thrifted winter boho style, bright pink kimono ruana robe, furry boots, preloved outfit, knit hat, Shelbee on the Edge

The Thrifty Six are Wearing Hats

thrifted fashion, preloved style, hats

Hats are where it’s at for the thrifty year ahead of us as my budget friendly friends and I are sharing all sorts of preloved winter caps…because it is cold in the northern hemisphere right now, y’all.

The Thrifty Six is a group of international fashion lovers who meet once a month in our little space on the internet to share our thrifty outfits. On the third Monday of every month, we will all share an outfit based on a specific theme that features preloved wardrobe pieces. Shopping and reselling preloved clothing is so much better for the environment and you can find some of the best fashions in thrift or charity shops. The Thrifty Six are here not only to inspire you to shop second hand but to also get creative in your closets.

It was Jodie’s turn to choose our January prompt and she went with hats because why not? If you haven’t noticed by now, I do love hats. I have been obsessed with them since childhood and I wear a hat nearly every time I step out of my house. So a style prompt that includes hats isn’t really much of a challenge for a hat-obsessed person like myself. Except this is a thrifty style challenge so the hat must be preloved. And that kind of grosses me out. But I will occasionally purchase a secondhand hat as long as I can effectively launder it before putting it on my head.

Fortunately, I had this preloved hat and fingerless mitt set that I picked up many years ago to feature for this month’s thrifty outfit.

Starting with the hat and mitts, I began building a cozy casual outfit with black leggings and a deep burgundy tee shirt layered beneath a newly purchased preloved ruana in a bright pink geometric print. Clearly it is cold and snowy where I live, so I needed to keep my feet warm which is where my wine Furries came in handy. If you missed my post about these cute fuzzy boots, check out my article Budget Friendly Boots for Finicky Frozen Feet.

I accessorized with an oversized heart necklace, long feather earrings, and a thrifted floral embroidered scarf, topping it all off with a preloved woolen coat for a comfortable yet stylish snowy day outfit that suits my aesthetic and is very practical.

Rising to the thrifty challenge, I created my whole outfit using all secondhand pieces except for my leggings, tee shirt, boots, and necklace.

Now let’s check out how my thrifty friends have styled their preloved hats.

Emma of Style Splash
Style Splash
“I bought this vintage green hat on eBay years ago. Often, vintage hats are too small for me, but this one fits perfectly. I’ve matched it to my Fenella Smith vegan leather bag to contrast against the cosy yellow faux fur coat by Jayley that was a more recent eBay purchase.”
Jane of Preloved-Vintage-Handmade
“Yippee! – the T6 theme for January is hats…
A perfect opportunity to rock this authentic cowboy hat which I added to my already extensive hat collection last summer.
I’m often seen in a cap or a beret or a beanie but a cowboy hat is a huge statement even for me – I look like the baddie in a spaghetti western!
In this slightly sinister full length coat, all I need is a cheroot dangling from my lips and I’m Clint Eastwood!”
Jodie of Jodie’s Touch of Style
Jodie's Touch of Style
“I have become a huge lover of hats, and the thrift store enables me to get the trendy ones for a fraction of the cost as well as they are the perfect hack for a bad hair day (and when you have curly hair there are tons of bad hair days). This entire look is thrifted!!”
Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style
Nancy's Fashion Style
“There are a few things I will definitely not wear pre loved, like 
underwear and shoes. And hats are one of those too, because I never wear 
hats, at all! Not even when it is freezing. I have thick hair, lol.
But Gerben always wears hats, and caps! So I had a choice of many 
actually. And he didn’t buy them pre loved, but I nicked it from him so 
for me it is pre loved! Yeah, a girl has to be creative sometimes. 
Perfect with a feminine look for some cool contrast! I do wear his caps 
in summer when I am reading a book in the garden though.”
Sally of Within a World of My Own
Within a World of My Own

When I was young, I had a small vintage hat collection, but these days my only second-hand hat is a dark stocking cap that my husband and I picked up along the way.  (Can you ever have too many stocking caps?  Maybe, but not in my personal experience.)  I have transformed my work-from-home outfit into a “heading outside onto the balcony in Minnesota winter” look by adding the hat and a wool Wolfstaedter loden cape that I purchased at Goodwill for next to nothing in the early 90s (and it was already decades old by the time I got it).  The quality of this coat is almost unfathomable by 2025 standards.”
And Me!
“My love for hats runs deep. It all began when I discovered my grandmother’s collection of 1950s/1960s hats in her attic when I was a teenager. I have been obsessed ever since and have curated my own very extensive hat collection over the years. However, hats are not a thing that I generally look for in secondhand shops because it kind of grosses me out. I will consider a preloved hat as long as I can properly and easily clean it before placing it on my own head. Like this cute knit hat that I found in my local consignment shop about 6 or 7 years ago. It came with the matching arm warmers as well. Everything in my outfit is preloved except for my leggings, tee shirt, boots, and necklace.”

I hope you enjoyed our variety of hat styles. Do you wear hats? Would you were a preloved hat? Be sure to check back with us on February 17, 2025, for our next challenge. Emma will be choosing our thrifty prompt.

Keeping it on the edge,


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I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


  • Nancy

    I said in my post that I never wear hats, and yesterday I wore one. Not a pre loved one though. It is just to cold. Such a variety of styles here! Love that we are all so different.


      Oh my gosh, hats are so good when it’s cold! The first thing I do when I get a chill is cover my head with a hat or a hood or a scarf or something to keep the heat in! I think you might start liking hats one day! Haha.


  • jodie filogomo

    Boy, those boots are perfect for your weather, and I love how they break up the black on the bottom.
    It’s funny you and Nancy said that preloved hats are kinda gross….I never even considered that. But then again, I thrift shoes and boots too. With my biology background, I believe that germs are good for us…it keeps our immunity strong. LOL


      Thanks so much, Jodie! These boots really are quite remarkable! It’s funny that preloved shoes do not gross me out at all but the hats do! But I have no problems trying on a new hat in a store even though I know that buggy heads could have just tried that hat on before me. It’s not the germs that bother me. Actually, I am okay with germs because they do keep our immune systems strong. However, I am not okay with bugs especially those of a parasitic type that choose to live on human heads. That is one of my worst phobias in life!


  • Marsha Banks

    Shelbee, this may be one of my favorite outfits ever! I love the neutrality of it (which is really weird for me) which sets up the burgundy so well! Then, you throw in the floral scarf and geometric ruana capped off by that cute hat and mitts! Love, love, love this look! The boots look warm and stylish, too! Just a fabulous look, my friend!


      Marsha, thank you so very much, my friend! I do sometimes like an all neutral outfit, but I always end up throwing in some color and other details to keep it interesting. These boots really are so good for my tired old sore finicky feet! But now we have snow forecasted for the next 10 days straight so I will be wearing my handy dandy snow boots everyday.


  • Leslie Susan Clingan

    I mentioned on Sally’s post that you gals have inspired me to wear a hat this week in honor of Thrifty Six. I just have ZERO confidence – especially with fashion and HATS!! But in lots of other areas, too!! I have hats and always think when I find one I like at the store that it will be the hat that gives me that boost to start wearing them. And then I put the new hat on top of all the others in my closet where they gather dust and beg for attention.

    I like the feminine detailing of your beanie. It’s not just any beanie!! But really love the feminine softness of your ruana in contrast to the white winter background. Beautiful, beautiful.


      Awww, Leslie, thank you so much, my friend! Hats can definitely be intimidating to wear at first, but once you gain more confidence wearing them, then you’ll always want a hat on your head! I am so glad that we could inspire you to try something new. Or in this case, to try something that has been collecting dust in your closet!


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Shelbee on the Edge