The Magnificent 8 Work Out in Winter

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The Magnificent 8 is a collaboration among 8 stylish women from every decade of life showcasing our style one generation at a time. The mission of this collaboration is to show you just how ageless style is, how we can each dress however we’d like and in ways that make us feel fabulous. There are no age restrictions on style. So wear what you want, when you want, add a smile, and strut your style with confidence. And be sure to check out all 7 of these amazing gals!

Every quarter, we choose a theme and each create an outfit that suits our own personal tastes and fashion choices and we post them on the last Wednesday of every third month. So be sure to go check out everyone’s posts for lots of style inspiration at any age!

Let me introduce the ladies of The Magnificent 8.

We are showing that you can’t put a number on style!

For this month’s theme, we decided to show you our work out wear. It is after all that time of year when we all focus on making healthier lifestyle choices when it comes to diet, exercise, and mental health. For me, I hate exercise so if I can create a fun outfit with work out wear, I will be more inclined to actually get off my butt and get active. Now, in the interest of keeping it real and honest, I don’t actually work out at all. But yet, I have a small collection of active wear buried under my heavy sweaters in my closet room. I may be more inclined to get active when the weather warms up, but for now, I can only share an outfit…without any exercise tips whatsoever.

Coat: Northface (Thrifted)
Shirt and Workout Jacket: Thrifted
Sneakers: Under Armour (Old)

While I have known our theme for months now, I, of course, waited until the last minute to take photographs. And the last minute was almost too late. Because before I knew it, we were sitting right smack in the middle of one of the coldest and snowiest winters we have had yet. And so I waited longer, hoping for the temperatures to warm up enough to get outside and pretend like I am exercising for some fun photos. Granted, I could have ventured into a gym somewhere and taken photos, but that’s just not my style. So I finally had to brave up and head out into the arctic blast and snap some pictures…quickly.

Gloves: Burlington Coat Factory (Old)
Leggings and Scarf: Old Navy (Old)
Hat: Target (No longer available)

The wind chill in these photos was right around -17 degrees Fahrenheit and I was freezing. My poor husband didn’t even have gloves on so he could operate the camera. I need to get him some tech friendly gloves. We snapped about 35 photos in 60 seconds and ran for the warm car! But look at how much you can fake in 60 seconds…

I stretched.
And stretched some more.
And even jogged a little.
Still jogging…mostly in place, trying to keep my blood from freezing right inside my veins.

And while the lesson of this post is to show that you can wear whatever you want, whenever you want, at whatever age, the secondary not so obvious lesson is that not everything you see online is true and accurate. I do not work out. And I especially do not exercise outdoors in the winter. I do, however, put on the gear and pretend. Lots of warm layers are a must where I live just to get from the front door to the car. And then I sat at my computer for the rest of the day wearing my work out wear.

Stay warm. Stay active. Stay real. Stay honest. And wear whatever the hell you’d like, my friends. Then do go check out the other Magnificent ladies in this group! And let me know how you keep active and healthy in the winter.

Keeping it on the edge,


Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


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