how it should be. This is where I am comfortable and the best version of myself. There is much to be said for that, indeed!


  • Amy Christensen

    Great post, Shelbee. I always feel more confident when I am wearing the clothes I love best. Things like moto jackets, combat boots and jeans always make me feel powerful and in control. Of course it doesn’t hurt to experiment with other things too, as it might make us realize we can be confident no matter what we are wearing. A good attitude is always a plus, so thanks for the reminder. Hope you had a great weekend! – Amy


      Amy, thanks so much for sharing what builds your confidence. Every day when I get dressed, I ask myself what will make me feel amazing today? And when I create the perfect outfit, I generally have a fabulous day simply because I feel great. I agree, a good attitude and a sincere smile make all the difference as well! Have a fantastic week, my friend.


  • Suzanne Smith

    I love this Shelbee! We are our own worst enemies when it comes to looking in the mirror. We see things that no one else would even notice. There is definitely something to be said for those tried and true classic pieces that always look good and we always feel better when we look our best. Have a great week!


      Thanks so much, Suzanne! I agree completely that we are definitely our own worst critics. I was just having a conversation with a customer the other day in the consignment shop about just this…that all those little things we notice and pick apart about ourselves, no one else sees them because we are all too wrapped up in our own self criticism to worry about others! It is such a strange phenomenon of being human. I hope you have the most fabulous week as well!


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Shelbee on the Edge