The Thrifty Six Are Not Angry Birds

I think Nancy stumped us all with this month’s thrifty theme of We Are Not Angry Birds. But we rose to the occasion and conjured up a gorgeous array of avian inspired looks that are sure to make you smile.
I generally take style challenges fairly literally which would have led me to wearing a bird print or maybe feathers. But this outfit came together long before I had the chance to do some research for my literalist approach. I mean, what is an angry bird anyway? And how do I ensure that I am not one?
I am familiar with the Angry Birds media franchise with those furious feathered fowl locked in battle with those weird green thieving pigs over possession of their eggs. My children were into the Angry Birds movies for a short period of time. Thankfully their interest died quickly because I hated those films. I found everything about them super annoying which was turning me into an angry bird! And I don’t want to be an angry bird. Or an angry human either for that matter.
It turns out that anger is a feeling that I am really uncomfortable feeling. So uncomfortable that I generally will deny myself from feeling it. In fact, anger has been one of my main topics of discussion with my counselor lately. I have a pattern of skipping right past anger into forgiveness mode and I recently discovered that all the anger I denied myself has been patiently accumulating deep inside of me and it is now surfacing to give me a great big slap of truth…that truth being anger is healthy. To a certain extent, of course. So I am figuring out how to give myself permission to feel angry about some things from long, long ago, so I can properly heal in the kintsugi way.
So maybe I am a bit of angry bird. But it’s not likely!

Anger is a really peculiar emotion. So I guess it requires a rather peculiar outfit. But peculiar in the sense that it turns anger into joy in a moment’s glance. My interpretation of this unusual theme leaned heavily in the direction of the emotion and not in the way of the birds.
As I mentioned above, I created this outfit without any consideration for this mercurial theme. My only focus was to wear some of my preloved pieces that were still hanging in my closet room unworn by me. I had purchased this striped shirt dress/duster by Zara and this knit maxi skirt on the same thrifting adventure a few months ago and really wanted to style them both. I had never intended to wear them together but when I took them out to trigger my creativity, my muse delivered me the idea to layer the duster over the skirt. I put it on and I freaking loved it! But I still had not connected it to our feathery theme.
I added my preloved velvet duster as a jacket, a thrifted red beaded necklace, my gifted copper washer earrings and necklace set from Michelle of My Bijou Life and Funky Fashion Style, my favorite lug sole boots, and this super fun reversible hat that gives me all the Blossom vibes.
We drove to our nearby park to take some photos and that’s when it suddenly occurred to me that I felt so darn happy in this quirky outfit that I couldn’t possibly be an angry bird while wearing it! How perfect for our thrifty theme!

I didn’t take notice of any bird like qualities of this outfit until I was looking at the photos. Then it all became clear…the print and colors of my skirt remind me of a beautifully plumed exotic bird and the stripes on the shirt dress resemble a bird’s cage while my jewelry looks very much like perches of various sorts and my black velvet duster is much like a cover draped over a bird cage to block out the light.
And that, my friends, is a very appropriate image for an angry birds theme. I have felt like a bird in a cage many times in my life and it made me really angry. This is yet another example of unresolved anger that I tried to bypass with forgiveness! Sheesh. When will this old bird ever learn that there are some steps that you simply cannot skip?
In the meantime, while I’m still learning things about myself, I do find that creative quirky outfits make my soul smile and also help my soul heal. And that is the most beautiful thing about trying out style challenges. They are great for soul healing!

Now let’s see how my fabulous friends have interpreted Nancy’s avian theme!
But before we get to that, we are sad to announce that Lucy has flown away from our group. We wish her all the best and will continue following her blogging journey. She truly is one of the most beautiful exotic birds who continues to inspire everyone around her. However, this change has now made our group five and five doesn’t work for a group called The Thrifty Six. So we are looking for another thrifty friend to complete us once again! If you are interested in filling Lucy’s perch (she’s a hard act to follow), please let any one of us know and then we will make the decision together and announce it by the end of the year.
The Thrifty Six is a group of international fashion influencers who meet once a month in our little space on the internet to share our thrifty outfits. On the third Monday of every month, we will all share an outfit based on a theme that features preloved wardrobe pieces. Shopping and reselling preloved clothing is so much better for the environment and you can find some of the best fashions in thrift or charity shops. The Thrifty Six are here to inspire you to shop second hand!
The Thrifters:
- Emma of Style Splash
- Grace of Graceful Rags
- Jane of Preloved-Vintage-Handmade
- Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style
- Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge
- Who Will the New Thrifter Be?
Emma of Style Splash

Grace of Graceful Rags

Jane of Preloved-Vintage-Handmade

The Thrifty Six theme for November is ‘We’re not angry birds’
Interesting eh – well this is where I’m taking it…
The statement leather collar on this dress reminds me of Raven’s wings.
I love Ravens, I watch them every day from my window.
People often think they’re sinister…
…but they’re actually funny and clever…
…definitely not angry birds!”
Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style

And Me!

Do you believe in the healing power of clothing? Are you an angry bird?
Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Velvet Duster, Striped Duster (Zara), Skirt, and Red Beaded Necklace-Thrifted / Copper Washer Necklace and Earrings-Made by Michelle of My Bijou Life and Funky Fashion Style / Hat-Wona Trading / Boots-Madden Girl / Fingerless Gloves-Amazon

Haha, I love how you all interpretate the theme. All so differently. Love it. I had such a trouble loading up this post. Pff, it took me hours. I’m looking forward to see who wants to join us!
This was fun, Nancy! I love how creative everyone was with this theme, too! I think it’s my turn to pick the next theme so I need to think on that for a bit. I am also excited to see who wants to join us. There are lots of stylish thrifters out there!
Marsha Banks
Whoaaaa!!! Saturday, my youngest and I went to my great-nephew’s wedding. It was a six hour round trip drive. We had several interesting conversations. At one point, he said something along the lines of when we deny our true selves by always putting someone else’s needs or even just their daily stuff first, we become angry and resentful. That really struck a chord with me because I am such a nurturer. And, I do put others’ stuff before mine, often abnegating my own self. Then, I read this, and I have to think the universe is telling me something!
Your outfit is indeed quirky, but it’s so doggone beautiful. It is sublimely you! I love each and every part of it! And, I love how you made it work for the theme.
Oh wow, Marsha, it sure does seem like the Universe is trying to tell you something! I am so incredibly uncomfortable with feeling angry that I simply bypass it altogether. I am finally learning that’s probably not the best way of dealing with such a confusing emotion! And how beautiful that your youngest is willing to have deep and profound conversations with you! Those are my favorite kinds of discussions with my kids and they always shock and impress me with their thoughts and ideas. Thanks so much for sharing such a lovely comment, my friend.
Love all of the looks!
Curated by Jennifer
Thanks, Jennifer! This was a fun prompt!
Life is just too darned short to be angry! I don’t consider it to be taking the easiest way out as most of the time I am able to pass it by or I’m old enough to see both sides of a situation unless it’s something horrific of course or badly affecting those I love.
I am with you on that, Pamela! There is a song lyric in one of my favorite ever songs called Mama by Beth Hart. It says, “Why hold the anger, it won’t let you fly.” And so I have always been ready to release the anger into the wind. But probably have done it too soon on some occasions!
Kellyann Rohr
Reading this post reminded me of a lesson I did with our 5th graders about anger. We made anger masks. I explained to them that anger is a secondary emotion – it’s often the reaction to another feeling – usually one we’re uncomfortable feeling. Like ashamed, hurt, embarrassed, etc. It was very powerful and they really enjoyed it. It helped them to get in touch with what they were really feeling and how to handle the emotion without reacting. I miss doing that work! Anyway…
You are such a gentle, sweet soul Shelbee and this outfit is just as sweet as you are!
Oh wow, Kellyann, thanks so much for this lovely compliment and for sharing this anger exercise with me! My Ralphie has some serious anger issues that send him raging in a way that elevates my blood pressure in a split second. I am going to try an approach like this one with him. We have been trying to find healthy and calm ways for him to express his anger but still the child just flies into a rage over the silliest things. I do believe the underlying emotion that triggers his outbursts is most likely frustration so I guess that’s our target emotion in this case. I really appreciate you sharing your knowledge and expertise on this topic!
Patrick Weseman
So very cute and fun.
Thanks so much, Patrick! I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving, my friend.
First and foremost, I love this outfit! The duster is amazing. The hat picks up the shades in the outfit nicely. And I’m so happy the copper jewelry is working for you.
As for anger, I have the same issue with anger – skipping it and moving straight to understanding and forgiveness. And yet anger can be protective. I look back and see all the times when I should have protected myself, but didn’t. I understand the dynamics of why things happened as they did, and mentally, I’m not fretting about it. That said, women who have endured emotional trauma, whether it be one horrific incident, or long term stress are more likely to develop an autoimmune disorder. And with my recent rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis, well, here we are.
Interestingly enough, while still not quick to anger, I don’t have any issues drawing boundaries now.
Thanks so much, Michelle! This copper jewelry is brilliant and I am so appreciative of it! That is a really fascinating connection between emotional trauma and autoimmune disorders. It makes sense though because our bodies do hold onto all the traumas which eventually manifest as some type of physical illness. I guess when we really start to analyze events in our lives, it becomes fairly easy to identify the source of many of our physical, mental, or emotional issues. And I am betting that most of it points straight to one traumatic event or another. Like you, I am still not quick to anger and probably never will be, but I can draw some of the strictest boundaries there are and enforce them like a pro!
Emma Peach
I absolutely love this outfit Shelbee! The duster is gorgeous. Such cute, happy photos in the leaves!
Emma xxx
Thanks so much, Emma! I was really happy with this photoshoot!